Department | Humanities & Social Sciences |
Designation | Assistant Professor |
Educational Qualification | Ph.D. (IIT Madras) | | |
Contact Number | 9755982671 |
Department | Humanities & Social Sciences |
Designation | Assistant Professor |
Educational Qualification | Ph.D. (IIT Madras) | | |
Contact Number | 9755982671 |
Linguistics: Phonetics & Phonology (Optimality Theory), Psycholinguistics, Neurolinguistics & Cognitive Neuroscience.
Tarai, S. K, Qurratul, Q. A., Ratre, V., & Bit, A. (2022). Neurocognitive Functions of Prosocial and Unsocial Incongruency Information during Language Comprehension: Evidence from Time–frequency Analysis of EEG Signals. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 1-21.
Tarai, S. K, Bit, A., Kumar, R., & Savekar, A. (2021). Processing of Party Symbols and Names Predicts the Results of 2019 Indian Parliamentary Election: Analysing Psycholinguistic Behavioural Incongruency Effects. Psychology of Language and Communication, 25(1), 264-295.
Savekar, A., Tarai, S. K, Singh, M., & Kumar, R. (2021). Impact of Prosocial and Positive Emotional Languages of Teacher on Habits of Students: Some Quantitative Empirical Evidence. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 17(S1), 50-68.
Kumar, R. & Tarai, S. K. (2020) Gender-stereotypes in Language Use: Evidence from Media-discourse of #MeToo and Witch hunt. (Ed.) Mukherjee, Sangeeta and G.K. Chitra. Evincepub Publisher. pp.110-120. ISBN-978-93-90442-77-5--2020.
Tarai, S. K. & Srinivasan, N. (2019). Emotional Prosody Stroop Effect in Hindi: An Event-Related Potential Study. Progress in Brain Research: Vol. 244, PP. 193-217, Amsterdam: Elsevier .
Tarai, S. K., Mukherjee, R., Gupta, S., Rizvanov, A. A., Palotas, A., Pammi, V.C., & Bit, A. (2019). Influence of Pharmacological and Epigenetic Factors to Suppress Neurotrophic Factors and Enhance Neural Plasticity in Stress and Mood Disorders. CognitiveNeurodynamics.pp.1-19, 10.1007/ s11571-019-09522-3.
Tarai, S. K., Mukherjee, R., Qurratul, Q. A., Singh, B. K. & Bit, A. (2019). Use of Prosocial Words Enhances Language Processing: Frequency Domain Analysis of Human EEG. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research. 48 (1): 145-161, https://
Tarai, S. K. (2019). Neurocognitive Mechanisms for Detecting Early Phase of Depressive Disorder : Analysis of Event-Related Potential. In Paul, P., Bhattacharya, P., & Bit, A. (Ed.) Early Detection of Neural Disorders Using Machine Learning Systems. (In Press). IGI Global Publisher, USA. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-8567-1.
Savekar, A., Tarai, S., & Singh, M. (2019). Linguistic Markers in Individuals With Symptoms of Depression in Bi-Multilingual Context. In Paul, P., Bhattacharya, P., & Bit, A. (Ed.) Early Detection of Neural Disorders Using Machine Learning Systems. USA: IGI Global Publisher, pp. 216-240. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-8567-1.ch012.
Tarai, S. K. (2018). Perceptual Mechanisms for Replacing Old Words and Adapting New Words: Establishing a Cross-Talk between Word Replacement and Code-Switching. 4th International Conference Proceeding on Arts and Humanities, Vol.4 (1), ISSN 2357-2744, DOI: 10.17501/icoah.2017.4101.
Tarai, S. K. (2017). Loanwords Dominate Equivalent Native Words in Adaptation: A Study of English Loanwords and Native Words in Hindi. IEICE Technical Report, 117(149), 19-24.
Tarai, S. K., Bit, A., dos Reis, J. H., Palotas, A., Rizvanov, A., Bissoyi, A. (2016). Stratifying Heterogenous Dimension of Neurodegenerative Diseases: Intervention for Stipulating Epigenetic Factors to Combat Oxidative Stress in Human Brain. BioNanoScience, 6(4), 411-422.
Tarai, S. K. (2016). Strategies of Loanwords Adaptation and Adoption across Indian Languages. International Journal of Dravidian Linguistics, 45 (1), 105-145.
Book Published
Tarai, S., & Bit. A. (Ed.) (2021). Neurocognitive Perspectives of Prosocial and Positive Emotional Behaviours: Theory to Application. UK: Institute of Physics Publishing. ISBN: 0750333812, 978-0750333818.
Sarkar, S., Tarai, S., & Tiwari, A. K. (Ed.) (2021). Role of Language, Literature and Culture in Nation Building: Essays in the Construction of Political Reality. USA: Mellen Press. ISBN: 1-4955-0891-9, 978-1-4955-0891-2.
Research Projects
1. Title: Mindful Yoga Practice Enhances Attentional Mechanisms and Modulates Cognitive Control : A Behavioural and Neurocognitive Study with Engineering Students in Chhattisgarh. NIT Raipur Seed Grant Project, 2017-2020.
Status: Completed
Amount: 5 Lakhs
2. Title: How is emotion conveyed through audio-visual stimuli?- Exploring cognitive mechanisms in Human. D.S.T., Govt. of India. 2012-14.
Status: Completed
Amount: 12 Lakhs
Courses Offered
U.G. Level
0020111(HS) Language (Professional Communication in English)
0020126 (HS) Communication Skills
EN20524 Managerial Communication Skills
0624 Innovation and Entrepreneurial Skills
P.G. Level
HS40215 Oral and Written Communication
HS40223 Oral and Written Communication Lab
HS (Ph.D.) Advanced Course on Sociolinguistics: Society, Language and Culture
Professional Associations
Life Member (2004 Onwards), Dravidian Linguistics Association
Life Member (2016 Onwards), Linguistics Society of India
Life Member (2017 Onwards), Indian Academy of Neuroscience