Department Civil Engineering
Educational Qualification Ph.D. (Water Resources, Climate Change); M.E. in Water Resources and Environmental Engineering with Distinction: IISC Bangalore; B.Tech. in Civil Engineering with Distinction: GBPUAT, Pantnagar
Contact Number 9907309438
Areas of Interest

Water Resources and Environmental Engineering.

Climate Change, Stochastic Hydrology, Urban Hydrology, Fluid Mechanics, Optimization techniques, Infrastructure Asset Management of an Urban Water Distribution System, Water Audit.



Google Scholar page:



  1. Sahu, Ramgopal Tilakram, Mani Kant Verma, and Ishtiyaq Ahmad. "Impact of long‐distance interaction indicator (monsoon indices) on spatio‐temporal variability of precipitation over the Mahanadi River basin." Water Resources Research (2023): e2022WR033805.
  2. Verma, Shashikant, Kislay Kumar, Mani Kant Verma, A. D. Prasad, Darshan Mehta, and Upaka Rathnayake. "Comparative analysis of CMIP5 and CMIP6 in conjunction with the hydrological processes of reservoir catchment, Chhattisgarh, India." Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 50 (2023): 101533.
  3. Sahu, Ramgopal Tilakram, Shashikant Verma, Mani Kant Verma, and Ishtiyaq Ahmad. "Characterizing spatiotemporal properties of precipitation in the middle Mahanadi subdivision, India during 1901–2017." Acta Geophysica (2023): 1-16.
  4. Verma, Shashikant, Mani Kant Verma, A. D. Prasad, Darshan Mehta, Hazi Md Azamathulla, Nitin Muttil, and Upaka Rathnayake. "Simulating the Hydrological Processes under Multiple Land Use/Land Cover and Climate Change Scenarios in the Mahanadi Reservoir Complex, Chhattisgarh, India." Water 15, no. 17 (2023): 3068.
  5. Sahu, Ramgopal T., Mani Kant Verma, and Ishtiyaq Ahmad. "Some non-uniformity patterns spread over the lower Mahanadi River Basin, India." Geocarto International 37, no. 25 (2022): 8792-8814.
  6. Sahu, Ramgopal T., Mani Kant Verma, and Ishtiyaq Ahmad. "Segmental variability of precipitation in the Mahanadi River basin from 1901 to 2017." Geocarto International 37, no. 27 (2022): 14877-14898.
  7.  Sahu, Ramgopal T., Shashikant Verma, Kislay Kumar, Mani Kant Verma, and Ishtiyaq Ahmad. "Testing some grouping methods to achieve a low error quantile estimate for high resolution (0.25 x 0.25) precipitation data." In Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 2273, no. 1, p. 012017. IOP Publishing, 2022.
  8. Verma, S., RT SAHU, AD PRASAD, and MK VERMA. "Reservoir operation optimization using ant colony optimization a case study of mahanadi reservoir project complex Chhattisgarh-India." LARHYSS Journal P-ISSN 1112-3680/E-ISSN 2521-9782 53 (2023): 73-93.
  9. Verma, S., Verma, M.K., Prasad, A.D. et al. Modeling of uncertainty in the estimation of hydrograph components in conjunction with the SUFI-2 optimization algorithm by using multiple objective functions. Model. Earth Syst. Environ. (2023).
  10. Verma, M.K., Verma, M.K. and Swain, S., 2016. Statistical Analysis of Precipitation over Seonath River Basin, Chhattisgarh, India. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 11(4), pp.2417-2423.
  11. Verma, M.K., Verma, M.K., Yadu, L.K. and Murmu Meena. A Study of Climate Change Impact on Precipitation of Sheonath River Basin. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 10(11), DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2017/v10i11/104361, March 2017.
  12. Verma, M.K., Verma, M.K. A study on Calibration and Sensitivity of a Hydrological Model: A case study of a Seonath River Basin, Chhattisgarh, India. International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology, Inderscience Publication (in print)
  13. Verma, M.K., Verma, M.K., Yadu, L.K. and Murmu Meena. Drought Analysis in the Seonath River Basin using Reconnaissance Drought Index and Standardised Precipitation Index. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology. 2016: 7 (6): 714-719.
  14. Sahu, Ramgopal T., Mani Kant Verma, and Ishtiyaq Ahmad. "Characterization of Precipitation in the Subdivisions of the Mahanadi River Basin, India." Acta Scientific AGRICULTURE (ISSN: 2581-365X) 5, no. 12 (2021).
  15. Sahu, Digeshwar Prasad, and Mani Kant Verma. "Sustainable Rainwater Harvesting System and Storm Water Management: A Case Study in Raipur Airport." In Hydrological Modeling, pp. 479-490. Springer, Cham, 2022.


  1. Shashikant, Verma, Ramgopal T. Sahu, A. D. Prasad, and Mani Kant Verma. "Development of an optimal operating policy of multi-reservoir systems in Mahanadi Reservoir Project Complex, Chhattisgarh." In Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 2273, no. 1, p. 012020. IOP Publishing, 2022.
  2. Sahu, Ramgopal T., Mani Kant Verma, and Ishtiyaq Ahmad. "Interpreting Different Timeslot Precipitation Characteristics in the Seonath River Basin, Chhattisgarh During 1901–2017." In Recent Advances in Sustainable Environment: Select Proceedings of RAiSE 2022, pp. 21-37. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2022.
  3. Verma, Shashikant, A. D. Prasad, and Mani Kant Verma. "Optimizing Multi-reservoir Systems with the Aid of Genetic Algorithm: Mahanadi Reservoir Project Complex, Chhattisgarh." In Applied Geography and Geoinformatics for Sustainable Development: Proceedings of ICGGS 2022, pp. 35-49. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.
  4. Sahu, Ramgopal T., Mani Kant Verma, and Ishtiyaq Ahmad. "Regional Frequency Analysis Using L-Moment Methodology—A Review." Recent Trends in Civil Engineering (2021): 811-832.
  5. Verma, Mani Kant; Elamuhil S; Verma, Mukesh Kumar. Flood frequency analysis in Seonath and Hasdeo river basins using index flood, L-moments and Locfit approaches. HYDRO-2018 International, National Institute of Technoplogy Patna, December 19-21, 2018.
  6. Sahu, Digeshwar Prasad; Verma, Mani Kant. Sustainable Rainwater harvesting system & storm water management. HYDRO-2018 International, National Institute of Technoplogy Patna, December 19-21, 2018.
  7. Verma, M.K., Verma, M.K. Temperature projections in Seonath river basin by using Statistical Downscaling Method. International Conference on Energy, Environment and Economics (ICEEE2017), Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, December 11-13, 2017.
  8. Mohammed Azharuddin, Mani Kant Verma. A comprehensive study of five bias correction methods employed on cordex datasets. Xth Inthernational Geographical Union Conference on Urbanization, Health & Well being and Sustainable Development Goals, Osmania University, Hyderabad, 2017.
  9. Sabyasachi Swain, Mani Kant Verma, Mukesh Kumar Verma. Statistical analysis of rainfall over seonath basin, chhattisgarh, india. HYDRO-2015 International Conference, December 17-19, 2015, IIT Roorkee.
  10. Mani Kant Verma, Dr. M. K. Verma, Mokshdhar Meshram, Dr. L.K. Yadu, “Impact of Climate Change on Precipitation of Kwardha Station in Sheonath River Basin”, National Conference on Water Resources and Hydropower being held during 17th -18th June, 2016 at University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun.
  11. Mani Kant Verma, Dr. M. K. Verma, Devesh Gaikwad, “Runoff Estimation at Kotni Station in Seonath River Basin by Using Swat Model” National Conference on Water Resources and Hydropower being held during 17th -18th June, 2016 at University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun.
  12. Sabyasachi Swain, Mani Kant Verma, Dr. M. K. Verma, “Analysis of Change in Annual Rainfall for Raipur District, Chhattisgarh”, International Seminar On Non-Conventional Energy Sources for Sustainable Development of Rural Areas 21st & 22nd March 2015.
    BASIN”, ICWEES 2016, organized by AISECT Bhopal & Texas A&M.
  14. Sabyasachi Swain , Mani Kant Verma , Dr. M. K. Verma , Saran Aadhar, “Applicability of SWAT Model over Kharun River Basin, Chhattisgarh, India”, National Conference on Water Resources and Hydropower being held during 17th -18th June, 2016 at University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun



Book / Book Chapters: 

  1. Sahu, Ramgopal T., Mani Kant Verma, and Ishtiyaq Ahmad. "Regional Frequency Analysis Using L-Moment Methodology—A Review." Recent Trends in Civil Engineering (2021): 811-832.
  2. Verma, Shashikant, A. D. Prasad, and Mani Kant Verma. "Trend Analysis and Rainfall Variability of Monthly Rainfall in Sheonath River Basin, Chhattisgarh." In Recent Trends in Civil Engineering, pp. 777-790. Springer, Singapore, 2021.
  3. Verma, Shashikant, A. D. Prasad, and Mani Kant Verma. "Trends of Rainfall and Temperature over Chhattisgarh During 1901–2010." In Advanced Modelling and Innovations in Water Resources Engineering, pp. 3-19. Springer, Singapore, 2022.
  4. Azharuddin, Mohammed, Shashikant Verma, Mani Kant Verma, and A. D. Prasad. "A Synoptic-Scale Assessment of Flood Events and ENSO—Streamflow Variability in Sheonath River Basin, India." In Advanced Modelling and Innovations in Water Resources Engineering, pp. 93-104. Springer, Singapore, 2022.
  5. Swarnkar, Anurag, Samir Bajpai, and Mani Kant Verma. "Sustainable Management of Stormwater to Prevent Urban Flooding Using SWMM." In Advances in Water Resources and Transportation Engineering, pp. 85-93. Springer, Singapore, 2021.
  6. Verma, Mani Kant, Verma, Mukesh Kumar. Climate Change Impact on Precipitation of Seonath River Basin, Lambert Academic Publication, ISBN No. 978-3-330-34332-0.
  7. Swain, Sabyasachi; Verma, Mani Kant; Verma, Mukesh Kumar. Streamflow estimation using SWAT model over Seonath river basin, Chhattisgarh, India, Hydrologic Modeling, springer Nature, Water Science and Technology Library 81, ISBN 978-981-10-5800-4.
Other Info.

UG/ PG/ Ph.D. Guidance:

  • No. of Ph.D. Students: 3 (Completed) 5 (ongoing)
  • No. of PG (M.Tech.) students Guided: 27 (completed) 1 (ongoing)
  • No. of UG (B.Tech.) students Guided:30 (completed); 05 (ongoing)

Sponsored Research & Consultancy Project Work:

No. of project completed & Ongoing = Approx. 50 projects.

  • Climate Adaptation in Wetlands along Mahanadi River Catchment area in Chhattisgarh state.
  • Studies on Condition Assessment & Management Plan for Mahanadi River Basin Sponsored by NRCD, Govt. of India.
  • Water Audit and Feasibility Study of Rainwater Harvesting System and identification of Artificial recharge zone for Groundwater recharge in Swami Vivekanand Airport, Mana, Raipur.
  • Planning & Designing of Rainwater Harvesting system in the HIRA power & steel Ltd.
  • Preparation of state specific action plan on climate change funded by NERIWALM and Govt. of India.
  • Verification/ carryout calculation of water requirement for the different industries in Chhattisgarh.
  • Appraisal of water supply and sewerage schemes of different ULBs in Chhattisgarh & Madhya Pradesh.



1.  Best paper award received in oral presentation in the International Conference HYDRO-2018 during 19-21 December, 2018 for the paper:

"Verma, Mani Kant; Elamuhil S; Verma, Mukesh Kumar. Flood frequency analysis in Seonath and Hasdeo river basins using index flood, L-moments and Locfit approaches. HYDRO-2018 International, National Institute of Technoplogy Patna, December 19-21, 2018."



Attended Two Month Summer Internship at University of Exeter, U.K. during M.E. Program.

Six month duration certificate course on German and French Language.

Workshop Organized:

  • Organized a National level Workshop of one week duration on Visual MODFLOW software held at NIT Raipur, 2013 as organizing secretary.
  • Organized a National level Workshop of one week duration on Water Resources in developing countries: Planning & Management (27th, 28th August, 2015) at NIT Raipur as co-coordinator.
  • Organized a National level Workshop of one week duration on Testing Methods in Civil Engineering Construction (16-20 November, 2015) at NIT Raipur as co-coordinator.
  • Organized one day workshop under research project “Construction of Low Volume Roads on Soft Subgrade Soil Improved by Locally Available Marginal Materials” funded by Human Settlement Management Institute (HSMI), HUDCO New Delhi at Civil Engineering Department, National Institute of Technology Raipur in association with HSMI, HUDCO New Delhi on 14th  August 2015 as organizing member.
  • Organized one day workshop “Research Schemes in DST & Recent Advances in Civil & Transportation Engineering” under TEQIP-II at Civil Engineering Department, National Institute of Technology Raipur on 1st August 2015 as organizing member.


Guest Lectures Delivered:

  • Delivered an expert lecture on Open Channel Flow during 5-day FDP on “Foundations on Thermal and Fluid Engineering” under TEQIP-III, from 17-21 September, 2019 at IIT Bhilai on 20th September 2019.
  • Delivered a guest lecture on Sedimentation Analysis & Reservoirs at Department of Civil Engineering, Government Engineering College Raipur on 22nd July 2019.
  • Delivered a guest lecture on Hydrological Modelling at Department of Civil Engineering, Government Engineering College Raipur on 7th May 2019.
  • Delivered a lecture on climate change impact on Hydrology and SWAT training at National Ground Water Training and Research Institute, Ministry of Water Resource, Govt. of India situated at Raipur centre on 27.12.2018 & 28.12.2018.
  • Delivered a lecture on Hydrological Modeling in GIS Environment: using ArcGIS, HEC-GeoHMS, HEC- HMS during the National Workshop on Water Resources in developing countries: Planning & Management (27th, 28th August, 2015) at NIT Raipur.
  • Delivered a lecture on Measurement of Flow during the National Workshop on Testing Methods in Civil Engineering Construction (16-20 November, 2015) at NIT Raipur.


Workshop/ training program Attended

  • Participated at the Edu- excursion camp organized as part of the project, “ Inter-University Competition on Water Resources Management’, from 26-31 October 2015 at Gurgaon organized by TERI University.
  • Attended a training course of one week duration on SWAT Modeling at NIH Roorkee in 2013.
  • Attended a workshop cum training program of one week duration on Time Series Analysis and its Application at NIT Patna in 2014.
  • Attended a monsoon school of one week duration on Urban Floods at IISC Bangalore in 2014.
  • Attended a workshop cum training program of one week duration on Integrated Catchment Modeling at NIH Roorkee in 2015.
  • Attended a workshop of one week duration on Advance Data Analysis for Management at IIT Delhi in 2015.


  • Presented a seminar on Methods of Estimation of Infiltration in Watershed.
  • Presented a seminar on Thermal Remote sensing of Urban Climate.
  • Presented a seminar on Real Time Monitoring of Urban Water Distribution System.
  • Application of Remote Sensing to Ground Water Exploration and site for artificial recharge.
  • Modeling storm surge flooding of an urban area with particular reference to modeling uncertainties
  • Presented a seminar on different Probability distribution function and Goodness of Fit test
  • Have done a mini project on the application of SWMM in Urban Hydrology Course.
  • Have done a short term project on Ground Water Modeling using Visual MODFLOW.
  • Prepared a statistics model for analyzing time series data.  (ARIMA model etc.)