Mohan  Karnati

Department Computer Science & Engineering
Designation Assistant Professor
Educational Qualification Ph.D, M.Tech, B.Tech
Contact Number 09948281063
Areas of Interest

Machine Learning and Deep Learning

Human-Computer Interaction

Brain-Comuter Interface

Biomedical Signal Processing

Affect Recognition

Computer Vision

Vsibility Restoration



S. No No & Title of the project Co-ordinators Research Grant Funding Agency Year of Sanction Current Status
1 NITRR/Seed Grant/2024-25/01: Design and Development of AI-enabled Models for Analyzing EEG Signals and Classifying Schizophrenia. Dr. Karnati Mohan 4, 35, 000/- SEED (NITRR) 2024 Ongoing (2027)
2 IIT MANDI iHub/RD/2024-25/03: Path Rakshak (Guardian of the Road): A System for Enhancing Public Transport Safety with Real-time Ambiance and Driver Monitoring

Dr. Karnati Mohan (PI),

Dr. Pradeep Singh (Co-PI)

15, 76, 300/- iHUB IIT Mandi (DST) 2025 Ongoing (2027)



  1. VV Bhandarkar, Mohan Karnati, P Tandon. "Defect Detection in 3D-Printed Polymer Parts using Deep Learning Models: A Comparative Investigation", Rapid Prototyping Journal (2025) [SCIE]Q1 
  2. Mohan Karnati, Geet Sahu, Gautam Verma, Ayan Seal, Malay Kishore Dutta, Joanna Jaworek-Korjakowska. "BMFCNet: Blended Multi-Level Features withConstraint Fusion Network for DepressionDetection from EEG Signals", IEEE Transactions on Instruments and Measurements (2025) [SCIE], Q1
  3. Karnati Mohan, Geet Sahu, Akanksha Yadav, Ayan Seal, Joanna Jaworek-Korjakowska, Marek Penhaker, and Ondrej Krejcar. "MD-DCNN: Multi-Scale Dilation-Based Deep Convolution Neural Network for epilepsy detection using electroencephalogram signals." Knowledge-Based Systems (2024): 112322 [SCIE], Q1.
  4. Maurya Ritesh, Nageshwar Nath Pandey, Mohan Karnati, and Geet Sahu. "Breaking Barriers in Cancer Diagnosis: Super‐Light Compact Convolution Transformer for Colon and Lung Cancer Detection." International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology 34, no. 5 (2024): e23154 [SCIE], Q2.
  5. Maurya Ritesh, Satyajit Mahapatra, Malay Kishore Dutta, Vibhav Prakash Singh, Mohan Karnati, Geet Sahu, and Nageshwar Nath Pandey. "Skin cancer detection through attention guided dual autoencoder approach with extreme learning machine." Scientific Reports 14, no. 1 (2024): 17785 [SCIE], Q1.
  6. Maurya Ritesh, Nageshwar Nath Pandey, Malay Kishore Dutta, and Mohan Karnati. "FCCS-Net: Breast cancer classification using Multi-Level fully Convolutional-Channel and spatial attention-based transfer learning approach." Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 94 (2024): 106258 [SCIE], Q1.
  7. Karnati Mohan, Ayan Seal, Joanna Jaworek-Korjakowska, and Ondrej Krejcar. "Facial expression recognition in-the-wild using blended feature attention network." IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (2023) [SCIE], Q1.
  8. Karnati Mohan, Geet Sahu, Abhishek Gupta, Ayan Seal, and Ondrej Krejcar. "A pyramidal spatial-based feature attention network for schizophrenia detection using electroencephalography signals." IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems (2023) [SCIE], Q1.
  9. Sahu Geet, Mohan Karnati, Abhishek Gupta, and Ayan Seal. "Scz-scan: An automated schizophrenia detection system from electroencephalogram signals." Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 86 (2023): 105206 [SCIE], Q1.
  10. Karnati Mohan, Ayan Seal, Debotosh Bhattacharjee, Anis Yazidi, and Ondrej Krejcar. "Understanding deep learning techniques for recognition of human emotions using facial expressions: A comprehensive survey." IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 72 (2023): 1-31 [SCIE], Q1.
  11. Seal Ayan, Rishabh Bajpai, Mohan Karnati, Jagriti Agnihotri, Anis Yazidi, Enrique Herrera-Viedma, and Ondrej Krejcar. "Benchmarks for machine learning in depression discrimination using electroencephalography signals." Applied Intelligence 53, no. 10 (2023): 12666-12683 [SCIE], Q2.
  12. Karnati Mohan, Ayan Seal, Anis Yazidi, and Ondrej Krejcar. "Flepnet: feature level ensemble parallel network for facial expression recognition." IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing 13, no. 4 (2022): 2058-2070 [SCIE], Q1.
  13. Karnati Mohan, Ayan Seal, Geet Sahu, Anis Yazidi, and Ondrej Krejcar. "A novel multi-scale based deep convolutional neural network for detecting COVID-19 from X-rays." Applied Soft Computing 125 (2022): 109109 [SCIE], Q1.
  14. Mohan Karnati, Ayan Seal, Ondrej Krejcar, and Anis Yazidi. "FER-net: facial expression recognition using deep neural net." Neural Computing and Applications 33, no. 15 (2021): 9125-9136 [SCIE], Q1.
  15. Karnati Mohan, Ayan Seal, Anis Yazidi, and Ondrej Krejcar. "LieNet: A deep convolution neural network framework for detecting deception." IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems 14, no. 3 (2021): 971-984 [SCIE], Q1.
  16. Mohan Karnati, Ayan Seal, Ondrej Krejcar, and Anis Yazidi. "Facial expression recognition using local gravitational force descriptor-based deep convolution neural networks." IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 70 (2020): 1-12 [SCIE], Q1.


  1. Rashi Chauhan, Mohan Karnati, Pradeep Singh. "Attention Based Deep Neural Network for Classification of Kidney Ailments Using CT Images." In 2024 15th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT)1-5, IEEE.
  2. Maurya Ritesh, Parth Thirwarni, T. Gopalakrishnan, and Mohan Karnati. "Combining Focal loss with Cross-entropy loss for Pneumonia Classification with a Weighted Sampling Approach." In 2024 IEEE International Conference on Interdisciplinary Approaches in Technology and Management for Social Innovation (IATMSI), vol. 2, pp. 1-5. IEEE, 2024.
  3. Maurya Ritesh, Ambica Pradhan, Gopalakrishnan Thirumoorthy, Priya Saravanan, Geet Sahu, and Mohan Karnati. "FourierCNN: Skin cancer Classification using Convolution Neural Network Fortified with Fast Fourier Transform." In 2024 IEEE International Conference on Interdisciplinary Approaches in Technology and Management for Social Innovation (IATMSI), vol. 2, pp. 1-4. IEEE, 2024.
  4. Maurya Ritesh, Drishti Arora, T. Gopalakrishnan, Ankita R. Deshpande, Malay Kishore Dutta, and Mohan Karnati. "Combining Deep Features with the Invariant Local Binary Pattern features for Skin Cancer Classification." I2023 IEEE Pune Section International Conference (PuneCon), pp. 1-5. IEEE, 2023.
  5. Sahu Geet, Mohan Karnati, Ayush Singh Rajput, Mayank Chaudhary, Ritesh Maurya, and Malay Kishore Dutta. "Attention-based Transfer Learning Approach using Spatial Pyramid Pooling for Diagnosis of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome." In 2023 9th International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication (ICSC), pp. 238-243. IEEE, 2023.
  6. Chauhan Rashi, Mohan Karnati, Malay Kishore Dutta, and Radim Burget. "Plant Disease Identification Using a Dual Self-Attention Modified Residual-Inception Network." In 2023 15th International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems and Workshops (ICUMT), pp. 170-175. IEEE, 2023.
  7. Rashid Suzain, Mohan Karnati, Garmia Aggarwal, Malay Kishore Dutta, Pavel Sikora, and Radim Burget. "Attention-Based Multiscale Deep Neural Network for Diagnosis of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Using Ovarian Ultrasound Images." In 2023 15th International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems and Workshops (ICUMT), pp. 44-49. IEEE, 2023.
  8. Verma Gautam, Mohan Karnati, Malay Kishore Dutta, Vojtech Myska, and Anzhelika Mezina. "Attention-Based VGG-Residual-Inception Module for EEG-Based Depression Detection." In 2023 15th International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems and Workshops (ICUMT), pp. 33-37. IEEE, 2023.
  9. Sinha Himanshi, Mohan Karnati, Garmia Aggarwal, Malay Kishore Dutta, Anzhelika Mezina, and Radim Burget. "DMRBNet: Dilated Multi-Scale Residual Block-Based Deep Network for Detection of Breast Cancer from MRI Images." In 2023 15th International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems and Workshops (ICUMT), pp. 38-43. IEEE, 2023.
  10. Mohan Karnati, and Ayan Seal. "Deception detection on “Bag-of-Lies”: integration of multi-modal data using machine learning algorithms." In Proceedings of International Conference on Machine Intelligence and Data Science Applications: MIDAS 2020, pp. 445-456. Springer Singapore, 2021.


  1. Mohan Karnati, Ayan Seal, Chinmaya Panigrahy, Debotosh Bhattacharjee, Ondrej Krejcar, An Edge Detection System Using Differential Box Counting-based Fractal Dimension. Application No: 202022106314.1., G06E 7/13, GR, 2021.

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Other Info.

Educational Qualifications:

  • Ph.D. (CSE, 2023), Department of Computer Science and Engineering, PDPM Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design and Manufacturing Jabalpur, India. 

Title of Thesis: Deep Learning Techniques for Facial Expression Recognition in-the-wild.

  • M.Tech. (CSE, 2020), PDPM IIITDMJ, Jabalpur, India.
  • B.Tech. (CSE, 2016), JNTU, Hyderabad, India.
  • Intermediate (12th) (2012),Narayana Junior College, Andhra Pradesh, India.
  • HSE (10th) (2010), Z.P.H.S, Marrigudem, Andhra Pradesh, India.

Work Experience 

  • Assistant Professor in Department of Computer Science & Engineering, National Institute of Technology Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India (January 2024-Till Date).
  • Assistant Professor in Amity Centre for Artificial Intelligence, Amity University, Noida, India (April 2023- January 2024).
  • Data Scientist in Dados Analytics, California, USA, (July 2022- September 2023).


  • Undergraduate Theory Courses: Compiler Design (Spring 2023-2024), Artificial Intelligence & Expert Systems (Spring-2023-2024), Fundamentals of Machine Learning, Generative AI, Advanced Machine Learning (Autumn-2024).
  • Undergraduate Laboratory Courses: Artificial Intelligence & Expert Systems, Data WareHousing and Data mining (Spring-2023-2024), Generative AI, Fundamentals of Machine Learning.


  • Ph.D. Supervision (Ongoing)-3
  • P.G. (M.TECH.) Thesis Supervision (Ongoing)-1
  • U.G. (B.TECH.) Completed-4, Ongoing-8 

Administrative Responsibilities:

  1. Faculty-Incharge of Vikram Sarabhai Hall (Erstwhile D-2 NKN Virtual Classroom) NIT Raipur, August 2024- till date.
  2. Faculty-Incharge for Summer Internship (CS&E) NIT Raipur, April 2024- till date.
  3. Faculty-Incharge Testing and Consultancy (CS&E) NIT Raipur, July 2024- till date.
  4. Faculty-Incharge Website/Webpage (CS&E) NIT Raipur, July 2024- till date.
  5. Member of Antiragging committe NIT Raipur, July- 2024- till date.
  6. Department Coordinator (CS&E) for 3rd Research Scholars’ Conclave 2024 NIT Raipur
  7. Coordinator of PG & Ph.D. for Viksit Bharat, Department of Computer Science and Engineering NIT Raipur, Feb 2024- till date.
  8. Departmental coordinator for Indian Science, Technology, and Engineering facilities Map (I-STEM).
  9. Departmental coordinator for Post-Delivery Specification Verification of purchase order.

Keynote Speaker/Invited Talk/Expert Lectures:

  1. Delivered a lecture on Mathematical and Scientific Computing with Python 17th June 2024 (3 PM to 5 PM), at Hybrid Mode, Organized by the Department of Computer Sience and Engineering NIT Warangal and NIT Raipur.
  2. Delivered a Expert Lecture on Introduction to python and machine learning Applications 14th to 15th October 2024, at Offline Mode, Organized by the Department of Computer Sience and Engineering Bhilai Institut of Technology Raipur.
  3. Delivered a Expert Lecture on Deepfake Image Detection with Deep Learning Models 16th November 2024 (6 to 8 PM) online, Organized by Electronics and ICT Academy, PDPM IIITDM Jabalpur, Faculty Development Program on  Deep Learning with Generative AI for Computer Vision.
  4. Deliver a lecture on cyber security, Organized by the Chattishghar Governer office, raipur, 11/01/2025. (3PM to 4:3oPM)
  5. Delivered a Expert Lecture on Mathematical and Scientific Computing with Python 16th January 2025 (6 to 8PM) online, Organized by Department of Computer Science & Engineering, NIT Raipur, Chhattisgarh is organizing 4th Online Workshop on "Data Science and its Applications" from January 13, 2025, to January 29, 2025 .
  6. Delivered a Expert Lecture on Deepfake Detection Using Deep Learning Models on 23 Feb 2025 (11:30 to 1 PM) online, Organized by Electronics and ICT Academy, PDPM IIITDM Jabalpur, Faculty Development Program on  AI in Deep Learning.
  7. Delivered a expert lecture on Medical Image Analysis using AI techniques from 18-19 Feb 2025 (11 to 1 PM Theory + practical) online, organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering. Baderia Global Institute Of Engineering Management. Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh.
  8. Delivered a expert lecture on AI in Cyber Physical System from 19-24 Feb 2025 (5:30 to 7 PM) online, Organized by the department of computer science and engineering, NIT Raipur.

Reviewer in International Journals:

  • IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing.
  • IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics.
  • IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems.
  • IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems.
  • Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering
  • Biomedical Signals Processing and Control
  • Computers in Biology and Medicine
  • Computers and Electronics in Agriculture
  • Plos One
  • IEEE Access
  • Neural Processing Letters
  • Multimedia Tools and Applications
  • Scientific Reports


  • Recieved best thesis award conducted by IEEE Conference on Information \& Communication Technology, PDPM IIITDM Jabalpur, India, During December 15-17, 2023.
  • Recieved Silver medal for the best dissertation work in the post graduate programme of study for the year 2023 (Ph.D.) during July 11, 2024 (IIITDMJ-2024 Convocation).


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