Dr. Dharm   Pal

Department Chemical Engineering
Designation Associate Professor
Educational Qualification B.Tech. (HBTI Kanpur), M.Tech.(IIT Delhi),Ph.D.(NITRR)
E-Mail dpsingh.che@nitrr.ac.in
Contact Number 9584751651
Areas of Interest
  • Polymer nanocomposite (Multifunctional Biodegradable Composites, Edible Coatings & Films, Rechargeable Bateries, Drug Delivery & Microbial Bio-film)
  • Photocatalysis (Hydrogen Production, Environmental Remediation)
  • Reactive Extraction (Corb. Acids, Bioactive Compounds)
  • Bio Resource Technology & Alternate Energy (Fuel Cell, Pyrolysis, Bio-fuel)


Book Authored: 04

S No.




Reactive Extraction of Citric Acid: Equilibrium & Kinetics



Multi-Component Alloys: Challenges and Opportunities



Wear Characteristics of Dual Phase Steel



Conventional Waste Water Treatment Plant
















Grand Total 


Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Dharm_Pal
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.co.in/citations? ser=iaWLRCoAAAAJ&hl=en

 A. International Journal Publications = 59

1. Prajapati, A.K., Mehra, S., Dewangan, T., Sharma, D., Sen, S., Dubey, S., Kaushal, R.K., Chaudhari, P.K., Pal, D. Treatment of rice grain based distillery biodigester effluent using iron metal and salt: Chemical oxidation and electro-oxidation combined study in batch mode (2021) Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring and Management, 16, art. no. 100585, (DOI: 10.1016/j.enmm.2021.100585)

2. Dubey, S., Joshi, A., Trivedi, R., Chaudhari, P.K., Pal, D., Prajapati, A.K. Hydrogen peroxide assisted electrocoagulation treatment of rice gain based biodigester effluent: Mechanism, performance, and cost analysis (2021) International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering, 19 (9), pp. 969-980. (DOI: 10.1515/ijcre-2021-0089)

3. Shambharkar, D., Pal, D. Kinetics study on reactive extraction of formic acid using tri-n-octyl amine diluted in n-butyl acetate (2021) International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering, 19 (9), pp. 921-927 (DOI: 10.1515/ijcre-2021-0104)

4. Dubey, S., Joshi, A., Trivedi, R., Pal, D., Prajapati, A.K. Electro-peroxone treatment of rice grain based distillery biodigester effluent: COD and color removal (2021) Water Resources and Industry, 25, art. no. 100142, (DOI: 10.1016/j.wri.2021.100142)

5. Antony, F.M., Pal, D., Wasewar, K. Separation of bio-products by liquid-liquid extraction (2021) Physical Sciences Reviews, 6 (4), pp. 1-21. (DOI: 10.1515/psr-2018-0065)

6. Nimmakayala, R., Pal, D., Singh, D., Prajapati, A.K. Equilibrium & kinetic studies of reactive extraction of trans-aconitic acid using sunflower oil with tri-n-octylamine (2021) International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering, (DOI: 10.1515/ijcre-2021-0107)

7. Pattanayak, D.S., Pal, D., Thakur, C., Kumar, S., Devnani, G.L. Bio-synthesis of iron nanoparticles for environmental remediation: Status till date (2021) Materials Today: Proceedings, 44, pp. 3150-3155. (DOI: 10.1016/j.matpr.2021.02.821)

8. Mallick, N., Pal, D., Soni, A.B., Shankar, R. Effect of drying temperature and addition of plasticizer & cross-linker on the properties and stability of corn starch/polyvinyl alcohol/rice husk based bio-composite films (2021) Materials Today: Proceedings, 44, pp. 3106-3109. (DOI: 10.1016/j.matpr.2021.02.797)

2018 to 2020

  1. Nimmakayala, R.Pal, D., Equilibrium studies of aconitic acid extraction using tri-n-octyl amine (TOA) as extractant, Journal of the Indian Chemical Society,97(7), pp. 1014-1020 (2020)
  2. Sen, S.Pal, D.Prajapati, A.K., Adsorption studies on the reduction of COD and color from textile dyeing effluent using wheat husk adsorbent, Journal of the Indian Chemical Society,97(7), pp. 1161-1168 (2020)
  3. Gupta, N.Agrawal, M.Pal, D., Physico-chemical analysis of municipal solid waste on germination and plantlet enhancement of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) seeds, Journal of the Indian Chemical Society,97(7), pp. 989-992 (2020)
  4. Bano, S.Agrawal, M.Pal, D., A review on green synthesis of silver nanoparticle through plant extract and its medicinal Applications, Journal of the Indian Chemical Society,97(7), pp. 983-988 (2020)
  5. Khandelwal, A.Agrawal, M.Pal, D.,Use of agro-waste of Trapa natans plant for removal of non-ionic surfactant from industrial Wastewater, Journal of the Indian Chemical Society,97(7), pp. 975-978 (2020)
  6. Mallick, N.Pal, D.Agrawal, M.Soni, A.B.,Effect of different plasticizers on mechanical, thermal, and barrier properties of corn starch/polyvinyl alcohol/rice husk flour based bio-composite films, Journal of the Indian Chemical Society, 97(7), pp. 1094-1098 (2020)
  7. Mahto, L.Pal, D.Gaba, V.K.Agrawal, M.,A review on coatings based on modified surface topography-biomimetic approach for the inhibition of marine biofouling, Journal of the Indian Chemical Society, 97(7), pp. 1047-1054 (2020)
  8. Pattanayak, D.S.Mallick, N.Thakur, C.Pal, D., Plant mediated green synthesis of silver nanoparticles for antimicrobial application: Present status, Journal of the Indian Chemical Society, 97(7), pp. 1108-1114 (2020)
  9. Mallick, N.Pattanayak, D.S.Singh, R.K., (...), Soni, A.B.Pal, D., Development of bio-nanocomposite film based on sodium alginate-CuO nanoparticles and essential oils towards medical applications, Journal of the Indian Chemical Society, 97(7), pp. 1088-1093, (2020)
  10. Mahto, L.Pal, D., Preparation and characterization of amphiphilic polymer coating for marine biofouling control, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 798(1),012005, (2020)
  11. Mallick, N., Pal, D., Soni, A.B., Jhariya, D.C., Singh, D. Starch based antimicrobial food packaging film towards a sustainable environment (2020) IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 597 (1), art. no. 012019 (DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/597/1/012019)


  1. Awanish Kumar and Dharm Pal, Antibiotic resistance and wastewater: correlation,impact and critical human health challenges, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, Nov. 2017.
  2. Niraj Thakre, Dipaloy Datta, A. K. Prajapati, P. K. Chaudhari, Dharm Pal, Reactive extraction of citric acid using different extractants: equilibrium, kinetics and modeling, Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Quarterly, CABEQ 31 (4) 2017 . (Online ISSN1846-5153, Print ISSN 0352-9568, CROATIAN SOCIETY OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS,SCIE, IF= 0.923) _Accepted. 
  3. Dharm Pal*, Amit Keshav, Production and Recovery of Pyruvic Acid: Recent Advances, Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Chemical Engineering Division. July 2017. (Series E, SCOPUS, Print ISSN: 00203351)
  4. Archana Vimal, Dharm Pal, Timir Tripathi, Awanish Kumar "Eucalyptol, Sabinene and Cinnamaldeyde: Potent inhibitors of Salmonella Target Protein L-asparaginase", 3 Biotech, (2017) 7:258 Springer (SCIE, IF=1.36, ISSN: 2190-5738).
  5. Amiy Dutt Chaturvedi, Nagarajan K, Dharm Pal and Awanish Kumar, Escherichia coli Generate Oxidative Stress and Enhance Lipid Peroxidation in the Kidney of the Rat, Biochemistry & Analytical Biochemistry,2017,6(1), ISSN: 2161-1009.(Google Scholar)
  6. Deepak Sharma , Abhinesh Kumar Prajapati *, Rumi Chaudhari , Rajesh Kumar Kaushal , Dharm Pal , Ashish N. Sawarkar, Preparation and characterization of CuO catalyst for the thermolysis treatment of distillery wastewater, Environ Technol. 2017 Jul 31:1-32. doi: 10.1080/09593330.2017.1362476. (Taylor & Francis, SCI, IF=1.79, Print ISSN: 0959-3330 Online ISSN: 1479-487X).
  7. Omprakash Sahua, Dubasi Govardhana Rao, Richa Gopal, Anurag Tiwari, Dharm Pal, Treatment of wastewater from sugarcane process industry by electrochemical and chemical process: Aluminum (metal and salt), Journal of Water Process Engineering, (2017),17, 50–62 (ISSN: 2214-7144 , SCOPUS, Elsevier).


  1. A K Sinha, P Singh, A Prakash, D Pal, A Dube and A Kumar* Putative drug and vaccine target identification in Leishmania donovani membrane proteins using Naïve Bayes probabilistic classifier, IEEE IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics,2016. Accepted
  2. A. K. Prajapatia, P. K. Chaudhari, Dharm Pal, A. Chandrakar, R. Choudhary, Electrocoagulation treatment of rice grain based distillery effluentusing copper electrode, Journal of Water Process Engineering, 11 (2016) 1–7(Elsevier).
  3. Awanish Kumar and Dharm Pal, Green Fluorescent Protein and their applications in advance research,Journal of Research in Engineering and Applied Sciences, Jan 2016.
  4. Dharm Pal, Amit Keshav, Extraction Equilibria of Pyruvic Acid Using Tri-n-butyl Phosphate: Influence of Diluents. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data.2014, 59, 2709–2716.(ACS)
  5. Dhananjay Singh, G.L. Devnani and Dharm Pal, Biomethane: An Efficient Source for the Production of CNG and Formaldehyde, International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Applied Science (IJSEAS) – Volume-2, Issue-1, January 2016.
  6.  C. M. Nisha, A. Kumar, A. Vimal, B. M. Bai, Dharm Pal, Awanish Kumar, Docking and ADMET prediction of few GSK-3 inhibitors divulges 6-bromoindirubin-3-oxime as a potential inhibitor, Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling,65 (2016) 100-107. (IF=1.72 Elsevier)
  7. Dharm Pal*, Amit Keshav, Reactive Extraction of Pyruvic Acid Using Mixed Extractants, Separation science & Technology, 2016, VOL. 51, NO. 7, 1141–1150 (Taylor & Francis ). 
  8. Dharm Pal*, Amit Keshav, Niraj Thakre, Awanish kumar, Dhananjay Singh, LSER Modeling of Extraction Equilibria for Pyruvic Acid Recovery, Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering. (BSCE) Accepted.
  9. Dharm Pal*, Amit Keshav, Production and Recovery of Pyruvic Acid: Recent Advances, Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series E.  under review
  10. D. C. Jhariya *, Tarun Kumar , Rakesh Dewangan , Dharm Pal and Pankaj Kumar Dewangan, Assessment of Groundwater Quality Index for Drinking Purpose in the Durg District, Chhattisgarh Using Geographical Information System (GIS) and Multi­Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) Techniques, Journal of the Geological Society of India. [SCIE, IF=0.596) (Accepted)
  11. A K Prajapati, N Sharma, R K Jena, P,Shrimal, P Bagtharia, R K Kaushal & Dharm Pal, Electrochemical Treatment of Cotton Textile Based Dyeing Effluent, Separation Science and Technology, (DOI:10.1080/01496395.2016.1204318)
  12. Niraj Thakre, A K. Prajapati, S P. Mahapatra, A Kumar, A Khapre,and Dharm Pal*,Modeling and Optimization of Reactive Extraction of Citric Acid, Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data.( DOI: 10.1021/acs.jced.6b00274)
  13. H Uslu,H. S. Bamufleh, A. Keshav, Dharm Pal and GI Demir, Extractive Separation of Pentanedioic acid By Amberlite La-2 In Various Solvents, Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data. (DOI: 10.1021/acs.jced.6b00141)
  14. D Dutta, M A Marti S, Dharm Pal, Kumar,Equilibrium Study on the Extraction of Levulinic Acid from Aqueous Solution with Aliquat 336 Dissolved in Different Diluents: Solvent's Polarity Effect and Column Design, Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data. (under review)



  1. Dharm Pal, Amit  Keshav,  Kinetics of Reactive Extraction of Pyruvic Acid Using Tributylamine Dissolved in n-Butyl Acetate. International Journal of Chemical reactor Engineering. 2015,13,63-69 [DOI 10.1515/ijcre-2014-0117 (De Gruiter)]
  2. Dharm Pal, Ayush Tripathi, Arushi Shukla, Kush R. Gupta, and Amit Keshav, Reactive Extraction of Pyruvic Acid Using Tri-n-octylamine Diluted in Decanol /Kerosene: Equilibrium and Effect of Temperature, Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data. 2015,60,860-869. [DOI:10.1021je 500964e] (ACS)
  3. Dharm Pal, Amit Keshav,  Separation of Pyruvic Acid Using Reactive Extraction: Back Extraction and Effect of PH,  International Journal of Chem Tech  Research, 2015,7,1889-1894.(Scopus, IF = 0.29)
  4. Amit Keshav, Dharm Pal, Kailas Wasewar, LSER modeling and kinetics of extraction of propionic acid using tri-n-octylamine in alcohols”International Journal of science,Technology & Management,December-2010.
  5. Dharm Pal, Amit Keshav,  Recovery of Pyruvic Acid Using Tri-n-butylamine Dissolved in Non-Toxic Diluent (Rice Bran Oil), Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series E.[DOI 10.1007/s40034-015-0066-0 (Springer).]
  6. Chaturvedi A D, Pal D, Penta S, Kumar A, Ecotoxic heavy metals transformation by bacteria and fungi in aquatic ecosystem, World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2015 Oct;31(10):1595-603. doi: 10.1007/s11274-015-1911-5.  (Springer)(IF=1.779).

 B. National Journal Publications = 00

 C. International Conference/Seminars = 36     

  1. Dharm Pal and Awanish Kumar, Effect of Modifier on the Extraction Equilibria of Aconitic Acid, at an international conference at Harvard medical School, Harvard University, Boston,Massachusetts, USA held during 23rd to 27th May 2016. (Outstanding contribution award)
  2. P. Pandey, A. K. Choudhary, P Mishra, and D. Pal, Modeling and Optimization of Picolinic Acid Physical Extraction, Indian chemical engineering congress (CHEMCON 2015), IIT Guwahati, December 27-30, 2015.
  3. A. K. Choudhary, P. Pandey, P Mishra, CH V N Sowjanya and D. Pal, Physical Extraction Equilibria of Picolinic Acid, Indian chemical engineering congress (CHEMCON 2015), IIT Guwahati, December 27-30, 2015.
  4. Dharm Pal, In Situ Extraction of Pyruvic Acid Using Natural Non-Toxic Diluent, 3rd International conference on Advances in Engineering & Technology, 26th & 27th December, 2014 (Kuala Lumpur) Malaysia.(best paper award)
  5. Dharm Pal, Amit Keshav, “Equilibrium Studies of Reactive Extraction of Pyruvic Acid in Different Diluents” at international conference at Ca’ Foscari University Venice, Italy, held during 30th June to 3rd July 2014.(Outstanding contribution award)
  6. Dharm Pal, “Adsorption of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons using agricultural wastes-effect of lignin content”, International conference on Chemical, Ecology & Environmenal Sciences (ICEES’2012), 17-18 March 2012, Bangkok, Thailand, ISBN/ISS No. 978-81-922428.6.6. (Best paper award)
  7. Dharm Pal & Amit Keshav “Separation of 2-oxopropanoic acid from fermentation broth” International Conference on Advances in Chemical Engineering, 5th & 6th April, 2013, NIT Raipur.
  8. Dharm Pal “Effect of chain length of amine on reactive extraction of alphaketopropionic acid” ICACE-2013, NIT Raipur.
  9. Dharm Pal, A. Keshav, Ch. V. N. Sowjanya, Shushil Kumar “Influence of diluents on extractive equilibrium of pyruvic acid” International Conference on Advances in Chemical Engineering, 5th & 6th April, 2013, NIT Raipur. 
  10. Dharm Pal, Amit Keshav,” Application of reactive extraction in the downstream processing of pyruvic acid” International conference on sustainable technologies for energy & environment in process industries and Indo-US joint conference on energy & environment, jointly organized by IIChE & NIT Jalandhar, at NIT Jalandhar-144011,Punjab,India, 27-30 Dec. 2012, (CHEMCON 2012).
  11. Dharm Pal, Ayush Aggarwal, Nilesh Aggrawal “Development of mathematical model to predict the solid discharge rate from solid circulation vessel” International conference on sustainable technologies for energy & environment in process industries and Indo-US joint conference on energy & environment,jointly organized by IIChE & NIT Jalandhar, at NIT Jalandhar-144011,Punjab,India, 27-30 Dec. 2012, (CHEMCON 2012).
  12. Dharm Pal, Amit Keshav and Sandeep Soni “Kinetics of extraction of citric acid with TOA in sunflower oil using discerning mechanism for stirred cell” International conference on sustainable technologies for energy & environment in process industries and Indo-US joint conference on energy & environment, jointly organized by IIChE & NIT Jalandhar, at NIT Jalandhar-144011,Punjab,India, 27-30 Dec. 2012, (CHEMCON 2012).
  13. Dharm Pal, Niraj Thakre and Amit Keshav, Extraction of Pyruvic Acid: LSER Modeling, International Conference on New Frontiers in Chemical, Energy and Environmental Engineering to be held during 20-21March, 2015, NIT Warangal
  14. Ch.V. N. Sowjanya,V. Ramachandra .P, Ch.V. Ramachandra Murthy & Dharm Pal, “Potential use of leaf biomass, wrightia tinctoria for removal of pb+2. ICACE-2013, NIT Raipur. 
  15. Dharm Pal, Amit Keshav and P. K. Chaudhari, “Removal of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon present in tyre pyrolytic oil using low – cost adsorbents of natural origin”,CHEMCON-2011,27-29 Dec.2011,Banglore.
  16. Vibha Verma, Amit Keshav, Dharm Pal, “Adsorption studies on recovery of glycolic acid using various adsorbents”, CHEMCON-2011,27-29 Dec.2011,Banglore.
  17. Dharm Pal, A. Keshav, Y Arora, P. Diwan & P. Tiwari “Complex extraction of Pyruvic acid :-effect of diluents” International Conference on Advances In Chemical Engineering, 5th & 6th April, 2013, NIT Raipur. 
  18. S. Kole, S. Choudhary, S. Sahu & Dharm Pal, “Synthesis and Characterization of poly dimethylsilane for high temperature application”, ICACE-2013, NIT Raipur.
  19. Dharm Pal “Improvement in fuel quality of tyre pyrolytic oil using tetralin” [M.Tech. Work], CHEMCON -2012,NIT Jalandhar-144011,Punjab,India, 27-30 Dec. 2012.
  20. Dharm Pal, Amit Keshav, Puli Mahesh and Bhushan Yadav “ Sorption of Nickel (II) ions using plywood sawdust, CHEMCON -2012,NIT Jalandhar-144011,Punjab,India, 27-30 Dec. 2012.
  21. Dharm Pal, V.K.Singh, D.Singh, S. Soni “Bio-hydrogen production from organic waste by anaerobic fermentation in a batch reactor:effect of pH and cyclic duration”, CHEMCON -2012,NIT Jalandhar-144011,Punjab,India, 27-30 Dec. 2012.
  22. Dharm Pal, Navin Porwal, Amit Keshav, “Preparation and characterization of methyl cellulose – Silver oak gum blend film”. Indian Chemical Engineering Congress-2010, The Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers 27th – 29th December, (2010).
  23. Dhananjay Singh, D.Pratap, Ritunesh Kumar, Dharm Pal and RP Ram, “Fundamentals of voltage generation in Microbial Fuel Cells”, BIET Jhansi.-Feb-2011. 
  24. Parmesh Kumar Chaudhari, Dharm Pal, Amit Keshav, “Treatment of biodigester effluent by thermolysis using CuSO4 catalyst, International conference on Recent Advances in Chemical Engineering and Technology”, (RACET-2011), 10-12 March, Kochi, India.
  25.  D. Raheja, A. Keshav, Seema, P. Norge, A.B. Soni, Dharm Pal, “Modeling of recovery of citric acid using tri-n-octylamine diluent system”, MMIP-2011 International Conference on Mathematical Modeling and Applications to Industrial Problems, NIT Calicut, Kerala Mar, 28-31, 2011.
  26. A. Keshav*, Seema, P. Norge, A.B. Soni, Dharm Pal, Divya Raheja, “Thermodynamics of extraction of citric of amine base extractan”, MMIP-2011 International Conference on Mathematical Modeling and Applications to Industrial Problems, NIT Calicut, Kerala Mar, 28-31, 2011. 
  27. Amit Keshav, Seema, Dharm Pal, “Production of hydrogen from aluminum corrosion- Effect of various parameters” ,Indian Chemical Engineering Congress-2010, The Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers 27th – 29th December, (2010).
  28. P Mishra, P. Pandey, A. K. Choudhary, D Singh and D. Pal. Reactive Extraction of Pyruvic Acid: Effect of Modifier., Indian chemical engineering congress (CHEMCON 2015), IIT Guwahati, December 27-30, 2015.
  29. Awanish Kumar and Dharm Pal,Targeting Alzheimer's Disease Through Molecular Docking Approach, at an international conference at Harvard medical School, Harvard University, Boston,Massachusetts, USA held during 23rd to 27th May 2016.

D. National Confernce / Seminars = 11

  1. Dharm Pal, “Upgradation of tyre pyrolytic oil using H-donar solvent”, Recent Advances in Chemical and Reaction Enginnering (RACEE-2012),Jan 20-21,2012 NIT Rourkela, Orisa.
  2. Dharm Pal, “Adsorbtion of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Using Agricultural Wastes-Effect of lignin content”, Recent Advances in Chemical and Reaction Enginnering (RACEE-2012),Jan 20-21,2012 NIT Rourkela,Orisa.
  3. Anurag Tiwari, Dharm Pal*,A.B.Soni “Hydrogen Generation by corrosion of alluminium/silicon alloy for fuel cell application”, Recent Advances in Chemical and Reaction Enginnering (RACEE-2012),Jan 20-21,2012 NIT Rourkela,Orisa.
  4. Dharm Pal, “Desulphurization of tyre pyrolytic oil – a photocatalytic approach” Technological advancement in chemical and environmental engineering (TACEE-2012), March 23-24,2012, at BITS Pilani,Rajasthan.
  5. Dharm Pal, Amit Keshav and Neha Budhwani “Removal of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon from Tyre  Pyrolytic Oil Using Low-Cost Natural Adsorbent”, Advances in separation and purification science and technology (NSST-2011) Feb, 4-5, 2011, Vallabh Vidya Nagar, Gujrat.  
  6. Atish Kumar and Dharm Pal, “Kinetic modeling of chemical-looping combustion system: A review”, National Symposium on Reaction engineering (NSRE), NIT Raipur C.G.,22-23 january, 2010.
  7. Amit Keshav, Seema, Dharm Pal,Linear Solvation Energy Relationship Model of Recovery of Citric using Various Solvents” National Conference on “Emerging Trends in Chemical Engineering & Biotechnology” (BIO-CHEM 2010) 22 - 23 December 2010. 
  8. A. K. Mathur, C.B. Majumdar, S. Bala, D. Singh, Rahul and Dharm Pal.“Modelling aspect of a biofilter treating mixture of BTEX contaminated air stream”.National Symposium on Reaction engineering (NSRE), NIT Raipur C.G., 22-23 january, 2010.
  9. D. Raheja, A. Keshav, Seema, P. Norge, A.B. Soni, Dharm Pal,Recovery of citric acid from aqueous solutions with tri-n-octylamine diluent system” AChemE-2011 Advances in Chemical Engineering, Thapar University, Patiala, Punjab, Feb. 27-28, 2011.
  10. Dharm Pal, Sandeep Soni “Bio-Production of Citric Acid - Recent Advances” North  Maharastra University Jalgaon, Maharastra, 2012.
  11. Shiv S Kumar, S.C.Sahoo, B. Mazumdar, Dharm Pal, Development of phenol-tannin-formaldehyde resin by replacing phenol by natural renewable material for manufacture of wood composite, National Seminar on “Recent  Advances on Multifunctional Materials (RA2M-2017), 3rd 4th Feb, 2017, at Haldia Institute of Technology, Haldia (Sponsored by Dept. of Higher Education, Science & Technology and Biotechnology, GOWB, India. (Best Poster Presentation Award).




Other Info.
  1. Correspondence  Address :  

Associate Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering,
NIT Raipur,G.E. Road Raipur-492010, CG, INDIA

Phones             : +91-771-2254200 (Office), +91-771-254600 (Fax) 
Mobile    :  +91-9584751651                      
E-mail               :   dpsingh.che@nitrr.ac.in,   dpsingh.nitrr@gmail.com    
Homepage       :  http://www.nitrr.ac.in/dept-chemical.php?dept=Faculty
Sex                    :  Male

Educational Qualifications :

  • Degree





    Ph D

    NIT Raipur


    Process  Intensification /Reactive Separation

    9.67 CPI 

    M Tech

    IIT Delhi




    B Tech

    HBTI Kanpur




Ph D Thesis: “Process Intensification of Recovery of Pyruvic Acid using Reactive Extraction” (2011-16).
Ph D Seminar: “Advance Separation Technologies” 
M Tech Dissertation: “Liquid Fuels From Waste Tyres” (2000-02).

Professional Experience:

Organization/ Institution





National Institute of Technology Raipur,C G

Associate Professor, Department Chemical Engineering 


Till Date

National Institute of Technology Raipur,C G

Assistant Professor, Department Chemical Engineering 



National Institute of Technology Raipur,C G

AssistantProfessor,Department Chemical Engineering 



Practical Training: Undergone Six Weeks Practical Training in Indian Oil Corporation, Mathura Refinery, Mathura, UP.

Courses Taught (2007 Onwards):

  1. Fluid Mechanics (UG)
  2. Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics (UG)
  3. Industrial Process Calculations (UG)
  4. Reactor Design& Stability (PG)
  5. Polymerization Reactors (PG)
  6. Process Optimization (PG)
  7. Petroleum Technology (Diploma)
  8. Mass Transfer (UG)

Administrative Positions Held:

  1. Assistant Exam Superitendent, NIT Raipur,2011-12.
  2. Warden, Hostel B, SLIET Longowal, 2008-09.
  3. Member, Counselling Committee, PG Admission CSAB-2011-12.
  4. Member, Counselling Committee UG Admission, CSAB-2013-14.
  5. Professor-in-Charge, Chemical Engineering Association, NIT Raipur, 2011-2015.
  6. Professor-in-Charge,Computer Lab,Fluid Mechanics Lab, Placement &  Training, Chemical Engineering  Department (at present). 
  7. Chairman Institute Canteen Management Committee, NIT Raipur.

Conferences/Seminars/Workshops Organized: Workshop-9, Conference-3

Invited Lectures/Talks Delivered: Delivered a lecture on

  1. “Academic Writing Skills” as a resource speaker during the workshop held at CSVTU, Bhilai on 26th June, 2018.
  2. “Basics of Writing a Scientific Research Paper for Publication” in Two days  Workshop on “Advances in Chemical Engineering & Technology” (ACET-2018, 23rd -24th March. 2018) organised by Deptt of Chemical Engineering at IET Lucknow, UP.
  3. “Process Intensification of Recovery of Carboxylic Acids Using Reactive Extraction” in Two days Workshop on “Advances in Chemical Engineering & Technology” (ACET-2018, 23rd -24th March. 2018) organised by Deptt of Chemical Engineering at IET Lucknow, UP.
  4. “Bio-nanocomposites-for food packaging” in One Week Self-Sponsored STTP on “Recent trends in material science and nano-technology” (MSTB-2017, 3rd -7th Oct. 2017) organised by deptt of Chemistry at NIT Raipur.
  5. “Hand on writing scientific research paper” in One Week Self-Sponsored STTP on “Elements of Research & Hands-on Session on Selection of Research Area, Reading & Writing of Research Paper” (20-24 March 2017) at NIT Raipur.
  6. “Basics of writing scientific research paper for publication” in One Week Self-Sponsored STTP on “Elements of Research & Hands-on Session on Selection of Research Area, Reading & Writing of Research Paper” (20-24 March 2017) at NIT Raipur.
  7. “Plagiarism: what it is & how to avoid it?” in One Week Self-Sponsored STTP on “Elements of Research & Hands-on Session on Selection of Research Area, Reading & Writing of Research Paper” (20-24 March 2017) at NIT Raipur.
  8. “Process intensification of acidic waste water treatment”, in STTP on Advance wastewater treatment technologies (AWTT-16), 15th -19th Feb., 2016 at NIT Raipur.
  9. “Process intensification using reactive separation” in STTP on “Environmental Challenges & Remedies (ECR-2015)”, 25-29 May, 2015 at NIT Raipur.
  10. “Biomass energy in workshop on “Renewable Energy and Environment”, 12-13 July, 2014 at NIT Raipur.
  11. “Finite difference” in a workshop on “Simulation of flow process using computational fluid dynamics”, 2-6 June, 2014 at NIT Raipur.
  12. “Recent Development & Challenges in Separation of Biotechnologically Produced Carboxylic Acids” in a short term course on “Recent Research Methodologies and Instrumentation Techniques on Chemical & Bio-Medical Engineering”, 15-19 Dec., 2014 at NIT Raipur.
  13. “Financing of Renewable Energy Resources” in a short term course on “Renewable Energy Sources- RES-09” at SLIET,July, 6-11, 2009, Longowal, Punjab.

 Membership of Professional Bodies/Institutions:

  • Life Member of IIChE [LM-41277], ISTE [LM-81707], ICS [F/7456(LM)],CRSI[], OTAI [CL-200/12], IE(I) [M-145675-4], ASSET [LM-0254], SESI   [LM/1845/2012], Fellow ISRD [F 3140900351]

Awards/Honors/Distinctions Obtained:

  1. Nominated as an expert committee member for establishment of Research Hub at CSVTU Bhilai. 
  1. M. Tech. Student Mr. Shiv Shanker Kumar awarded for “Best Poster Presentation” in a National Seminar on “Recent Advances on Multifunctional Materials (RA2M-2017), 3rd 4th Feb, 2017, at Haldia Institute of Technology, Haldia (Sponsored by Dept. of. Higher Education, Science & Technology and Biotechnology, GOWB, India.
  2. Award for “Best Paper Presentation” in “3rd International Conference on Advances in Engineering & Technology (ICAET), Dec. 26-27, 2014 at Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia).
  3. Received certificate of merit for outstanding research & presentation in an international conference at Ca’ Foscari University Venice, Italy, held during 30th June to 3rd July 2014.
  4. Award for best conference paper in an international conference ( ICEES’12), March 17-18,2012, held at Bangkok, Thailand.
  5. Institute level President “Energy Forum” at IIT Delhi.(2001-2002)
  6. Institute level “Sport Secretary” at HBTI Kanpur (1998-99).

Technical Session Chaired:

  • Chaired a technical research presentation session in an international conference of academic discipline at Ca’ Foscari          University Venice, Italy, held during 30th June to 3rd July 2014.

Working Computer Knowledge:

  • 1.


    : FORTRAN, BASIC, C & C++


    Word Processing Packages

    : MS-WORD


    Professional Packages



    Operating Systems

    : DOS, Windows

Workshop/STTP/Seminar Organised (As a Coordinator):

  1. Workshop on “Renewable Energy Resources”, 2009 at SLIET, Longowal, Punjab.
  2. Workshop on “Simulation of flow process using  computational fluid dynamics”, 2-6 June, 2014 at NIT Raipur
  3. Workshop on “Renewable Energy and Environment”, 12-13 July, 2014 at NIT Raipur.
  4. Workshop on “Academic Ethics and IPR”, April 04-05, 2014 at NIT Raipur.
  5. A short term course on “Advance Waste Water Treatment Technologies” 15th – 19th Feb., 2016.
  6. Workshop on “Recent challenges & Opportunities in Chemical Engineering” on 30 Jan , 2017 in association with University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, Canada at NIT Raipur.
  7. One Week Self-Sponsored STTP on “Elements of Research & Hands-on Session on Selection of Research Area, Reading & Writing of Research Paper” (20-24 March 2017) at NIT Raipur.
  8. A FDP sponsored by (PMMMNMTT), MHRD, GoI on “Foundation Program in ICT for Education” (3rd Aug. to 7th Sept.,2017) organized by IIT Bombay held at NIT Raipur.  
  9. A FDP sponsored by (PMMMNMTT), MHRD, GoI on  “Pedagogy for Online and Blended Teaching-Learning Process” (14th  Sep.,- 12th   Oct., 2017) organized by IIT Bombay held at NIT Raipur.

International SeminarsConferences Attended (Abroad): 06

USA, Italy, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Bangkok, Macau

Extra-Curricular Activities:

  1. Playing Table Tennis, Badminton & Football.
  2. Psychological Analysis of Human Behaviour.

Software Code Developed:

  • Genetic Algorithm Based Software Code for the "Modeling of Reactive Extraction of carboxylic Acid" based on differential Evolution using MATLAB.

Ph.D. Supervision: 05 (Awarded=2)


Name of student

Reg. Year


Thesis Title

Other supervisor/ s

(if any)

Completed/ Ongoing


Mr. Nimmakayala Rajesh


Modeling of Reactive Extraction Equilibria




Mrs. Shyamal Sen


Treatment of textile dyeing effluent using electrocoagulation followed by adsorption

Dr. Abhinesh Prazapati, IPS, Indore



Mrs. Nirlipta Mallick


Starch/PVA biocomposite film for food packaging applications

Dr (Mrs.) A. B. Soni

Thesis Submitted


Mr. Dhruti Sundar Pattanayak



Dr. C Thakur



Mr. Pranay Anilrao Raut



Dr. V. K. Singh


Supervision of PG Projects: 12 




Title of the Project

Name of the Candidate

Other supervisor/ s

(if any)

Date of



Amphiphilic nanocomposite coatings for the control of marine biofouling

 Mr. Lokeshwar Mahto




“Preparation and characterization of antimicrobial bio-nanocomposite films for food packaging”

  Mrs. Anita Pandey

Dr. C Thakur



“Design and Performance Analysis of Thermal Compressor Using Activated Carbon-R134a Pair” 

 Mr. Aditya Thakur

Dr. V K Gaba



“Preparation & characterization of wood adhesive using phenolics     obtained from different sources”

Mr. Shiv Shankar Kumar




“Modeling of Reactive Extraction Equilibria of Picolinic Acid”

Mr. Ashutosh Chaudhary




“Modeling of Extraction Equilibria of Aconitic acid”

Mr.Prabhat Pandey




“Modeling and Optimization of Citric Acid Recovery”

Mr. Neeraj Thakre




“Equilibrium and Kinetics Study of Reactive Extraction of Formic Acid”

Mr. Dhiraj Y. Sambharkar




“Effect of Temperature on the Extraction Kinetics of Citric Acid”

Ms. Sangita Yadav

Dr. Amit Keshav



“Kinetics of Chemical Reaction Accompanied by Mass Transfer”

Mr. Sandeep Kumar Soni




“Removal of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Present in Tyre Pyrolytic Oil Using Low Cost Natural Adsorbents”

Ms. Neha Budhwani




“Synthesis and Characterization of Methyl Cellulose and Silver-oak Gum Blend Film”

Mr. Naveen Kumar Porwal



Supervision of B.Tech. Thesis Work:   >20

Editorial Board Member of International Journals:

1.     International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Processing

2.     International Journal of Chemical Separation and Technology

3.     International Journal of Scientific Research & Chemical Engineering

4.     International Journal of General Engineering and Technology     

5.     Advisory Board member VTP Research Events and Education

6.    Member, The Science Advisory Board

Journals Reviewed For: 

Total SCI/SCIE/SCOPUS Indexed Research Papers Reviewed =51 (Last three years)

  1. Journal of Elastomers and Plastics, SAGE, SCI
  2. Journals of Molecular Liquids, Elsevier (SCI)
  3. Separation and Purification Technology, Elsevier (SCI)
  4. Chemical Papers, Springer (SCI)
  5. Advanced Powder Technology, Elsevier (SCI)
  6. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, Elsevier
  7. Chemical Engineering Communications, Taylor & Francis (SCI)
  8. Journal of Applied Biotechnology & Bioengineering, Medcrave 
  9. Physical Chemistry, University of Peshawar
  10. International Journal of Petrochemical Science & Engineering 
  11. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
  12. Biotechnology Progress (Willey, SCI)
  13. Microbiology Springer, SCI (IF 0.8)
  14. Journal of Food Engineering SCI, Elsevier (IF=3)
  15. International Journal of Engineering & Technology
  16. Science of the Total Environment

Book Chapter reviewed: 02


Fluid Mechanics by Cengel,

Mc Graw Hill Education Pvt Ltd.

Chapter-8: Internal Flow


Fluid Mechanics by Cengel,

Mc Graw Hill Education Pvt Ltd.

Chapter-9: Differential Analysis of Fluid Flow

Sponsored Research Project:




Title of Report

Funding Agency

Financial Outlay

“Organic acids from sugar cane industrie’s by- products”



5 Lacs


“Green synthesis of chitosan based antimicrobial bio-nanocomposite film using MMT as strength enhancer and AgNPs as nanofiller for food packaging applications”


3 Lacs