Department Department of Mathematics
Designation Associate Professor
Educational Qualification PhD (IIT Madras)
Contact Number 9329691324
Areas of Interest

1. Generalized Inverses of Matrices and Tensors

2. Numerical Radius Inequalities   


Recent Publications:

Tikesh Verma, Debasisha Mishra, Michael Tsatsomeros, Cayley transform for Toeplitz and dual matrices, Linear Algebra and its Applications,703 (2024) 627-644.


Please go through the following links for all of my published papers details:


AMS MATHSCIENT Mathematical reviews:

Other Info.



 Mathematical Reviews


Linear Algebra and its Applications

Linear and Multilinear Algebra

Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra

Operators and Matrices

Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics

Numerical Algorithms

Computers & Mathematics with Applications

Applied Mathematics and Computation


Referee Duty (Scientific Board):

Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), DST, New Delhi



2. My PhD deatils can be found in the following link:

3. PhD Students:

(i).  Dr. Chinmay Kumar Giri   (Status: Completed 2018,    Thesis Title: Matrix Splittings and its Connection With Non-Negative Generalized Inverses,  Currently working as an Assistant Prof. (on contract) at DD University, Keonjhar, Odisha)

(ii).  Dr. Krushna Chandra Panigrahy   (Status: Completed 2021,    Thesis Title: Reverse order laws of Tensors, Post Doctoral fellow at IIT Gandhinagar)

(iii).  Dr. Vaibhav Sekhar, (Status: Completed 2022,    Thesis Title:  On convegence theory of iterative methods based on matrix splittings and generalized inverses, Assistant Professor, SNS College, Motihari, Bihar)

(iv).  Dr. Nirmal Chandra Rout  (Status: Completed 2022,    Thesis Title: Numerical Radius Inequalities of Operators and Tensors, Assistant Professor, Bhadrak Autonomous college, Bhadrak, Odisha)

(v)   Mr. Amit Kumar (Status: Completed 2024,    Topic: Reverse and Forward order laws, Assistant Professor, Galgotias University, Greater Noida)

(vi)  Miss. Aaisha Be (Status: ongoing,    Topic: Numerical Radius Inequalities)

(vii)   Mr. Priyaranjan Mallick (Status: ongoing,    Topic: Number Theory)

(viii) Mr. Tikesh Verma(Status: ongoing,    Topic: Linear Algebra)


4. Int. MSc Project Guidance:   01 (Yasvant Bhim: Lecturer, Bastar, CG)

5.  MSc Project Guidance:   03 (D. Sahoo, T Kandhapani, R. Banerjee)

5. Summer Project Guidance:   03 (First pursuing PhD at IIT Delhi and other two are pursuing MSc at NIT RKL)


6. Total No. of Research Projects: 05 (SERB-03, CSIR-01, CCOST-01)

No. of  completed projects: 05 (CCOST, YSS:SERB, EMR:CSIR,  MATRICS:SERB, CRG:SERB) 


7. Courses Taught:

                          (i) BTech- Mathematics I,II,III, IV,  and Discrete Mathematics at NIT Raipur

                           (ii) BSc-Differential Equations, and Complex analysis at IMA Bhubaneswar

                           (iii) MSc- Linear Algebra and Functional Analysis at NIT Raipur


8. Invited Talks:            

                                  (i) Utkal University

                                 (ii)  Berhampur University

                                 (iii) IIIT Kanchepuram

                                 (iv)  BIT Durg

                                  (v) OUAT Bhubaneswar

                                  (vi) VIT Chennai


9. Reviwer of PhD Thesis:  02


10. Administrative Positions held/holding:

                                                                 (i) PIC-Security

                                                                 (ii)  Head of the Department