Dr. Govind P. Gupta

Department Information Technology
Designation Assistant Professor
Educational Qualification B.E., M.Tech, Ph.D.(I.I.T., Roorkee)
E-Mail gpgupta.it@nitrr.ac.in , gpgupta.it@gmail.com
Contact Number 9891952480
Areas of Interest
  • Cyber Security, Cyber Threat IntelligenceBlockchain, 
  • Design & Analysis of Algorithms, Computer Network,
  • Internet of Things, WSNs
  •  Big Data Analytics, 
  • Applied Machine and Deep Learning Techniques 

Significant Achievements:

  • Enlisted in Global AD (Alper-Doger) Scientific Index 2024 list.
  • Ranked within the "Top 2% Global Scientists/Researchers in the World" (The list was prepared by Scientists from Stanford University USA & Published by Elsevier, on October 4, 2023.) https://elsevier.digitalcommonsdata.com/datasets/btchxktzyw/6
  • Received “NIT Raipur Best Researcher Award 2022 on Foundation Day Celebration of National Institute of Technology Raipur held on December 1, 2022, in Raipur, C.G., INDIA
  • Ranked within the "Top 2% Scientists/Researchers in the world" (The list was prepared by Scientists from Stanford University USA & Published by Elsevier, on October 11, 2022.)
  • Ranked within the "Top 2% Scientists/researchers in the world" (The list was prepared by Scientists from Stanford University USA & Published by Elsevier, on Oct 19, 2021.)  https://elsevier.digitalcommonsdata.com/datasets/btchxktzyw/3
  • Received “Second Best Paper Award” in International Conference ICDMAI-2019, held at Lincoln University College, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia



Bibliometric Indicators:



Peer-Reviewed Articles Published in Journal:

  1. Dey, Arun Kumar, Govind P. Gupta, and Satya Prakash Sahu, “BRL-ETDM: Bayesian reinforcement learning-based explainable threat detection model for industry 5.0 network”, Springer Cluster Computing (2024): 1-26. ISSN : 1573-7543, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10586-024-04422-6
  2. Smmarwar, Santosh K., Govind P. Gupta, and Sanjay Kumar, “Android Malware Detection and Identification Frameworks by Leveraging the Machine and Deep Learning Techniques: A Comprehensive Review,” Elsevier Telematics and Informatics Reports (2024): 100130. ISSN: 2772-5030
  3. Anil Kumar Mandle, S. P. Sahu, and Govind P. Gupta, “WSSOA: whale social spider optimization algorithm for brain tumor classification using deep learning technique,” Springer International Journal of Information Technology (2024): 1-17. ISSN: 2511-2112
  4. Santosh K. Smmarwar, Govind P. Gupta, Sanjay Kumar,"AI-empowered malware detection system for industrial internet of things",Computers and Electrical Engineering, Volume 108, 2023, 108731, ISSN 0045-7906,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compeleceng.2023.108731.
  5. Nandhini, C., and Govind P. Gupta, “Exploration and Evaluation of Congestion Control Algorithms for Data Center Networks”, SN Computer Science 4, no. 5 (2023): 509.
  6. Arun Kumar Dey, Govind P. Gupta, Satya Prakash Sahu,”A metaheuristic-based ensemble feature selection framework for cyber threat detection in IoT-enabled networks,” Decision Analytics Journal,Volume 7,2023,100206,ISSN 2772-6622, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dajour.2023.100206.
  7. Kumar, Prabhat, Randhir Kumar, Govind P. Gupta, Rakesh Tripathi, Alireza Jolfaei, and AKM Najmul Islam. "A blockchain-orchestrated deep learning approach for secure data transmission in IoT-enabled healthcare system." Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 172 (2023): 69-83.
  8. Smmarwar, Santosh K., Govind P. Gupta, Sanjay Kumar, and Prabhat Kumar. "An optimized and efficient android malware detection framework for future sustainable computing." Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 54 (2022): 102852.
  9. Smmarwar, Santosh K., Govind P. Gupta, and Sanjay Kumar. "Deep malware detection framework for IoT-based smart agriculture." Computers and Electrical Engineering 104 (2022): 108410.
  10. Kumar, Randhir, Prabhat Kumar, Rakesh Tripathi, Govind P. Gupta, AKM Najmul Islam, and Mohammad Shorfuzzaman. "Permissioned Blockchain and Deep Learning for Secure and Efficient Data Sharing in Industrial Healthcare Systems." IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 18, no. 11 (2022): 8065-8073.
  11. Kumar, Randhir, Prabhat Kumar, Rakesh Tripathi, Govind P. Gupta, Sahil Garg, and Mohammad Mehedi Hassan. "A distributed intrusion detection system to detect DDoS attacks in blockchain-enabled IoT network." Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 164 (2022): 55-68.
  12. Kumar, Prabhat, Randhir Kumar, Govind P. Gupta, and Rakesh Tripathi. "BDEdge: blockchain and deep-learning for secure edge-envisioned green CAVs." IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking 6, no. 3 (2022): 1330-1339.
  13. Kaur, Amanpreet, Govind P. Gupta, and Sangeeta Mittal. "Energy-Efficient Node Localization Algorithm Based on Gauss-Newton Method and Grey Wolf Optimization Algorithm: Node Localization Algorithm." International Journal of Fuzzy System Applications (IJFSA) 11, no. 2 (2022): 1-27.
  14. Chawra, Vrajesh Kumar, and Govind P. Gupta. "Towards Design of an Efficient Sensing Data Acquisition Scheme for UAVs-Assisted Wireless Sensor Networks." International Journal of Swarm Intelligence Research (IJSIR) 13, no. 2 (2022): 1-27.
  15. Kumar, Prabhat, Randhir Kumar, Govind P. Gupta, Rakesh Tripathi, and Gautam Srivastava, “P2TIF: A Blockchain and Deep Learning Framework for Privacy-preserved Threat Intelligence in Industrial IoT,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (2022).
  16. Chawra, Vrajesh Kumar, and Govind P. Gupta, “Memetic algorithm-based energy efficient wake-up scheduling scheme for maximizing the network lifetime, coverage and connectivity in three-dimensional wireless sensor networks,” Wireless Personal Communications 123, no. 2 (2022): 1507-1522.
  17. Kaur, Amanpreet, Govind P. Gupta, and Sangeeta Mittal, “Comparative study of the different variants of the dv-hop based node localization algorithms for wireless sensor networks,” Wireless Personal Communications 123, no. 2 (2022): 1625-1667.
  18. Kumar, Prabhat, Govind P. Gupta, Rakesh Tripathi, Sahil Garg, and Mohammad Mehedi Hassan, “DLTIF: Deep Learning-Driven Cyber Threat Intelligence Modeling and Identification Framework in IoT-Enabled Maritime Transportation Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (2021).
  19. Kumar, Randhir, Prabhat Kumar, Rakesh Tripathi, Govind P. Gupta, Sahil Garg, and Mohammad Mehedi Hassan, “BDTwin: An Integrated Framework for Enhancing Security and Privacy in Cybertwin-driven Automotive Industrial Internet of Things,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal (2021).
  20. Kumar, Prabhat, Govind P. Gupta, and Rakesh Tripathi, “A distributed ensemble design based intrusion detection system using fog computing to protect the internet of things networks,” Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 12, no. 10 (2021): 9555-9572.
  21. Kumar, Prabhat, Govind P. Gupta, and Rakesh Tripathi, “PEFL: Deep Privacy-Encoding based Federated Learning Framework for Smart Agriculture,” IEEE Micro (2021).
  22. Chawra, Vrajesh Kumar, and Govind P. Gupta, “Optimized coverage-aware trajectory planning for AUVs for efficient data collection in underwater acoustic sensor networks,”  Evolutionary Intelligence (2021): 1-16.
  23. Kumar, Randhir, Prabhat Kumar, Rakesh Tripathi, Govind P. Gupta, and Neeraj Kumar, “P2SF-IoV: A privacy-preservation-based secured framework for Internet of Vehicles,” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (2021).
  24. Kumar, Randhir, Prabhat Kumar, Rakesh Tripathi, Govind P. Gupta, Neeraj Kumar, and Mohammad Mehedi Hassan, “A privacy-preserving-based secure framework using blockchain-enabled deep-learning in cooperative intelligent transport system,” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (2021).
  25. Kumar, Prabhat, Randhir Kumar, Gautam Srivastava, Govind P. Gupta, Rakesh Tripathi, Thippa Reddy Gadekallu, and Neal N. Xiong, “PPSF: a privacy-preserving and secure framework using blockchain-based machine-learning for IoT-driven smart cities,” IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering 8, no. 3 (2021): 2326-2341.
  26. Prabhat Kumar, Govind P. Gupta, Rakesh Tripathi, “An ensemble learning and fog-cloud architecture-driven cyber-attack detection framework for IoMT networks,” Elsevier Computer Communications, Volume 166,2021, Pages 110-124, ISSN 0140-3664, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.comcom.2020.12.003.
  27. Prabhat Kumar, Govind P. Gupta, Rakesh Tripathi,”TP2SF: A Trustworthy Privacy-Preserving Secured Framework for sustainable smart cities by leveraging blockchain and machine learning,” Elsevier Journal of Systems Architecture, 2020, 101954,ISSN 1383-7621, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sysarc.2020.101954.
  28. Vrajesh Kumar Chawra, Govind P. Gupta,” Hybrid meta-heuristic techniques based efficient charging scheduling scheme for multiple Mobile wireless chargers based wireless rechargeable sensor networks,” Springer Peer-to-Peer Netw. Appl. (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12083-020-01052-8
  29. Prabhat Kumar, Govind P. Gupta, Rakesh Tripathi,”Toward Design of an Intelligent Cyber Attack Detection System using Hybrid Feature Reduced Approach for IoT Networks” Springer Arab J Sci Eng (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13369-020-05181-3
  30. Prabhat Kumar, Govind P. Gupta, Rakesh Tripathi,” A distributed ensemble design-based intrusion detection system using fog computing to protect the internet of things networks,” Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing  (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12652-020-02696-3
  31. Prabhat Kumar, Randhir Kumar, Govind P. Gupta, Rakesh Tripathi,” A Distributed framework for detecting DDoS attacks in smart contract‐based Blockchain‐IoT Systems by leveraging Fog computing,” Trans Emerging Tel Tech. 2020;e4112. https://doi.org/10.1002/ett.4112
  32. Govind P. Gupta, Saha, B., “Load balanced clustering scheme using hybrid metaheuristic technique for mobile sink based wireless sensor networks,” Springer Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing (2020).
  33. A. Kaur, P. Kumar, Govind P. Gupta “Improving DV-Hop-Based Localization Algorithms in Wireless Sensor Networks by Considering Only Closest Anchors” International Journal of Information Security and Privacy (IJISP), 14(1), 1-15,  8 Jun. 2020.
  34. Govind P Gupta, Sonu Jha, “Biogeography-based optimization scheme for solving the coverage and connected node placement problem for wireless sensor networks”, Springer Wireless Networks, vol. 25, issue 6, pp 3167–3177, August 2019, ISSN 1572-8196. (SCI indexed)
  35. A. Kaur, Padam Kumar, Govind P. Gupta, “A new localization using single mobile anchor and mesh-based path planning models” Springer Wireless Networks, vol. 25, issue 5, pp 2919–2929, July 2019, ISSN 1572-8196. (SCI indexed)
  36. A. Kaur, Padam Kumar, Govind P. Gupta, “A weighted centroid localization algorithm for randomly deployed wireless sensor networks” Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences, Elsevier, Volume 31, Issue 1,2019, Pages 82-91, ISSN 1319-1578.  
  37. A. Kaur, Padam Kumar, Govind P. Gupta, “Nature Inspired Algorithm-Based Improved Variants of DV-Hop Algorithm for Randomly Deployed 2D and 3D Wireless Sensor Networks”, Springer Wireless Personal Communications,Vol-101, pp 567-582, July 2018, ISSN 1572-834X (SCIE)
  38. Govind P Gupta, Sonu Jha, “Integrated clustering and routing protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks using Cuckoo and Harmony Search based metaheuristic techniques"Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Elsevier, Volume 68, 2018, Pages 101-109, ISSN 0952-1976. (SCI indexed, IF=3.177)
  39. Govind P. Gupta, Manoj Misra, Kumkum Garg, “Towards scalable and load-balanced mobile agents-based data aggregation for wireless sensor networks,” Journal of Computers & Electrical Engineering, Elsevier, Volume 64, Nov,2017, Pages 262-276, ISSN 0045-7906. (SCI indexed, IF=1.57)
  40. A. Kaur, Padam Kumar, Govind P. Gupta, , “Analysis on DV-Hop Algorithm and its variants by considering threshold” Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering (JTEC) Vol. 9 No. 4,pp. 79-83, Dec, 2017, ISSN: 2180-1843. (Scopus indexed)
  41. A. Kaur, Govind P. Gupta, Padam Kumar, “A Survey of Recent Developments in DV-Hop Localization Techniques for Wireless Sensor Network” Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering (JTEC) Vol. 9 No. 2,pp. 61-71, June, 2017, ISSN: 2180-1843. (Scopus indexed)
  42. Govind P. Gupta, Manoj Misra, Kumkum Garg, “An Energy Efficient Distributed Approach-Based Agent Migration Scheme for Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks,” Journal of Information Processing Systems, vol.11, March 2015, ISSN: 2092-805X. (Scopus indexed)
  43. Govind P. Gupta, Manoj Misra, Kumkum Garg, “Energy and Trust Aware Mobile Agent Migration Protocol for Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks,” Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Elsevier, Volume 41, pp. 300-311, May 2014, ISSN: 1084-8045. (SCI indexed, IF=3.5)
  44. Govind P. Gupta, Manoj Misra, Kumkum Garg, “Distributed Information Extraction in Wireless Sensor Networks using Multiple Software Agents with Dynamic Itineraries” KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, vol.8, pp. 123-144, January 29, 2014, eISSN: 1976-7277. (Scopus and SCI Indexed) 
  45. Govind P. Gupta, Manoj Misra, Kumkum Garg, “Energy efficient data gathering using Prediction based filtering in wireless sensor networks,” International Journal of Information and Communication TechnologyInderscience Publishers, UK, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 75-94,2013, February 2013, ISSN: 1741-8070. (Scopus indexed)

Peer-Reviewed Articles Published in Conference Proceedings:

  1. Santosh K. Smmarwar , Govind P. Gupta , Sanjay Kumar “XAI-AMD-DL: An Explainable AI approach for Android Malware Detection System using Deep Learning” 2023 IEEE World Conference on Applied Intelligence and Computing (AIC 2023), AITM, Varanasi, India, July 29-30, 2023.
  2. Govind P Gupta, Trilok Chand Thakur, Arun Kumar Dey, “Ransomware Detection Framework using Soft Voting-based Ensemble Learning”, 2nd International Conference on Computational Modelling, Simulation and Optimization (ICCMSO-2023) during June 23-25, 2023 at Bali (Indonesia)
  3. Arya, Laxmi, and Govind P. Gupta, “Ensemble Filter-based Feature Selection Model for Cyber Attack Detection in Industrial Internet of Things”, In 2023 9th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS), vol. 1, pp. 834-840. IEEE, 2023.
  4. Govind P. Gupta, and Prince Rajak, “Tensor Completion-Based Data Imputation Framework for IoT-Based Underwater Sensor Network”, In International Conference on Communication and Intelligent Systems, pp. 53-63. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2023.
  5. Dey, Arun Kumar, Govind P. Gupta, and Satya Prakash Sahu. "Hybrid Meta-Heuristic based Feature Selection Mechanism for Cyber-Attack Detection in IoT-enabled Networks." Procedia Computer Science 218 (2023): 318-327. 
  6. Golchha, Roopa, Apoorv Joshi, and Govind Prasad Gupta. "Voting-based Ensemble Learning approach for Cyber Attacks Detection in Industrial Internet of Things." Procedia Computer Science 218 (2023): 1752-1759. 
  7. Dhabal, Gourab, and Govind Gupta. "Towards Design of a Novel Android Malware Detection Framework Using Hybrid Deep Learning Techniques." In Soft Computing for Security Applications: Proceedings of ICSCS 2022, pp. 181-193. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2022. 
  8. Bhagwat, Sakshi, and Govind P. Gupta. "Android Malware Detection Using Hybrid Meta-Heuristic Feature Selection and Ensemble Learning Techniques." In Advances in Computing and Data Sciences: 6th International Conference, ICACDS 2022, Kurnool, India, April 22–23, 2022, Revised Selected Papers, Part I, pp. 145-156. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022. 
  9. Smmarwar, Santosh K., Govind P. Gupta, and Sanjay Kumar. "A hybrid feature selection approach-based Android malware detection framework using machine learning techniques." In Cyber Security, Privacy and Networking: Proceedings of ICSPN 2021, pp. 347-356. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2022. 
  10. Gupta, Govind P., and Hrishikesh Khandare. "Missing Data Recovery Using Tensor Completion-Based Models for IoT-Based Air Quality Monitoring System." In Ubiquitous Intelligent Systems: Proceedings of Second ICUIS 2022, pp. 423-434. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2022. 
  11. May raju, P., Gupta, Govind P. "Intrusion Detection Framework Using an Improved Deep Reinforcement Learning Technique for IoT Network." In Soft Computing for Security Applications, pp. 765-779. Springer, Singapore, 2022.
  12. Smmarwar, Santosh K., Govind P. Gupta, and Sanjay Kumar. "Design of a Fused Triple Convolutional Neural Network for Malware Detection: A Visual Classification Approach." In International Conference on Advances in Computing and Data Sciences, pp. 279-289. Springer, Cham, 2021.
  13. Prabhat Kumar, Govind P. Gupta, Rakesh Tripathi “P2IDF: A Privacy-Preserving based Intrusion Detection Framework for Software Defined Internet of Things-Fog (SDIoT-Fog)”, 22nd International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking (ICDCN-21), January 2021 Pages 37–42. https://doi.org/10.1145/3427477.3429989
  14. N. Nayak, R. Tripathi and Govind P. Gupta, “Cost-aware Dynamic Data Center Federation Formation for Short-term Service Requests,” 2020 Fourth World Conference on Smart Trends in Systems, Security and Sustainability (WorldS4), London, UK, 2020, pp. 681-687. https://doi: 10.1109/WorldS450073.2020.9210354
  15. Govind P. Gupta, V. K. Chawra and S. Dewangan, "Optimal path planning for UAV using NSGA-II based metaheuristic for sensor data gathering application in Wireless Sensor Networks," 2019 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems (ANTS-2019), Goa, India, 2019, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/ANTS47819.2019.9118104.
  16. V. K. Chawra and G. P. Gupta, "Multiple UAV Path-Planning for Data Collection in Cluster-based Wireless Sensor Network," 2020 First International Conference on Power, Control and Computing Technologies (ICPC2T), Raipur, India, 2020, pp. 194-198, doi: 10.1109/ICPC2T48082.2020.9071449. 
  17. Gupta, Govind P., and Jahanvi Khedwal. "Framework for Error Detection & its Localization in Sensor Data Stream for reliable big sensor data analytics using Apache Spark Streaming." Procedia Computer Science 167 (2020): 2337-2342.
  18. Chawra, Vrajesh Kumar, and Govind P. Gupta. "Load balanced node clustering scheme using improved memetic algorithm based meta-heuristic technique for wireless sensor network." Procedia Computer Science 167 (2020): 468-476.
  19. Gaur, Shubham, and Govind P. Gupta. "Framework for monitoring and recognition of the activities for elderly people from accelerometer sensor data using apache spark." In ICDSMLA 2019: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Data Science, Machine Learning and Applications, pp. 734-744. Springer Singapore, 2020.
  20. Govind P. Gupta, and Vrajesh Kumar Chawra. "Coverage-Aware Recharge Scheduling Scheme for Wireless Charging Vehicles in the Wireless Rechargeable Sensor Networks." In Data Management, Analytics and Innovation: Proceedings of ICDMAI 2019, Volume 1, pp. 663-671. Springer Singapore, 2020. (Best Paper awarded)
  21. Nagisetty, Abhinaya, and Govind P. Gupta. "Framework for detection of malicious activities in IoT networks using keras deep learning library." In 2019 3rd international conference on computing methodologies and communication (ICCMC), pp. 633-637. IEEE, 2019.
  22. Govind P. Gupta, “Hybrid of Cuckoo and GA based metaheuristic algorithm for energy efficient cluster head selection in wireless sensor networks”, In the Proceeding of IEEE Conference on World Congress on Industrial Control Systems Security (WCICSS-2017), University of Cambridge, Churchill College, Cambridge, UK.
  23. Govind P. Gupta, "Improved Cuckoo Search based Clustering Protocol for Wireless Sensor Network", 6th International Conference on Smart Computing & Communications (ICSCC-2017), NIT, Kurukshetra, 2017, In Elsevier Procedia Computer Science. ISSN: 1877-0509
  24. A. Kaur, P. Kumar and G. P. Gupta, “Impact of non-linear numerical method on Localization Algorithm,” In the Proceeding of  IEEE 10th International Conference on Contemporary Computing (IC3-2017), JIIT, Noida, 2017.
  25. Sonu Jha, Govind P Gupta,"Energy Balanced Clustering Protocol using Particle Swarm Optimization for Wireless Sensor Networks", In: Satapathy S., Joshi A. (eds) Information and Communication Technology for Intelligent Systems (ICTIS 2017) - Volume 2. ICTIS 2017. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, vol 84. Springer; ISBN 978-3-319-63645-0
  26. Binit Saha and Govind Gupta, “An improved Harmony Search based Clustering Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks with Mobile Sink” In the Proceeding of  IEEE 2nd International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics, Information & Communication Technology (RTEICT-2017), Bangalore.
  27. A. Kaur, P. Kumar and G. P. Gupta, "A novel DV-Hop algorithm based on Gauss-Newton method," 2016 IEEE 4th International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing (PDGC), Waknaghat, India, 22-24 Dec. 2016, pp. 625-629; ISBN: 978-1-5090-3669-1
  28. Govind P. Gupta, Manish Kulariya, "A Framework for Fast and Efficient Cyber Security Network Intrusion Detection Using Apache Spark", In Procedia Computer Science, Volume 93, 2016, Pages 824-831, ISSN 1877-0509. 6th International Conference on Advances in Computing & Communications (ICACC- 2016), September 2016, Cochin, India.
  29. Manish Kulariya, PriyankaSaraf, Raushan Ranjan, Govind P. Gupta, “Performance Analysis of Network Intrusion Detection Schemes using Apache Spark”, 5th IEEE International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing-ICCSP'16, Melmaruvathur, India , April 2016, ISBN: 978-1-5090-0396-9.
  30. Govind P. Gupta, “Efficient Coverage and Connectivity Aware Data Gathering Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks” 3rdIEEE International Conference on Resent Advances in Information Technology (RAIT-2016), Dhanbad, India, March, 2016; ISBN: 978-1-4799-8579-1.
  31. Vaibhav Malviya, Govind P. Gupta, “Performance Evaluation of Similarity-based Link Prediction Schemes for Social Network”, IEEE 1st International Conference on Next Generation Computing Technologies (NGCT-2015), Dehradun, India, Sept. 2015; Electronic ISBN: 978-1-4673-6809-4.
  32. Govind P. Gupta, Manoj Misra, Kumkum Garg, “Multiple Mobile Agents based Data Dissemination Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks,” In: Meghanathan N., Chaki N., Nagamalai D. (eds) Advances in Computer Science and Information Technology. Networks and Communications. CCSIT 2012. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, vol 84. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg; pp. 334-345, January 2012; ISBN: 978-3-642-27299-8
  33. Govind P. Gupta, Manoj Misra, Kumkum Garg, "An energy balanced mobile agents based data dissemination protocol for wireless sensor networks," In Proceedings of the ACM  International Conference on Wireless Technologies for Humanitarian Relief, Amritapuri, Kollam, Kerala, India, December 18 - 21, 2011, Pages 89-95; ISBN: 978-1-4503-1011-6.
  34. Govind P. Gupta, Manoj Misra, Kumkum Garg, "Performance evaluation of agent and non-agent based data dissemination protocols for wireless sensor networks," In Proceedings of the 17th IEEE Conference on Network (ICON-2011), Singapore, Dec14-16, 2011ISSN: 2332-5798.
  35. Govind P. Gupta, A. K. Pandey, “Performance Comparison of Ad Hoc Routing Protocols over IEEE802.11 DCF and TDMA MAC Layer Protocols” in proceedings of the 13th National Conference on Communications (NCC-2007) at Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, 26-28 January 2007, NCC2007, pp. 183-187; ISBN Number: 978-81-904444-0-8.


Peer-Reviewed Book Chapters:


  1. Bhagwat, Sakshi, and Govind P. Gupta. "Federated Learning and its Application in Malware Detection." Big Data Analytics in Fog-Enabled IoT Networks: Towards a Privacy and Security Perspective (2023): 103. 
  2. Kumar, Prabhat, Govind P. Gupta, and Rakesh Tripathi. "A review on Intrusion Detection Systems and Cyber Threat Intelligence for Secure IoT-enabled Networks." Big Data Analytics in Fog-Enabled IoT Networks: Towards a Privacy and Security Perspective (2023): 51. 
  3. Rajak, Prince, Anjali Sagar Jangde, and Govind P. Gupta. "Towards Design of Brain Tumor Detection Framework Using Deep Transfer Learning Techniques." In Convergence of Big Data Technologies and Computational Intelligent Techniques, edited by Govind P. Gupta, 90-103. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2023. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-6684-5264-6.ch004 
  4. Nayak, Omprakash, Tejaswini Pallapothala, and Govind P. Gupta. "Heart Disease Prediction Framework Using Soft Voting-Based Ensemble Learning Techniques." In Convergence of Big Data Technologies and Computational Intelligent Techniques, edited by Govind P. Gupta, 147-165. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2023. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-6684-5264-6.ch007 
  5. Smmarwar, Santosh Kumar, Govind P. Gupta, and Sanjay Kumar. "A Study on Data Sharing Using Blockchain System and Its Challenges and Applications." In Advances in Malware and Data-Driven Network Security, edited by Brij B. Gupta, 199-218. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2022. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-7998-7789-9.ch011 
  6. Smmarwar, Santosh Kumar, Govind P. Gupta, and Sanjay Kumar. "Research Trends for Malware and Intrusion Detection on Network Systems: A Topic Modelling Approach." In Advances in Malware and Data-Driven Network Security, edited by Brij B. Gupta, 19-40. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2022. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-7998-7789-9.ch002 
  7. Vrajesh Kumar Chawra, Govind P. Gupta, “Salp: Metaheuristic-Based Clustering for Wireless Sensor Networks” Nature-Inspired Computing Applications in Advanced Communication Networks, IGI Global, Dec,2019, Chapter 3, ISBN 13: 9781799816263. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-1626-3.ch003 
  8. Amanpreet Kaur, Govind P Gupta, Sangeeta Mittal,” Impact of Nature-Inspired Algorithms on Localization Algorithms in Wireless Sensor Networks” Nature-Inspired Computing Applications in Advanced Communication Networks, IGI Global, Jan 2020, Chapter 1, ISBN 13: 9781799816263. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-1626-3.ch001 
  9. Govind P Gupta, Shubham Gaur,” Remote Monitoring and Recognition of Physical Activities of Elderly People Using Smartphone Accelerometer Sensor Data Using Deep Learning Models”, Handbook of Research on Health Systems and Organizations for an Aging Society, IGI Global, August,2019, Chapter 7, ISBN 13: 9781522598183. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-9818-3.ch007 
  10. Sonu Jha, Govind P Gupta, “Energy Balanced Clustering Protocol Using Particle Swarm Optimization for Wireless Sensor Networks”, In: Satapathy S., Joshi A. (eds) Information and Communication Technology for Intelligent Systems (ICTIS 2017) - Volume 2. ICTIS 2017. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, vol 84. Springer; ISBN 978-3-319-63645-0.
  11. Govind P. Gupta, “Security Issues and its Countermeasures in Examining the Cloud-Assisted Internet of Things”, IGI Book entitled “Examining Cloud Computing Technologies Through the Internet of Things”, IGI Global, 2018, Chapter 5, ISBN 13: 9781522534457.
  12. Govind P. Gupta, "Software-Defined Networking Paradigm in Wireless Sensor Networks," Published in the upcoming book, "Innovations in Software-Defined Networking and Network Functions Virtualization” IGI Global, 2018, Chapter 12, ISBN 13: 9781522536406.
  13. Govind P. Gupta, “Target Localization Algorithm in a Three-Dimensional Wireless Sensor NetworksLecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, vol 15, pp 33-42, Sept 2018, Springer, Singapore, ISBN: 978-981-10-8680-9.
  14. Govind P. Gupta, “Cuckoo Search Optimization Based Mobile Node Deployment Scheme for Target Coverage Problem in Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks” Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, vol 26. Springer, pp. 327-334, Dec 2018, ISBN: 978-3-030-03146-6 


Book Publications(Edited/Text):


  1. Gupta, Govind P., Rakesh Tripathi, Brij B. Gupta, and Kwok Tai Chui, eds. “Big Data Analytics in Fog-Enabled IoT Networks: Towards a Privacy and Security Perspective. CRC Press, 2023.
  2. Gupta, Govind P., ed. “Convergence of Big Data Technologies and Computational Intelligent Techniques,” IGI Global, 2022.
  3. Gupta, Govind P., editor. “Nature-Inspired Computing Applications in Advanced Communication Networks,” IGI Global, 2020. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-7998-1626-3


Other Info.

Sponsored Research & Consultancy Projects:


S. No. 

        Project Title 

Sponsoring Agency 





Design and Development of Big Sensor Data Monitoring and Analysis System for Cloud-assisted Internet of Things” 


  Research  Seed Grant 







“Modeling of the Environmental Sensor Data Recovery problem as a Multi-way Tensor Completion ”.   




 Feb,2020 to  Feb,2023





Intelligent Cyber Threat Detection and Forensic Analysis"







(Feb,2024 to Jan, 2027)



 Rs. 24.07 lakhs

  4  “Cyber Threat Intelligence based Advanced Persistent Threats Detection and Attribution System”


IIT, Kanpur





 Rs. 25.23   lakhs

Ph.D. Thesis Supervised:

  • Prabhat Kumar, “Towards Design and Development of Secure and Privacy-Preserving Framework for IoT-enabled Networks”, March,2022. (Role: Joint Supervisor)
  • Vrajesh Kumar Chawra, “Towards Design of Coverage and Connectivity Aware Protocols using Metaheuristic Techniques for Mobile Vehicles assisted Wireless Sensor Networks”, Nov, 2022. (Role: Supervisor)
  • Santosh Kumar Smmarwar (Roll No. 19318011), “Towards Design and Development of Efficient Malware Detection and Identification Framework by Leveraging the Machine and Deep Learning Techniques”, April 2024. (Role: Main Supervisor)

M.Tech. Thesis Supervised:


S.No.   Name of Student   MTech Thesis Title     Role

Sonu Jha (15265018) 

Energy Efficient Compressive Data Gathering in Cluster based Wireless Sensor Network 

Sole supervisor 


Binit Saha (15265005) 

Energy Efficient Data Collection in Mobile Sink based Wireless Sensor Networks

Sole supervisor 


Avinash Manohar Bansod (16265004) 

Grid-based Multi-clustering Protocol for Wireless Sensor Network 

Main Supervisor 


Pinkesh Narad


Analysis of user behaviour based on Tweets 

Joint supervisor 


Shubham Gaur (17265016)


Elderly People Activity Recognition on Accelerometer and Video Sensor Datasets using Big Data and Deep Learning Techniques 

Main Supervisor 


Archana Verma (17265001) 

Epileptic Seizure Detection in EEG Signal using Machine Learning and Deep Learning techniques 

Joint supervisor 


Nishtha Jain


Anomaly Detection in Video  Surveilance for Smart Cities Application

Main Supervisor 


Niharika Nayak


Cost Aware Dynamic Data Centre Federation Formation for Short-Term Service Requests

Joint supervisor 


P. May Raju  (19265013)

Intrusion Detection System for IoT Network using Deep Reinforcement Learning and Ensemble Learning Techniques

Sole supervisor 


Amar Paswan (19265002)

Android Malware Detection Using Machine Learning Techniques

Sole supervisor 


Sakshi Bhagwat (20265017)

Android Malware Detection using Hybrid Metaheuristic Feature Selection and Ensemble Learning Techniques

Sole supervisor 


Gourab Dhabal


Towards design of Malware Detection Framework using Advanced Deep Learning Techniques

Sole supervisor 

13  Laxmi Arya (21265008)  Towards Design of an Efficient Cyber Attack Detection Framework for the Industrial Internet of Things

Sole supervisor


Devendra Kumar Dewangan


 Design and Development of Intelligent Indoor Fire and Smoke Detection Framework using Deep Learning Techniques for Smart Cities


   Sole supervisor


B. Tech. Project Supervision: 24 groups 

Courses Taught:

  • Blockchain(IT108201IT)
  • Computer Network Design(IT MC 103)
  • Design and Analysis of Algorithm(IT 502;IT105101IT)
  • Data Structure
  • Programming in C
  • Parallel Computing
  • Big Data Analytics
  •  Design and Analysis of Algorithm Lab(IT105401IT)
  •  Computer Network Design Lab(IT ML 101)

International/National Conferences Organized: 

  1. 1st International Conference on Applied Computational Intelligence and Analytics (ACIA-2022), 26th to 27th Feb 2022National Institute of Technology Raipur, Raipur, India. (Proceedings Published in a Scopus Indexed AIP Conference Proceedings: https://printorders.aip.org/2705) (Role: Organizing Secretary)

Certificate Course/Short Term Training Programs/Workshops Organized and worked as Coordinator:

  1. One week TEQIP-II sponsored STTP on “Big Data Processing & Cloud Computing” during 26th to 30th August, 2016. (Role: Course Coordinator)
  2. One Week self-sponsored STTP on "Nature-inspired Computing and its Applications" during 23rd to 27th Oct, 2017. (Role: Course Coordinator)
  3. One Week self-sponsored STTP on "Programming Fundamentals and its Application with C" during 15th to 19th Nov, 2017. (Role: Course Coordinator)
  4. One week TEQIP-III sponsored STTP on “Big Data Analytics and related Technologies” during 8th to 12th January, 2018. (Role: Course Coordinator)
  5. One Week self-sponsored STTP on "Programming Fundamentals and its Application" during 5th to 9th Sept, 2018. (Role: Course Coordinator)
  6. One Week self-sponsored STTP on " Java Programming and its Application" during 17th to 21at April, 2019. (Role: Course Coordinator)
  7. One week Institute-sponsored STTP on “Big Data Technologies: Python Programming and Apache Spark ” during 8th to 12th Jan, 2020. (Role: Course Coordinator)
  8. First One month CEC Ceritficate Course on " Applied Data Analytics: A Practical Approach" during 15 June to 14 July, 2022. (Role: Course Coordinator)
  9.  Second One month CEC Ceritficate Course on " Applied Data Analytics: A Practical Approach" during 22 May to 21 June, 2023. (Role: Course Coordinator)

External Examiner of PhD Thesis:  02


Expert Lectures Delivered in FDP/STTP on:


  1. Expert Lecture on “Ensemble Machine Learning for Malware Detection and Analysis” in a Skill Development Programme/ Short Term Course on “Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning” from 11th - 15th  March, 2024 at Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra (J&K), India.
  2. Expert Lecture on “Cyber Threat Intelligence for IoT” in one-week online Faculty Development Program on “Security Aspects in Computer Science and its Applications (SACSA-2023)” organized by Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Prayagraj-211004, Uttar Pradesh, India during 16th- 20th October 2023
  3. Expert Lecture on “Intrusion Detection System for IoT” in one-week online Faculty Development Program on “Security Aspects in Computer Science and its Applications (SACSA-2022)” organized by Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Prayagraj-211004, Uttar Pradesh, India during October 17 - 21, 2022.
  4. Research Paper Writing” in One Week AICTE Sponsored Online Teachers Training Program on Research Methodology from March 21 to March 26, 2022, organized by Department of Management Studies, LCIT, LCIT Group of Institutions, Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh.
  5. Enterprise Blockchain Framework: Hyperledger Fabric” in five days Short Term Training Program (STTP) on “Block Chain Awareness, Use Cases and Challenges” from 3rd to 7th January 2022, organized by Department of Computer Engineering, Fr. C. Rodrigues Institute of Technology Vashi, Navi Mumbai.
  6. Secure IOT data Sharing Framework” in one-week online ATAL sponsored FDP on “Recent Advances and Trends in Lightweight Cryptography for IoT Security and Blockchain Technologies” scheduled from 27th-31st July 2021, organized by Department of CSE, UIT-RGPV, Bhopal.
  7. Intrusion Detection System for Fog Based IoT System” in TEQIP-III Sponsored One Week Online Faculty Development Program on “Modern Cryptography, BlockChain & IoT Security: Challenges, Solution & Future Prospects (MCB-IoTs-2021)” during 23-27 March-2021, organized by Department of CSE, UIT-RGPV, Bhopal.
  8. Internet of Things: enabling technologies and applications” in 6-week Technology Entrepreneurship Development Program (TDEP) sponsored by the Department of Science & Technology, organized by IITM HTIC Medtech Incubator, during Jan-March,2021.
  9. Intrusion Detection System” in five-day AICTE-ATAL Sponsored Online Faculty Development Program (FDP) on “Cyber Security” during 01st- 05th December 2020, organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, National Institute of Technology Sikkim.
  10. Hyperledger Fabric: Architecture, Transaction Flow, Chaincode and Hands-on using Hyperledger Fabric 2.0” in one-week online ATAL sponsored FDP on "Blockchain" organized by Dept of CSE, LNCT, Bhopal, during 15-19 Sept, 2020.
  11. Hyperledger Fabric Blockchain Framework, Use cases, and Hands-on using Fabric 2.0” in one week online ATAL sponsored FDP on "Blockchain Technologies and Applications" organized by Dept. of IT, NIT Raipur, during 14-18 Sept,2020.
  12. "Blockchain-based Security Architecture for IoT System" in 5-days online FDP on "Computational Intelligence Systems and Security (CISS-2020) organized by Dept of CSE, SHRI MATA VAISHNO University, Katra, J&K, India, during 20-24 July,2020.
  13. "Hyperledger Fabric Blockchain Framework " in 5-days online STTP on "Blockchain Technology and its Application building on Ethereum Platform" organized by Dept of IT, NIT Raipur, during 20-24 July,2020.
  14. Big Data Processing Tools: Apache Spark and Hands-on with PySpark" in 5-day STTP on "Big Data Technologies: Python Programming and Apache Spark" organized by Dept of IT, NIT Raipur, during 8-12 Jan,2020.
  15. Big Data Analytics using Apache Spark” in one-week TEQIP-III sponsored STTP on “Data Analytics and IoT” organized by Dept. of CSE, MMUT, Gorakhpur, India during 4-8 Nov 2019.
  16. IoT Security and Protocol Design” in one-week TEQIP-III sponsored STTP on “Recent Trends in Internet on things (IOT)” organized by ATCI, Indore (M.P.) during 14-18 Oct,2019.
  17. Big Data Analytics and Tools” in 12 days DST sponsored STTP on “ Data Science and Big Data Analytics” organized by Central University, Amar kantak (MP) during 26 Aug-6 Sept,2019.
  18. Apache Spark: Big Data Processing” in one-week TEQIP-III sponsored STTP on “IoT and Big Data Analytics” organized by Dept of CSE, NIT Surat.


Membership of Professional Societies :

  • Life Member of Computer Society of India (CSI)

  • Professional Member, Association of Computing Machinery (ACM)

  • Professional Member, IEEE

  • Life Member, International Association of Engineers (IAENG)


Administrative Responsibilities:

  1. Departmental Purchase Coordinator (from 2021 to till date)
  2. IICC Coordinator (Dept of IT) , since June 2024
  3. Member Departmental Academic Committee (DAC) ( Sept 2023 to till date)
  4. Member Departmental Grievance Committee (DGC) ( Sept 2023 to till date)
  5. Departmental Ph.D. Coordinator ( July 2015 to June, 2017)
  6. Prof. In-charge (IT) Examination Controller ( July 2016 to June, 2018)
  7. Prof. In-charge (IT)Training Placement ( July 2018 to June 2023)
  8. Prof. in-charge (IT) for Alumni Relations ( July 2018 to till date)
  9. Faculty In-charge (IT) of VIGYAAN Event
  10. Faculty In-charge (IT) for BTech 8B Semester Long Internship
  11. Faculty In-charge (IT) Institute lecture Series
  12. Member of MOOCs program committee
  13. Member of Anti-ragging Committee of NIT Raipur
  14. Member of Physical Verification Committee for Department of IT, NIT Raipur
  15. Faculty In-charge for Departmental Semester Registration
  16. Member Doctoral Research Committee (DRC)
  17. Member Doctoral Guidance Committee (DGC)
  18. Member of Question paper moderator Committee
  19. Member of prize and Registration Committee ECLECTIKA annual function
  20. Member of Discipline Committee for “SAMAR-2023” sport event
  21. Faculty In-charge, Edutainment Session for BTech 5th Sem
  22. Faculty In-charge, Edutainment Session for M.Tech. (IT) 2nd Semester
  23. Faculty Advisor, B.Tech.(IT) 5th Sem and 8th Sem
  24. Faculty In-charge Result Process MTech (IT) 1st Sem, B.Tech. (IT) 5th Sem and BTech (IT) 8th Sem.
  25. Member of NEP-2020 brainstorming session on “Technology Use and Integration & Online and Digital Education” 



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Scopus Profile

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