Department | Computer Science & Engineering |
Designation | Assistant Professor (Grade-II) |
Educational Qualification | Ph.D. (CSE), M.Tech. (CSE)[Specialization VLSI Design], B.E. (CSE) | | |
Contact Number | 9765379248 |
Department | Computer Science & Engineering |
Designation | Assistant Professor (Grade-II) |
Educational Qualification | Ph.D. (CSE), M.Tech. (CSE)[Specialization VLSI Design], B.E. (CSE) | | |
Contact Number | 9765379248 |
Digital Forensics, Cyber Security, DRONE Forensics, Malware Analysis, Internet of Things (IoT), Computer Architecture, Hardware Modeling and Verification, Fault-Tolerant Design, Application-Specific-Architectures, Optimization using Nature Inspired Algorithms, Computer-Aided Design and VLSI Design.
International Journal
1. Nitesh K Bharadwaj, and Upasna Singh, “Efficiently Searching Target Data Traces in StorageDevices With Region Based Random Sector Sampling Approach”, Digital Investigation, Elsevier,Vol. 24, Pages-128-141, 2018. [Impact Factor: 1.660]DOI:
2. Nitesh K. Bharadwaj and Upasna Singh “Significant Data Region Identification and AnalysisUsing K-Means in Large Storage Drive Forensics”, Security & Privacy Journal, Wiley, Vol. 1,Iss. 4, Pages-e40, 2018. DOI:
3. Nitesh K Bharadwaj, and Upasna Singh, “An Intelligent Approach for Examining and DetectingTarget Data Fragments in Suspected Large Storage Drives”, Security & Privacy Journal, Wiley,Vol. 2, Iss. 4, 2019. DOI:
International Conference
1. Bharat Garg, Nitesh K Bharadwaj and G K Sharma “Energy Scalable Approximate DCTArchitecture Trading Quality via Boundary Error-Resiliency”,27th International IEEE Systemon Chip Conference held at Las Vegas, USA, Vol 27, pages 30-300, 2014.DoI:
2. Pankaj Choudhary, Upasna Singh, Nitesh K Bharadwaj, and Bhupendra Singh, “FacebookForensics for Windows 10”,11th Annual Symposium on Information Assurance (ASIA 16), Aca-demic track of the 19th Annual NYS Cyber Security Conference, held on June 8-9, Albany, NY,USA,pages 59-67, 2016.
3. Upasna Singh, Nitesh K Bharadwaj and Ansuman Samajpati, “Analysis, Detection and Miti-gation of Cyber Attacks on an IoT Platform.”,12th Annual Symposium on Information Assurance(ASIA 17), Academic track of the 20th Annual NYS Cyber Security Conference, held on June7-8, Albany, NY, USA,pages 45-53, 2017.
4. Rohit Rai, Nitesh K. Bharadwaj, and Pankaj Choudhary“Group Data Sharing on Cloud under Arbitrary Behaviour of Group Members”,NATIONALCONFERENCE on ”Advancements in Mechanical, Electronics and Electrical Engineering” (AMEEE-2021), April 15-16, 2021.
Book Chapter
1. Pulkit Garg, Vishal Srivastava, Nitesh Bharadwaj, Gaurav Gupta "Leveraging Client-Side User Account Data in Digital Forensic Investigations." Advances in Digital Forensics XX. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, vol 724. Springer, Cham.
2. Nitesh K. Bharadwaj, Upasna Singh and Gaurav Gupta “Resident Data Pattern Analysis usingSector Clustering for Storage Drive Forensics”, Advances in Digital Forensics XVI, Springer, IFIPWG 11.9 International Conference on Digital Forensics 2020, New Delhi, India. 8.
3. Nitesh K. Bharadwaj and Upasna Singh “Acquisition and Analysis of Forensic Artifacts fromRaspberry-Pi an Internet of Things Prototype Platform”, In: Sa P., Bakshi S., HatzilygeroudisI., Sahoo M. (eds) Recent Findings in Intelligent Computing Techniques. Advances in IntelligentSystems and Computing, vol 707. Springer, Singapore, 2019. DoI: 32.
4. Nitesh K. Bharadwaj and Upasna Singh “Differential Evolution Based Significant Data RegionIdentification on Large Storage Drives”, Intelligent Decision Support Systems for SustainableComputing, Studies in Computational Intelligence, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-53153 8, Vol. 705,Springer International Publishing, 2017. DOI: 8
IP Design
1. Wall Mounted Home Emergency Alert Systems, UK Design No.: 6414575, Grant Dat: 07-01-2025
Sponsored Project
1. Drone Forensics Tool (DFT) for Fly Path Reconstruction, Resident Files, Directories,Network Artifacts, Events Logs Analysis, February 2023 - October-2023 Funded by National Center of Excellence (NCoE) Data Security Council of India (DSCI),New Delhi, India Amount: INR 4,60,000/-
2. Price Forecasting of Hot Rolled Coil (HRC) Ex-Yard Prices in Mumbai via Machine Learning December-2024 to June-2025 Funded by BigMint Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India Amount: INR 3,30,000/-
1. Certified Penetration Tester, July 2023 - Present ISAC Certified Penetration Tester [Unique ID: 35ALLRGM],Information Sharing and Analysis Center (ISAC) Certified PENETRATION TESTER, 11th July, 2023
1. Co-ordinator for the 15 Days Online Workshop on ”Data Science & It's Applications” organized by Department of CSE, NIT raipur, 13th-29th January, 2025.
2. Co-ordinator for the One Week Certificate Course on ”Ethical Hacking and Digital Forensics” organized by Department of CSE, NIT raipur, 10th-14th June, 2024.
3. Co-ordinator for the One Month Certificate Course on ”Cyber Security and Digital Forensics” organized by Department of CSE, IIIT Pune, 15th May-15th June, 2023.
4. Co-ordinator for the Four Week Awareness Program ”National Cyber Security Awareness Month 2021” organized by OP Jindal University, Raigarh in collaboration with CG Police and OPJU IEEE Student Branch, 07th-29th October, 2021.
1. Received recognition from Honourable Minster of Education and Ministry of HumanResource & Development (Now MoE) (MHRD) on Social Media (11th July, 2020)for our contribution to fight COVID-19 pandemic i.e. developed Android App forengulfing user under Social Safety Circle of 6 feet.