Department | Information Technology |
Designation | Assistant Professor |
Educational Qualification | M.Tech., Ph.D. | | |
Contact Number | 9826501139 |
Department | Information Technology |
Designation | Assistant Professor |
Educational Qualification | M.Tech., Ph.D. | | |
Contact Number | 9826501139 |
1. Sahu, M., Nagwani, N. K., Verma, S., & Shirke, S. (2015). Performance Evaluation of Different Classifier for Eye State Prediction Using EEG Signal. International Journal of Knowledge Engineering, 1(2).
2. Sahu, M., Nagwani, N. K., & ShrishVerma. (2016). Finding Non Dominant Electrodes Placed in Electroencephalography (EEG) for Eye State Classification using Rule Mining. International Journal Of Advanced Computer Science And Applications, 7(7), 333-339. Published in ESCI (Web of Science) indexed Journal.
3. Sahu, M., Nagwani, N. K., & Verma, S. (2016). Applying Auto Regression Techniques on Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Patients EEG Dataset with P300 Speller. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 9(48). Published in Scopus, Web of Science Indexed Journal
4. Sahu, M., Nagwani, N. K., Verma, S., & Gupta, K. (2016). Analysis of Electroencephalography (EEG) Signals using Visualization Techniques. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 9(48). Published in Scopus, Web of Science Indexed Journal.
5. Sahu, M., Nagwani, N. K., & Verma, S. (2017). Optimal Channel Selection on Electroencephalography (EEG) Device Data Using Feature Re-ranking and Rough Set Theory on Eye State Classification Problem Accepted in Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics. (SCIE indexed journal)
6. Sahu, M., Nagwani, N. K., & Verma, S. (2017). Applying Auto Regressive Models Yule-Walker Approach on Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) patients Data. Accepted in Current Medical Imaging Reviews Journal (SCIE indexed journal).
7. Sahu, M., Nagwani, N. K., Verma, S., & Shukla, S. (2018). EEG signal analysis and classification on P300 speller-based BCI performance in ALS patients. Accepted and abstract published in International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics Inderscience. (Scopus Indexed)
8. Sahu, M., Vishwal S., Shukla S. & Santiyas S. (2018). Feature Extraction and Analysis of Overt and Covert EEG Signals with Speller Devices. Accepted and abstract published in International Journal of International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigm Inderscience. (Scopus Indexed)
9. Agrawal, A., Bhardwaj, P., Sharma, V. R. D. K., & Sahu, M. Development of Efficient Back off Algorithm for Multi hop AD HOC Network.
10. Nayak, A., Sahu, M., Verma, S., & Raj, V. Dimensionality Reduction for Motor Imagery Signal Classification using Wavelet Analysis.
11. Singh, M., Mahapatra, S. P., Nigam, S., Gupta, K., & Sahu, M. Prediction of Pollutant Oxide of Nitrogen Component in Delhi City using Artificial Neural Network.
1. Sahu, M., Nagwani, N. K., Verma, S., & Shirke, S. (2015). An Incremental Feature Reordering (IFR) algorithm to classify eye state identification using EEG.In Information Systems Design and Intelligent Applications (pp. 803-811),Springer, New Delhi. (Scopus Indexed Book Series).
2. Sahu, M., Shirke, S., Pathak, G., Agarwal, P., Gupta, R., Sodhi, V., ... & Verma, S. (2016). Study and Analysis of Electrocardiography Signals for Computation of R Peak Value for Sleep Apnea Patient. In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Computer and Communication Technologies (pp. 35-44). Springer, New Delhi.
3. Sahu, M., Sharma, S., Raj, V., Nagwani, N. K., & Verma, S. (2016, March). Impact of discretization on classification of data using divide and conquer paradigm. In Electrical, Electronics, and Optimization Techniques (ICEEOT), International Conference on (pp. 1596-1602). (IEEE. Published in Scopus Indexed Conference Series).
4. Sahu, M., Sharma, S., Raj, V., Nagwani, N. K., & Verma, S. (2016, March). Impact of Ranked Ordered Feature List (ROFL) on classification with visual data mining techniques. In Electrical, Electronics, and Optimization Techniques (ICEEOT), International Conference on (pp. 3183-3188). IEEE. (Published in Scopus Indexed).
5. Gupta, K., Shastry, A., Krishnani, D., Sahu, M., & Gupta, G. P. (2017). Implementation of Hashing in Virtual Tour. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Engineering and Communication Technology (pp. 501-510). Springer, Singapore.
6. Sahu, M., Sharma, Y., Sharma, D., & Bajpai, S. (2018). Feature Compression using PCA on Motor Imagery Classifications. (Elsevier SSRN conference )
7. Sahu, M., & Shukla, S. (2019). Impact of Feature Selection on EEG Based Motor Imagery. In ICTCS 2017, Springer Conference, UdaipurInformation and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies (pp. 749-762). Springer, Singapore,. (Scopus Indexed Book Series).
8. Sahu, M., bhuarya R. (2018). Classification of two class motor imagery EEG signals using Empirical Mode Decomposition and Hilbert-Huang Transformation. In (ICT4SD/IRSCNS) Springer conference held during August 30-31,2018 at Hotel Vivanta by Taj, GOA,INDIA. (In Press)
9. Raj, V., Sharma S.,Sahu M., Mohdiwale S (2018). Improved ERP Classification Algorithm for Brain Computer Interface of ALS Patient. In ICBEST International conference, NIT Raipur. (Springer Conference- In Press)
10. Arawal S., Sahu, M., Mohdiwale S. Artifacts removal in EEG Data. In (ICCIIoT, 2018) held at NIT Agartala 14-15 December, 2018. (Elsevier SSRN conference – In Press).
Improved ERP Classification Algorithm for Brain Computer Interface of ALS Patient
1. Session Organizer and Session Chair in International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Internet of Things (ICCIIOT 2018) at National Institute of Technology Agartala, Tripura, India during 14th – 15th December 2018.
2. Conducted and delivered lectures in one week Short Training Program on Programming fundamentals and its Application from 5th September to 09th September 2018 at NIT Raipur.
3. Key Note & Session Chair in AICON 18, CSIT Bhilai, on 20th April, 2018.
4. Expert lecture in Short Term Training Program (STTP) on Machine Learning Tools And Techniques(MLTT) conducted by department of Computer Science and Engineering at NIT Raipur , on 10th to 14th November, 2017.
5. Conducted and delivered lectures in one week Short Training Program on Programming Fundamentals and its Application with C in department of Electrical at NIT Raipur, on 15th to 19th November, 2017.
6. Conducted and delivered lectures in one week Short Training Program on Nature Inspired computing and its applications in Department of Electrical at NIT Raipur, on 23rd Oct to 27th Oct, 2017.