Current Sponsored Project
1. Project Title: Advance protection to prevent zone-3 maloperation during stress system conditions
Principal Investigator: Monalisa Biswal
Sponsor: SERB
2. Project Title: Islanding Detection in Integrated Hybrid DG System
Sponsor: Transnational Access Programme for Free Access to Europeans Leading Smart Grid Research Infrastructure under European Research Infrastructure supporting Smart Grid Systems Technology Development, Validation and Roll Out (ERIGrid)
(European Union H2020 Programme)
3.Project Title:Offline testing of adaptive reclosing technique for providing uninterrupted power supply to microgrid system
Sponsor: Transnational Access Programme for Free Access to Europeans Leading Smart Grid Research Infrastructure under European Research Infrastructure supporting Smart Grid Systems Technology Development, Validation and Roll Out (ERIGrid)
(European Union H2020 Programme)
1. “A METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR HIGH IMPEDANCE ARCING FAULTS (HIAFs) DETECTION”, Published on 6-10-2023, granted on 27-8-2024.
Short Term Courses Organized
1. Recent Trends in Power System & Renewable Energy-21-25 September 2016.
2. PSIM & CYME Platform for Power Electronics and Power System- 06-10 March 2017.
3. "Recent Advances in Modern Power Technologies" 12-16 January 2019.
4. "Recent Advances in Renewable Energy and Power System", First IEEE Bombay Section and NIT Raipur Sponsored STTP, 11-16 February 2019.
5. "Recent Trends in Renewable Energy and Power System", TEQIP-III Sponsored STTP, 20-24 September 2020.
1. Microgrid: Operation, Control, Monitoring and Protection, eBook ISBN: 978-981-15-1781-5, Springer Singapore, DOI:10.1007/978-981-15-1781-5.
2. Book Title: Smart Metering: Infrastructure, Applications, Security, Methodologies and Challenges
Edited by: Vijay K. Sood, Monalisa Biswal, Saumendra Sarangi, Hassan Haes Alhelou
Publisher: Elsevier, ISBN: 978-0-443-15317-4, Published: 29th February 2024.
Book Chapters
1. ““Protection Schemes for Sustainable Microgrids”, Sustainable Interdependent Networks: From Theory to Application, Springer, 2018. DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-98923-5, Book Title: Sustainable Interdependent Networks II, Book Subtitle: From Smart Power Grids to Intelligent Transportation Networks, eBook ISBN: 978-3-319-98923-5,
2.“Uninterrupted Power Supply to Microgrid During Islanding”, Handbook of Research on Smart Power System Operation and Control, IGI Global, 2018.
3. "Synchrophasor based wide area rotection scheme for system stressed conditions to avoid power system blackout". Handbook of Research on Smart Power System Operation and Control, IGI Global, 2019.
4. "An integrated fault classification approach for microgrid system", Springer Lecture Series.
5. An integrated directional relaying algorithm for microgrid, Springer Lecture Series.
6. "Protection challenges with microgrid", accepted for publication in Book, Microgrid: Operation, Control, Monitoring and Protection, Springer Nature.
7."Uninterrupted power supply to microgrid", accepted for publication in Book, Microgrid: Operation, Control, Monitoring and Protection, Springer Nature.
8. "Mitigation of power system blackout with microgrid System", accepted for publication in Book, Microgrid: Operation, Control, Monitoring and Protection, Springer Nature.
9. Chapter 9: Protection System Failure and Power System Blackout, Book: Uncertainties in Modern Power Systems,2021.
10.“ A Computational Intelligence Approach for Power Quality Monitoring ”, accepted for publication in the Book “Metaheuristic and E volutionary Computation: Algorithms and Applications”. Authors: Papia Ray, Monalisa Biswal 2020.
11. Shubham Ghore, Pinku Das and Monalisa Biswal Chapter-17, “I ntrinsic Time Decomposition Based Adaptive Reclosing Technique for Microgrid System” Lect. Notes Electrical Eng., Vol. 710, ArunKumar Singh and Manoj Tripathy (Eds): Control Applications in Modern Power System, 978-981-15-8814-3, 497933_1_En, 2020.
12. Ch. Durga Prasad, and Monalisa Biswal, Chapter-29, “Optimal Threshold Identification of Fault Detector Using Teaching and Learning-Based Optimization Algorithm” Lect. Notes Electrical Eng., Vol. 710, ArunKumar Singh and Manoj Tripathy (Eds): Control Applications in Modern Power System, 978-981-15-8814-3, 497933_1_En, 2020.
13. Ch. Durga Prasad, and Monalisa Biswal, “Application of particle swarm optimization for threshold setting in fault detection unit”, Lect. Notes Electrical Eng., Vol. 700, Venkata Lakshmi Narayana Komanapalli et al. (Eds): Advances in Automation, Signal Processing, Instrumentation, and Control, 978-981-15-8220-2, 485823_1_En, (Chapter 212).
14. Ramsarovar, Ch. Durga Prasad, and Monalisa Biswal, Chapter-, “Detection and Identification of Faulty Phase in a Thyristor Compensated Transmission Network Integrated with DFIG Based Wind Farm” Chapter-46, Recent Advances in Power Systems, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 812,, ISSN: 1876-1100, Book Title: Recent Advances in Power Systems, 01 January 2022.
15. Vijay Kumar, and Monalisa Biswal, Chapter-, “Fault Analysis in Integrated Power System Network under Wind Intermittency”, Chapter-43, Recent Advances in Power Systems, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 812,, ISSN: 1876-1100, Book Title: Recent Advances in Power Systems, 01 January 2022.
16. Fanidhar Dewangan, Monalisa Biswal, and Manohar Mishra “An Overview of Power System Resilience: Causes, Planning and Restoration Processes”, Chapter-47, Book Title: Innovation in Electrical Power Engineering, Communication, and Computing Technology, Book Subtitle: Proceedings of Second IEPCCT 2021, ISBN 978-981-16-7075-6, 16 December 2021
17. F. Dewangan, S. Siddiqui, M. Biswal, V. K. Sood, “Smart meters in smart grid,” Smart Metering: Infrastructure, Methodologies, Applications, and Challenges, Chapter 1. 221-256, 1/1/2024.
Professional Association:
Associate Member, The Institution of Engineers, India
Life Member of Orissa Bigyan Academy
ISTE, Life Member
Honours & Awards
- Senior Individual Member of INAE
- Enlisted in Top 2% Scientist list in year 2022, Stanford University published by Elsevier on October 11, 2022
- Senior Member, IEEE
- POSOCO Power System Award-2014
- Young Scientist-SERB & DST-2016
- Young Scientist Award: Chhattisgarh Young Scientist Congress-2017
- Outstanding Reviewer, Measurement Elsevier-2016
Session Chair:
- EPREC-2021, NIT Jamshedpur (PS-9)
- EPREC-2022, NIT Jamshedpur (PS-9)
- ICSEAPT-2021, NIT Jamshedpur (Session-3)
- Springer Nature’s International Conference SIGMAA-2023
- ICSPER 2024, NIT Warangal,
- Springer Nature’s International Conference ICRP-2024
Achievement by Students:
1. Thara Jose, M.Tech, POSOCO Power System Award, 2018 .
2. Sandeep Biswal, Ph.D, POSOCO Power System Award 2019.
3. Shubham Ghore, M.Tech, POSOCO Power System Award, 2021.
4. Best Paper Award for our conference paper under Track-03 (Advanced Power Converters with Control scheme for Renewable Energy Integration) for the oral paper presentation at the 3rd International Symposium on Sustainable Energy and Technological Advancements (ISSETA 2024), organized by the Department of Electrical Engineering, NIT Meghalaya, Shillong, India from 23rd-24th Feb. 2024.
Panel Discussion
- On the topic Microgrid Protection and Control for seamless operation”, on 15th June 2023 in 5th ICEPE 2023, organized by the Department of Electrical Engineering, NIT Meghalaya, Shillong.
- On the topic Protection and Control techniques Applied to Microgrid, on 24th Februarry 2024, in 3rd International Symposium on Sustainable Energy and Technological Advancements (ISSETA 2024), organized by the Department of Electrical Engineering, NIT Meghalaya, Shillong, India from 23rd -24th Feb. 2024.
Ph.D Guidance
Scholar Name
Ph.D. Status
Sandeep Biswal |
Awarded |
2014-2018 |
Ruchita Nale |
Awarded |
2015-2019 |
Kasimala Venkatanagaraju |
Awarded |
2017-2021 |
Kumar Raja Andanapalli |
Awarded |
2017-2023 |
Ch. Durga Prasad |
Awarded |
2019 |
Fanidhar Dewangan |
ongoing |
2021 |
Pankaj Yadav |
ongoing |
2022 |
M.Tech Guidance
16 Completed, 1 Ongoing
B.Tech Guidance
Expert Talk:
1. On topic “Fault Analysis in Renewable Integrated Distribution Network” in the one-week online STTP on “Power Electronics Application on Distributed Power Generation System’ organized by the Government Engineering College Bharuch, Gujarat and sponsored by GUJCOST, approved by DTE/ISTE on 11th December 2020.
2. On “Smart Distribution Network” in Six-Days Online Short Term Training Program on Smart Grid and Big Data Analysis Phase-III (09th– 14th Aug, 2021), IPS Academy, Institute of Engineering & Science, Indore, on 10th August 2021.
3. On “Renewable Penetrated Distribution Network: Protection Challenges and Mitigation” Two Weeks National Workshop on Emerging Trends in Smart Grid and Sustainable Energy Technology, (3rd – 12th Sept, 2021), NIT Meghalaya, on 4th September 2021.
4. On “Smart Grid Protection using Smart Components” Two Week (Hybrid mode) ATAL FDPunder the sponsorship of AICTE, New Delhi from 07th to 18th November 2022, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Anil Neerukonda Institute of Technology & Sciences.
- Reviewer – IEEE Transaction on Power Delivery, USA
- Reviewer – IEEE Systems Journal, USA
- Reviewer-IEEE Smart Grid
- Reviewer-IET Smart Grid
- Reviewer – Journal of Electric Power Components and Systems, Taylor and Francis.
- Reviewer – International Journal of Electric Power & Energy System, Elsevier.
- Reviewer – European Transaction on Electrical Power, Wiley Publication.
- Reviewer – IET, Generation, Transmission & Distribution.
- Reviewer – Measurement, Elsevier Science.
- Program Committee Member of RDCAPE (1st International Conference on Recent Development in Control, Automation & Power Engineering-2015, 12-13 March 2015, IEEE Sponsored)
- National Advisory Committee Member, Recent Advances in Renewable Energy & Control (RAREC) 11-12th April 2015.
- Program Committee Member of CICT-2018.
- Reviewer in IEEE Conference in NIT Kurukhetra-ICEPE-2015, 12-13 June
- Program Committee Member of ICEPES-2016, NIT Bhopal
- Reviewer in IEEE Conference-NPSC-2016- IIT Bhubaneswar
- Reviewer in NPSC-2018- National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu
- 4th Symposium on Advances in Applied Informatics (SAI’19), December 18-21, 2019, Trivandrum Kerala, India, rogram Committee Member
- International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives, Energy & Power System (PEDEPS 2019), Ramdev Baba College of Engineering, rogram Committee Member
- Program Committee member in 2nd International Conference on Computing Analytics and Networking, ICCAN-2019, Springer, @ KIIT, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
- NIT Jamshedpur, EPREC 2020, PC member
- iSSSC-2020, IEEE Conference, 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Sustainable Energy, Signal Processing and Cyber Security, GIET Gunupur, Programme Committee Member.
- NIT Jamshedpur, EPREC 2021, TPC member
- TPC Member in Springer Conference Gudlavalleru Engineering College for EEE department in Andhra Pradesh
- TPC Member in PICC, Galgotia University
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