Department | Computer Science & Engineering |
Designation | Associate Professor |
Educational Qualification | Ph. D (Computer Science & Engineering) | | |
Contact Number | 9407627366 |
Department | Computer Science & Engineering |
Designation | Associate Professor |
Educational Qualification | Ph. D (Computer Science & Engineering) | | |
Contact Number | 9407627366 |
Software Engineering, Machine Learning, Database Systems, Evolutionary Computing, Deep learning, Business Analytics and Computational Intelligence
Significant Achievements
Recipient of Faculty Research Awards -2023-
AMONGST THE TOP 1000 RESEARCHERS IN THE COUNTRY ( Based on academic output in SCOPUS indexed journals, citation counts and h-index)
For Updated Profile pls visit:
Q1 Journals:- ( 17)
1. Jagat, Rikhi Ram, Dilip Singh Sisodia, and Pradeep Singh. "Exploiting Web Content Semantic Features to Detect Web Robots from Weblogs." Journal of Network and Computer Applications 230 (2024): Article 103975. Impact Factor: 7.7
Jagat, Rikhi Ram, Dilip Singh Sisodia, and Pradeep Singh. "Detecting Web Attacks from HTTP Weblogs Using Variational LSTM Autoencoder Deviation Network." IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 17, no. 5 (2024): 2210–2222. Impact Factor: 5.5
Singh, Deepak, Dilip Singh Sisodia, and Pradeep Singh. "Cognitive Framework for HIV-1 Protease Cleavage Site Classification Using Evolutionary Algorithm." Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 44, no. 11 (2019): 9007–9027. DOI: 10.1007/s13369-019-03871-1. Impact Factor: 2.6
Asudani, Deepak Suresh, Naresh Kumar Nagwani, and Pradeep Singh. "Impact of Word Embedding Models on Text Analytics in Deep Learning Environment: A Review." Artificial Intelligence Review 56, no. 9 (2023): 10345–10425. Impact Factor: 14.75 (2023)
Singh, Deepak, Dilip Singh Sisodia, and Pradeep Singh. "Compositional Framework for Multitask Learning in the Identification of Cleavage Sites of HIV-1 Protease." Journal of Biomedical Informatics 102 (2020): Article No. 103376. Impact Factor: 4.00
Sihag, Vikas, Manu Vardhan, and Pradeep Singh. "A Survey of Android Application and Malware Hardening." Computer Science Review 39 (2021): Article 100365. DOI: 10.1016/j.cosrev.2021.100365. Cited 57 times. Impact Factor: 13.3
Singh, Namrata, and Pradeep Singh. "Stacking-Based Multi-Objective Evolutionary Ensemble Framework for Prediction of Diabetes Mellitus." Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering 40, no. 1 (2020): 1–22. Impact Factor: 5.3
Shukla, Alok Kumar, Pradeep Singh, and Manu Vardhan. "An Adaptive Inertia Weight Teaching-Learning-Based Optimization Algorithm and Its Applications." Applied Mathematical Modelling 77 (2020): 309–326. DOI: 10.1016/j.apm.2019.07.046. Impact Factor: 4.4
Nevendra, Meetesh, and Pradeep Singh. "Empirical Investigation of Hyperparameter Optimization for Software Defect Count Prediction." Expert Systems with Applications 191 (2022): Article 116217. DOI: 10.1016/j.eswa.2021.116217. Impact Factor: 7.5
Shukla, Alok Kumar, Pradeep Singh, and Manu Vardhan. "Gene Selection for Cancer Types Classification Using Novel Hybrid Metaheuristics Approach." Swarm and Evolutionary Computation 54 (2020): Article No. 100661. Impact Factor: 8.2
Shukla, Alok Kumar, Pradeep Singh, and Manu Vardhan. "A New Hybrid Wrapper TLBO and SA with SVM Approach for Gene Expression Data." Information Sciences 503 (2019): 238–254. DOI: 10.1016/j.ins.2019.06.063. Impact Factor:
Singh, Deepak, Pradeep Singh, and Dilip Singh Sisodia. "Compositional Model Based on Factorial Evolution for Realizing Multi-Task Learning in Bacterial Virulent Protein Prediction." Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 101 (2019): Article ID 101757. Factor: 6.1
Singh, Namrata, Pradeep Singh, and Deepika Bhagat. "A Rule Extraction Approach from Support Vector Machines for Diagnosing Hypertension Among Diabetics." Expert Systems with Applications 130 (2019): 188–205. Factor: 7.5
Singh, Deepak, Pradeep Singh, and Dilip Singh Sisodia. "Evolutionary Based Optimal Ensemble Classifiers for HIV-1 Protease Cleavage Sites Prediction." Expert Systems with Applications 109 (2018): 86–99. Factor: 7.5
Singh, Deepak, Pradeep Singh, and Dilip Singh Sisodia. "Evolutionary Based Optimal Ensemble Classifiers for HIV-1 Protease Cleavage Sites Prediction." Expert Systems with Applications 109 (2018): 86–99. Factor: 7.5
Shukla, Alok Kumar, Pradeep Singh, and Manu Vardhan. "A Hybrid Gene Selection Method for Microarray Recognition." Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering 38, no. 4 (2018): 975–991. Impact Factor: 5.3
Singh, Pradeep, Nikhil R. Pal, Shrish Verma, and Om Prakash Vyas. "Fuzzy Rule-Based Approach for Software Fault Prediction." IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 47, no. 5 (2017): 826–837. Impact Factor: 8.6
Q2 Journal: (15)
Asudani, Deepak Suresh, Naresh Kumar Nagwani, and Pradeep Singh. "A Comparative Evaluation of Machine Learning and Deep Learning Algorithms for Question Categorization of VQA Datasets." Multimedia Tools and Applications 83, no. 19 (2024): 57829–57859. Impact Factor: 3.0Rajanand, Ashish, and Pradeep Singh. "ErfReLU: Adaptive Activation Function for Deep Neural Network." Pattern Analysis and Applications 27, no. 2 (2024): 68. Impact Factor: 3.7
Jagat, Rikhi Ram, Dilip Singh Sisodia, and Pradeep Singh. "DISET: A Distance-Based Semi-Supervised Self-Training for Automated Users’ Agent Activity Detection from Web Access Log." Multimedia Tools and Applications 82, no. 13 (2023): 19853–19876. Impact Factor: 3.0
Garg, Shankey, and Pradeep Singh. "An Aggregated Loss Function Based Lightweight Few Shot Model for Plant Leaf Disease Classification." Multimedia Tools and Applications 82, no. 15 (2023): 23797–23815. DOI: 10.1007/s11042-023-14372-7. Impact Factor: 3.0
Singh, Deepak, Dilip Singh Sisodia, and Pradeep Singh. "Multi objective Evolutionary-Based Multi-Kernel Learner for Realizing Transfer Learning in the Prediction of HIV-1 Protease Cleavage Sites." Soft Computing 24, no. 13 (2020): 9727–9751. Impact Factor: 3.1
Sihag, Vikas, Gaurav Choudhary, Manu Vardhan, Pradeep Singh, and Jung Taek Seo. "PICAndro: Packet InspeCtion-Based Android Malware Detection." Security and Communication Networks 2021 (2021): Article ID 9099476. Impact Factor: 1.968
Singh, Deepak, Pradeep Singh, and Dilip Singh Sisodia. "Evolutionary Based Ensemble Framework for Realizing Transfer Learning in HIV-1 Protease Cleavage Sites Prediction." Applied Intelligence 49, no. 4 (2019): 1342–1359. Impact Factor: 3.4
Garg, Shankey, and Pradeep Singh. "Transfer Learning Based Lightweight Ensemble Model for Imbalanced Breast Cancer Classification." IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics 20, no. 2 (2023): 1529–1539. Impact Factor: 3.6
Singh, Namrata, and Pradeep Singh. "A Hybrid Ensemble-Filter Wrapper Feature Selection Approach for Medical Data Classification." Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 217 (2021): Article 104396. DOI: 10.1016/j.chemolab.2021.104396. Cited 74 times. Impact Factor: 3.7
Shukla, Alok Kumar, Pradeep Singh, and Manu Vardhan. "A Two-Stage Gene Selection Method for Biomarker Discovery from Microarray Data for Cancer Classification." Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 183 (2018): 47–58. Impact Factor: 3.7
Sihag, Vikas, Manu Vardhan, and Pradeep Singh. "BLADE: Robust Malware Detection Against Obfuscation in Android." Forensic Science International: Digital Investigation 38 (2021): Article No. 301176. Impact Factor: 2.0
Sinha, Arvind Kumar, Pradeep Singh, Anand Prakash, Dharm Pal, Anuradha Dube, and Awanish Kumar. "Putative Drug and Vaccine Target Identification in Leishmania donovani Membrane Proteins Using Naïve Bayes Probabilistic Classifier." IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics 14, no. 1 (2017): 204–211. Impact Factor: 3.6
Singh, Pradeep, Shrish Verma, and Om Prakash Vyas. "Software Fault Prediction at Design Phase." Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology 9, no. 5 (2014): 1739–1745. Impact Factor: 1.6
Shukla, Alok Kumar, Pradeep Singh, and Manu Vardhan. "A Hybrid Framework for Optimal Feature Subset Selection." Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 36, no. 3 (2019): 2247–2259. Impact Factor: 1.7
Shukla, Alok Kumar, Pradeep Singh, and Manu Vardhan. "Neighbour Teaching Learning Based Optimization for Global Optimization Problems." Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 34, no. 3 (2018): 1583–1594. DOI: 10.3233/JIFS-169453. Impact Factor: 1.7
Shukla, Alok Kumar, Pradeep Singh, and Manu Vardhan. "A New Hybrid Feature Subset Selection Framework Based on Binary Genetic Algorithm and Information Theory." International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications 18, no. 3 (2019): Article ID 1950020.
Singh, Namrata, and Pradeep Singh. "A Novel Bagged Naïve Bayes-Decision Tree Approach for Multi-Class Classification Problems." Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 36, no. 3 (2019): 2261–2271. Impact Factor: 1.7
Singh, Pradeep, and Awanish Kumar. "Deciphering the Function of Unknown Leishmania donovani Cytosolic Proteins Using Hyperparameter-Tuned Random Forest." Network Modeling Analysis in Health Informatics and Bioinformatics 9, no. 1 (2020): Article 2. DOI: 10.1007/s13721-019-0208-2. Impact Factor: 2.0
Q4 Journal:- (2)
Singh, Pradeep, and Shrish Verma. "ACO Based Comprehensive Model for Software Fault Prediction." International Journal of Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Engineering Systems 24, no. 1 (2020): 63–71.
Singh, Namrata, and Pradeep Singh. "Rule-Based Approach for Prediction of Chronic Kidney Disease: A Comparative Study." Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal 10, no. 2 (2017): 867–874.
10. Singh, P. (2018). Knowledge transfer software fault learning. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the International Conference on Inventive Computing and Informatics, ICICI 2017, 1109-1114. doi:10.1109/ICICI.2017.8365312
11. Singh, P. (2019). Learning from software defect datasets. Paper presented at the Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Computing and Control, , 2019-October 58-63. doi:10.1109/ISPCC48220.2019.8988366
12. Singh, P. (2019). Stacking based approach for prediction of faulty modules. Paper presented at the 2019 IEEE Conference on Information and Communication Technology, CICT 2019, doi:10.1109/CICT48419.2019.9066206
13. Singh, P., Dave, A., & Dar, K. (2018). Demonetization: Sentiment and retweet analysis. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the International Conference on Inventive Computing and Informatics, ICICI 2017, 891-896. doi:10.1109/ICICI.2017.8365265
14. Singh, P., Jain, N., & Maini, A. (2016). Investigating the effect of feature selection and dimensionality reduction on phishing website classification problem. Paper presented at the Proceedings on 2015 1st International Conference on Next Generation Computing Technologies, NGCT 2015, 388-393. doi:10.1109/NGCT.2015.7375147
15. Singh, P., & Meshram, P. A. (2018). Survey of density based clustering algorithms and its variants. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the International Conference on Inventive Computing and Informatics, ICICI 2017, 920-926. doi:10.1109/ICICI.2017.8365272
16. Singh, P., Shukla, A., & Vardhan, M. (2018). A novel filter approach for efficient selection and small round blue-cell tumor cancer detection using microarray gene expression data. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the International Conference on Inventive Computing and Informatics, ICICI 2017, 827-831. doi:10.1109/ICICI.2017.8365252
17. Singh, P., Shukla, A., & Vardhan, M. (2018). Hybrid approach for gene selection and classification using filter and genetic algorithm. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the International Conference on Inventive Computing and Informatics, ICICI 2017, 832-837. doi:10.1109/ICICI.2017.8365253
18. Singh, P., & Singh, N. (2018). Intelligent approaches for prognosticating post-operative life expectancy in the lung cancer patients. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the International Conference on Inventive Computing and Informatics, ICICI 2017, 844-848. doi:10.1109/ICICI.2017.8365255
19. Singh, P., & Verma, S. (2009). An investigation of the effect of discretization on defect prediction using static measures. Paper presented at the ACT 2009 - International Conference on Advances in Computing, Control and Telecommunication Technologies, 837-839. doi:10.1109/ACT.2009.212
20. Singh, P., & Verma, S. (2012). Empirical investigation of fault prediction capability of object oriented metrics of open source software. Paper presented at the JCSSE 2012 - 9th International Joint Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering, 323-327. doi:10.1109/JCSSE.2012.6261973
21. Vellamcheti, S., & Singh, P. (2020). Class imbalance deep learning for bankruptcy prediction. Paper presented at the 2020 1st International Conference on Power, Control and Computing Technologies, ICPC2T 2020, 421-425. doi:10.1109/ICPC2T48082.2020.9071460
1. Nevendra, M., & Singh, P. (2018). Multistage preprocessing approach for software defect data prediction doi:10.1007/978-981-13-1343-1_42
2. Shukla, A. K., Singh, P., & Vardhan, M. (2019). DNA gene expression analysis on diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) based on filter selection method with supervised classification method doi:10.1007/978-981-10-8055-5_69
3. Shukla, A. K., Singh, P., & Vardhan, M. (2019). Medical diagnosis of parkinson disease driven by multiple preprocessing technique with scarce lee silverman voice treatment data doi:10.1007/978-981-13-1642-5_37
4. Singh, D., Sisodia, D. S., & Singh, P. (2019). An empirical analysis of instance-based transfer learning approach on protease substrate cleavage site prediction doi:10.1007/978-981-13-0923-6_6
5. Singh, N., & Singh, P. (2020). A stacked generalization approach for diagnosis and prediction of type 2 diabetes mellitus doi:10.1007/978-981-13-8676-3_47
6. Singh, N., & Singh, P. (2019). Cardiac arrhythmia classification using machine learning techniques doi:10.1007/978-981-13-1642-5_42
7. Singh, P. (2018). Sentiment analysis using tuned ensemble machine learning approach doi:10.1007/978-981-10-8360-0_27
8. Singh, P., & Verma, S. (2018). Automated tool for extraction of software fault data doi:10.1007/978-981-10-8360-0_3
Details of Publication : Profile in Google Scholar
Sponsored Research Projects
Sponsoring agency |
Total Cost |
Year |
Status |
Role |
Development of a Comprehensive Model for Software Fault |
Council of Science & Technology (CCOST), |
Rs.500000/- |
2018 |
Completed |
PI |
Development of Responsible Artificial Intelligence for Bias Mitigation in Health Care Systems |
Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology |
Rs. 22,94,112/- |
2024 |
Running |
PI |
Price Forecasting of Hot Rolled Coil(HRC) Ex-Yard Prices in Mumbai via Machine learning |
Big Mint Technology Pvt Ltd. Raipur |
3,30,000/- |
2024 |
Running |
PI |
[SCI Indexed with Impact Factor: 5.606]
[SCI Indexed with Impact Factor: 7.872]
[SCI Indexed with Impact Factor: 2.395]
[SJR: 0.21]
[SCI Indexed with Impact Factor: 5.129]
[SCI Indexed with Impact Factor: 7.177]
[SCI Indexed with Impact Factor: 6.317]
9. [SCI Indexed with Impact Factor: 1.2]
[SJR: 0.242]
[SCI Indexed with Impact Factor: 0.858]
[SCI Indexed with Impact Factor: 3.643]
[SCI Indexed with Impact Factor: 4.314]
[SCI Indexed with Impact Factor: 6.954]
[SCI Indexed with Impact Factor: 1.851]
[SCI Indexed with Impact Factor: 1.851]
[SJR: 0.283]
[SCI Indexed with Impact Factor: 2.334]
[SCI Indexed with Impact Factor: 6.795]
[SCI Indexed with Impact Factor: 5.326]
[SCI Indexed with Impact Factor: 5.086]
[SCI Indexed with Impact Factor: 6.954]
[SCI Indexed with Impact Factor: 3.491]
[SCI Indexed with Impact Factor: 4.314]
[SCI Indexed with Impact Factor: 0.669]
[SCI Indexed with Impact Factor: 1.851]
[SJR: 0.19]
[SCI Indexed with Impact Factor: 13.451]
[SCI Indexed with Impact Factor: 3.71]
[SCI Indexed with Impact Factor: 1.069]
Ph. D. Thesis Supervision:
S.No |
Name |
Thesis Title |
Status |
Remark |
1. |
Alok Kumar Shukla |
Hybrid Metaheuristics for Unconstrained Optimization and Feature Selection Problems |
Awarded 11th May 2019 |
Co-Supervisor Dr. Manu Vardan |
2. |
Deepak Singh |
Investigation of Evolutionary Intelligence on Discriminative Learning with Variant and Invariant Data |
Awarded |
Co-Supervisor Dr. D.S Sisodia |
3. |
Namrata Singh |
Development of Hybrid Ensemble Methods for Classification of Medical Data |
Awarded- 28th June 2021 |
Sole |
4. |
Vikash Kumar Sihag |
An Effective Behavior-based Malware Detection System for Android
Awarded |
Jointly with Dr. Manu Vardhan |
5. |
Meetesh Nevendra |
Investigation of homogeneous and heterogeneous software defect prediction techniques |
Submitted |
Sole |
6. |
Shankey Garg |
Design of Lightweight Deep Learning Models for Disease Classification |
Submitted |
Sole |
In Progress:
S.No |
Name |
Thesis Title |
Status |
Remark |
1. |
Rikhi Ram Jagat. |
On Development of Automated Models for Detection of Malicious and Non-Malicious Activities Using Weblog |
Ongoing |
Joint Supervisor |
2. |
Deepak Suresh Asudani |
Exploring Deep Learning Architectures For Improving Knowledge Discovery In Visual Question Answering Systems |
On Going |
Joint Supervisor |
3. |
Shashank Girepunje |
Investigation of Convolutional Neural Networks and Attention Models for Medical Image Classification |
Ongoing |
Sole |
4. |
Nishchal Adil |
Explainable AI for Medical Application |
Ongoing |
Joint Supervisor |
5. |
Arti Jain |
Image Quality Improvement |
Ongoing |
Sole |
6. |
Sanjay kalamdhad |
Deep Learning Models for Enhanced Natural Language Understanding and Generation |
Ongoing |
Sole |
Training Programs/Seminars /Workshops Organized
1. One Week Self Sponsored Short Term Training Program (STTP) on “Big Data Processing using Hadoop: Implementation, Usage and Applications”, National Institute of Technology Raipur, 9th-13th December 2017. (Role: Coordinator)
2. One Week Self Sponsored Short Term Training Program (STTP) on “Machine Learning Tools and Techniques (MLTT)”, National Institute of Technology Raipur, 10th-14th November 2017. (Role: Coordinator)
3. One Week TEQIP-III Sponsored Short Term Training Program (STTP) on “Deep Learning and Its Applications” National Institute of Technology Raipur, 28th September to 2nd October 2017. (Role: Coordinator)
4. One Week TEQIP-II Sponsored Short Term Training Program (STTP) on “Soft Computing and Intelligent Techniques in Science and Technology (SCI-TSE-2016)” National Institute of Technology Raipur, from 30th September to 4th October 2016. (Role: Coordinator)
5. One Week Self Sponsored Short Term Training Program om “Python Programming and its Application” organizing by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering & Information Technology from 19th June to 23rd June 2019. (Role: Convener)
6. One Week National Workshop on “Programming, Simulation and Optimization using MATLAB” organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering during 22nd – 26th August, 2019. (Role: Convener)
Conference Organized
1. National Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Techniques in Science and Engineering (SCITSE-2017), National Institute of Technology Raipur, November 25, 2017. (Role: Conference Secretary).
2. National Conference on Recent Advancement in Computing, Communication, and Bioinformatics (RAC2B-2017), National Institute of Technology Raipur, December 9, 2017. (Role: Conference Secretary).
Guest lecture/ Invited lecture/Keynote
1. National Institute of Technology Raipur, Department of Electrical Engineering and Department of Computer Applications “Soft Computing & Data Mining Techniques (SCDMT-2016)” which was held on during June 20-24, 2016,
2. National Institute of Technology Raipur, Computer Science & Engineering department invited for a talk on Classifiers “Soft Computing and Intelligent Techniques in Science and Engineering” which was held on 30thSep-04th October 2016.
3. Machine Learning Tools and Techniques (MLTT)”, National Institute of Technology Raipur, 10th-14th November 2017
4. Soft Computing and Intelligent Techniques in Science and Technology (SCI-TSE-2016)” National Institute of Technology Raipur, from 30th September to 4th October 2016
5. Programming, Simulation and Optimization using MATLAB” organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering during 22nd – 26th August, 2019
Fellowship/Awards/Other recognitions:
Research Fellowship in 2012 by Indian Academy of Sciences ,Bangalore Indian National Science Academy ,New Delhi ,The National Academy of Sciences, India Allahabad (IASc-INSA-NASI ) to work with Prof. Nikhil R. Pal, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata.
Professional Affiliations:
Other Professional Activities:
Administrative Responsibilities:
Short Term Training Programs/CEPs/Workshops Attended:
B. Tech. Project Supervision: (8th Semester Major Project list Spring 2018)
S.No. |
Roll No |
Student Name |
Project Title |
1 |
14115007 |
Image Classification Using CNN and Transfer Learning |
2 |
14115011 |
A CNN Based Approach For Sentiment Analysis Using Word Embedding for Multiple Domains |
3 |
14115012 |
Yolo-Based Real Time Animal Surveillance Approach |
4 |
14115018 |
Multitask Learning Using LSTM Networks on Language Tasks |
5 |
14115029 |
Low Cost Home Automation System using IOT |
6 |
14115030 |
Multitask Learning Using LSTM Networks on Language Tasks |
7 |
14115031 |
Personality Traits Detection Using Recurrent Neural Networks with LSTM Units |
8 |
14115037 |
Autonomous Navigation of Quadcopter Ariel Vehicle |
9 |
14115043 |
Image Classification Using CNN and Transfer Learning |
10 |
14115044 |
An Ensemble Method to Evaluate the Number of Bugs in Software Projects |
11 |
14115068 |
Low Cost Home Automation System using IOT |
12 |
14115092 |
Comparative Analysis of Various Methods used to recognize ransom-wares and their classes |
13 |
14115901 |
A Random Forest Model Using Feature Selection Method and Handling Class Imbalance Problem |
· One Week Self Sponsored Short Term Training Program (STTP) on “Big Data Processing using Hadoop: Implementation, Usage and Applications”, National Institute of Technology Raipur, 9th-13th December 2017. (Role: Coordinator)
· One Week Self Sponsored Short Term Training Program (STTP) on “Machine Learning Tools and Techniques (MLTT)”, National Institute of Technology Raipur, 10th-14th November 2017. (Role: Coordinator)
· One Week TEQIP-III Sponsored Short Term Training Program (STTP) on “Deep Learning and Its Applications” National Institute of Technology Raipur, 28th September to 2nd October 2017. (Role: Coordinator)
· One Week TEQIP-II Sponsored Short Term Training Program (STTP) on “Soft Computing and Intelligent Techniques in Science and Technology (SCI-TSE-2016)” National Institute of Technology Raipur, from 30th September to 4th October 2016. (Role: Coordinator)
· National Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Techniques in Science and Engineering (SCITSE-2017), National Institute of Technology Raipur, November 25, 2017. (Role: Conference Secretary).
· National Conference on Recent Advancement in Computing, Communication, and Bioinformatics (RAC2B-2017), National Institute of Technology Raipur, December 9, 2017. (Role: Conference Secretary).