Dr. Bikesh  Kumar  Singh

Department Bio Medical Engineering
Designation Associate Professor and HOD
Educational Qualification Ph.D.
E-Mail bsingh.bme@nitrr.ac.in
Contact Number 9826469522
Areas of Interest

Biomedical Signal Processing (EEG,PPG,Lung sounds),Medical Image Processing and Analysis,Computational Neuroscience,ComputerAided Diagnosis, Deep Learning and Machine Learning Applications in Healthcare



  • Bikesh Kumar Singh, Neeti Nair, Patle Ashwini Falgun and Pankaj Jain, Quantitative evaluation of denoising techniques of lung computed tomography images: an experimental investigation, Int. J. Biomedical Engineering and Technology, 2019. (Accepted , in press) (Scopus indexed)
  • D. Agnihotri, K. Verma, P. Tripathi and B. K. Singh, Soft voting technique to improve the performance of global filter based feature selection in text corpus. Applied Intelligence, pp.1-23, 2018. (IF: 1.983)
  • Neelamshobha Nirala, Periyasamy R, Bikesh Kumar Singh, Awanish Kumar, Detection of type-2 diabetes using characteristics of toe photoplethysmogram by applying support vector machine, Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering, 2018. (Accepted, in press). (IF: 1.374)
  • Lipismita Panigrahi, Kesari Verma & Bikesh Kumar Singh, A hybrid segmentation method based on multi-scale Gaussian kernel fuzzy clustering with spatial bias correction and region-scalable fitting for breast ultrasound images, IET computer Vision, 2018. (Accepted, in press). (IF: 1.087)
  • Nishi S. Haider, R. Periyasamy, Deepak Joshi & Bikesh Kumar Singh, Savitzky-GolayFilter for Denoising Lung Sound, Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, 2018. (Accepted, in press). (IF:0.546)
  • Lipismita Panigrahi, Kesari Verma & Bikesh Kumar Singh, Ultrasound Image Segmentation Using A Novel Multi-Scale Gaussian Kernel Fuzzy Clustering and Multi-Scale Vector Field Convolution, Expert Systems with Applications, 2018. (Accepted, in press). (IF: 3.768)
  • Kesari Verma, Bikesh Kumar Singh and Neelam Agrawal, Non-Invasive Technique of Diabetes Detection using Iris Images, Int. J. of Computational Vision and Robotics, 2018. (Accepted, in press). (Scopus indexed).
  • Bikesh Kumar Singh, Ankur Khare and Abhishek Kumar Singh, Electroencephalography based classification of human emotion: A hybrid strategy in machine learning paradigm, International Journal of computer vision and robotics, 2018. (Accepted, in press, scopus indexed).
  • A. Bit, S. Tarai, R. Mukherjee, Q. A. Quais & Bikesh Kumar Singh, Use of Prosocial Word Enhances the processing of Language: Frequency Domain Analysis of Human EEG, Journal of Psycholinguistic Research (Springer journal), 2018. (Accepted, in press). (IF= 0.659)
  • Ritu Agrawal, Manisha Sharma & Bikesh Kumar Singh, Performance Evaluation of automated brain tumor detection systems with expert delineations and inter-observer variability analysis in diseased patients on magnetic resonance imaging, Applied Artificial Intelligence (Taylor & Francis journal), 2018. (Accepted, in press). (IF=0.587)
  • Ritu Agrawal, Manisha Sharma & Bikesh Kumar Singh,  Segmentation of Brain Lesions in MRI and CT Scan Images: A Hybrid Approach Using k-Means Clustering and Image Morphology, Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series B, 2018, 1-8, https://doi.org/10.1007/s40031-018-0314-z  (Scopus indexed).
  • Bikesh Kumar Singh, Kesari Verma, Lipismita Panigrahi and A. S. Thoke, Integrating Radiologist Feedback with Computer Aided Diagnostic Systems for Breast Cancer Risk Prediction in Ultrasonic Images: An Experimental Investigation in  Machine Learning Paradigm, Expert Systems with Applications (Elsevier), (Accepted, in press, DOI: 10.1016/j.eswa.2017.08.020), 2017, Pages 114–123. (IF=3.768).
  • Luca Saba, Pankaj K. Jain, Harman S. Suri, Nobutaka Ikeda, Tadashi Araki,  Bikesh K. Singh, Andrew Nicolaides, Shoaib Shafique, Ajay Gupta, John R. Laird and Jasjit S. Suri, Plaque Tissue Morphology-Based Stroke Risk Stratification, Using Carotid Ultrasound: A Polling-Based PCA Learning Paradigm, Journal of Medical Systems (Springer), 41: 98. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10916-017-0745-0, (IF=2.456).
  • Ritu Agrawal, Manisha Sharma & Bikesh Kumar Singh, Segmentation of Brain tumour based on clustering technique: Performance Analysis, Journal of Intelligent Systems, 2017, doi:10.1515/jisys-2017-0027 (Scopus and ESCI indexed).
  • Bikesh Kumar Singh, Kesari Verma and A. S. Thoke, Risk stratification of 2D ultrasound based breast lesions using hybrid features selection in machine learning paradigm, Measurement (Elsevier), Volume 105, 2017, 146-157. (IF=2.359).
  • Bikesh Kumar Singh, Kesari Verma and A. S. Thoke, Fuzzy cluster based neural network classifier for classifying breast tumors in ultrasound images, Expert Systems with Applications (Elsevier), Volume 66, 2016, Pages 114–123. (IF=3.768).
  • Bikesh Kumar Singh, Kesari Verma and A. S. Thoke, Objective and Optical Evaluation of Despeckle Filters in Breast Ultrasound Images, IETE Technical Review, 16 pages, 2015. DOI: 10.1080/02564602.2015.1019943. (Taylors and Francis Publication) (IF=1.330).
  • Akalabya Bissoyi, Arindam Bit, Bikesh Kumar Singh and Pradeep Kumar Patra, Enhanced cryopreservation of MSCs in microfludic bioreactor by regulated shear flow, Scientific Reports, Nature (IF=5.228).
  • Bikesh Kumar Singh, KesariVerma and A. S. Thoke, Investigations on edge preservation and smoothening of frequency domain filters for speckle removal in breast ultrasound images, International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology (Scopus indexed, Inderscience Publishers), 2015.
  • KesariVerma, Bikesh Kumar Singh and A. S. Thoke, An Enhancement in Adaptive Median Filter for Edge Preservation, Procedia Computer Science (Elsevier Publication), Vol. 48, 2015, pp.29-36, 2015.
  • Bikesh Kumar Singh, Kesari Verma and A. S. Thoke, A Dual Feature Selection Approach for Classification of Breast Tumors in Ultrasound Images Using ANN and SVM, CiiT International Journal of Artificial Intelligent Systems and Machine Learning, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 78-84, 2015.
  • Bikesh Kumar Singh, KesariVerma and A. S. Thoke, Investigations on impact of feature normalization techniques on classifier’s performance in breast tumor classification, International Journal of Computer Applications, Vol. 116, No. 19, pp. 11-15, 2015.
  • Bikesh Kumar Singh, KesariVerma and A. S. Thoke, Adaptive gradient descent backpropagation for classification of breast tumors in ultrasound imaging, Procedia Computer Science (Elsevier Publication), Vol. 46, 2015, pp. 1601–1609, 2015.
  • KesariVerma, Bikesh Kumar Singh, PriyankaTripathi, A. S. Thoke, Review of Feature Selection Algorithms for Breast Cancer Ultrasound Image, New Trends in Intelligent Information and Database Systems,Studies in Computational Intelligence Volume 598, 2015, pp 23-32
  • KesariVerma, Ligendra Kumar Verma and Bikesh Kumar Singh, “Distance measurement using Enhanced Histogram Approach for Irregular Images”International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology & Security, pp. 216-219, Vol. 2, No.1, 2012.
  • Bikesh Kumar Singh, AnamikaYadav and Shailaja Singh,“ANN based Classifier System for Digital Mammographic Images”International Journal of Computer Applications, Vol.  35(13), pp. 39-42, December 2011.
  • Bikesh Kumar Singh, A.S. Thoke, KeshriVerma and AnkitaChandrakar, “Image Information Retrieval From Incomplete Queries Using Color And Shape Features”Signal & Image Processing : An International Journal (SIPIJ) Vol.2, No.4, pp. 213-220, December 2011.
  • NeelamMarshkole, Bikesh Kumar Singh and A S Thoke, “Texture and Shape based Classification of Brain Tumors using Linear Vector Quantization”, International Journal of Computer Applications 30(11), pp. 21-23, September 2011.
  • NeelamMarshkole, Bikesh Kumar Singh and A.S.Thoke, Texture and Shape Based Classification of Brain Tumors Using Back-Propagation Algorithm”, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies, Vol. 2(5), pp. 2340-2342, October 2011.  
  •  Bikesh Kumar Singh, “Mammographic Image Enhancement, Classification and Retrieval using Color, Statistical and Spectral Analysis”International Journal of Computer Applications 27(1), pp. 18-23, August 2011. 
  • Mohd. Imroze Khan, BhibhudendraAcharya, Bikesh Kumar Singh and JigyasaSoni, “Content Based Image Retrieval Approaches for Detection of Malarial Parasite in Blood Images” International Journal of Biometrics and Bioinformatics (IJBB), Volume (5) : Issue (2) , pp. 97-110, May 2011. 
  • Bikesh Kumar Singh, G. R Sinha and BidyutMazumdar, “ Integration of Spatial Information with Color for Content Retrieval of Remote Sensing Images”, ICTACT Journal on Image & Video Processing, pp. 22-26, Vol.1, Issue.1, August 2010. 
  • Bikesh Kumar Singh and Bidyut Mazumdar, “ Content Retrieval from X-Ray Images using Color & Texture Features”, International Journal of Electronics Engineering, pp. 25-28, Vol. 2, Number 1, January 2010.


Book Chapters


  • Sharma, R., Verma, K., & Singh, B. K. (2019). Regression-Based Approach to Analyze Tropical Cyclone Genesis. In Advances in Data and Information Sciences (pp. 77-87). Springer, Singapore.
  • Bikesh Kumar Singh & S. E. Jujjavarapu (2018). Applications of Machine Learning Techniques in Disease Classification From Medical Images: Recent Practices and Future Challenges. In Design and Development of Affordable Healthcare Technologies (pp. 318-337). IGI Global.
  • S. E. Jujjavarapu & Bikesh Kumar Singh (2018). Optimization Techniques Applications in Biochemical Engineering and Controlled Drug Delivery: Current Practices and Forthcoming Challenges. In Design and Development of Affordable Healthcare Technologies (pp. 180-190). IGI Global.



  • R. Sharma, K. Verma, & B. K. Singh. Regression-Based Approach to Analyze Tropical Cyclone Genesis. Proceedings of  ICDIS 2017, Volume 2, 2017.
  • Kesari Verma and Bikesh Kumar Singh, Decision Support System for Breast Cancer Dataset,  Proceedings of International Conference on Interdisciplinary Research (ICIR-17), 2017.
  • Lipismita Panigrahi, Keshri Verma, Bikesh Kumar Singh, An enhancement in automatic seed selection in breast cancer ultrasound images using texture features, Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI), 2016 IEEE International Conference on, 1096-1102.
  • Bikesh Kumar Singh, P Batra, KesariVerma and A. S. Thoke, Speckle noise reduction in ultrasound images using fuzzy shrinking technique, Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Recent Technologies in Communication and Computing, pp. 272-276, 2013.
  • Bikesh Kumar Singh, P Batra, Kesari Verma and A. S. Thoke, Speckle noise reduction in ultrasound images using fuzzy shrinking technique, Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Recent Technologies in Communication and Computing, pp. 272-276, 2013.
  • Shailaja Singh, Anamika Yadav and Bikesh Kumar Singh, “Performance Analysis of Mammographic Image Enhancement Techniques for Early Detection of Breast Cancer” in proceedings of International Conference Parallel, Distributed Computing technologies and Applications(PDCTA-2011), published by Springer (LNCS) in Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS), Volume 203, Part 1, pp. 439-448, September 2011.
  • Anamika Yadav and Bikesh Kumar Singh, and Shailaja Singh “Comparative Analysis and Evaluation of Enhancement Techniques for Digital Mammograms”in Proceedings of 2nd IEEE, International Conference on Computer and Communication Technology (ICCCT-2011)  held at Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad, pp. 159-163,  September 2011.
  • Bikesh Kumar Singh, A.S. Thoke and Keshri Verma “An Overview and Comparative Study of Segmentation Techniques for Extraction of Tongue Region for Computerized Tongue Diagnosis”in proceedings of International Conference Parallel, Distributed Computing technologies and Applications(PDCTA-2011), published by Springer (LNCS) in Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS), Volume 203, Part 1, pp. 473-483, September 2011.
  • Ankita Chandrakar, A.S Thoke, and Bikesh Kumar Singh,“Indexing and Retrieval of Medical Images Using CBIR Approach”in proceedings of International Conference Parallel, Distributed Computing technologies and Applications(PDCTA-2011), published by Springer (LNCS) in Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS), Volume 203, Part 1, pp. 393-403, September 2011.
  • Bikesh Kumar Singh, Jitendra singh Parihar and Pritish Pal, “Wavelet Based information for Retrieval and Classification of Mammographic Images”Proceedings of  International Conference on Communication, Computing & Security (ICCCS2011), organised by Department of Computer Science and Engineering at NIT Rourkela, India, published by ACM, pp. 365-370Feb 2011.
  • Md. Imroze Khan and Bikesh Kumar Singh,“Retrieval of Changes in Moving Objects in Multiple and Color Images”Proceedings of International Conference on Communication, Computing & Security (ICCCS2011), organised by Department of Computer Science and Engineering at NIT Rourkela, India, published by ACM,pp. 371-376, Feb 2011.
  • Pritish Pal, Niladri Prasad Mohanty, AbhasKushwaha, Bikesh Kumar Singh, B. Mazumdar, “Feature Extraction for Evaluation of Muscular Atrophy”proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research (ICCIC),  Coimbatore, India, pp. 1 - 4,Dec 2010.
  • Pritish Pal, Niladri Prasad Mohanty, Abhas Kushwaha, Bikesh Kumar Singh, B. Mazumdar, “Expert System Design for Evaluation of Muscular Atrophy” Proceedings of Second International Conference on Signal, System and Automation (ICSSA-2011), EC Department, G H Patel College of Engineering & Technology, Gujarat, India, published  by Universal Publisher, USA.(ISBN: 978-1-6123-3002-0), Jan 2010.
  • Bikesh Kumar Singh, Bidyut Mazumdar, G. R. Sinha, and M. Kar. “Content Based Retrieval of MRI Images Using Integration of Color, Texture & Shape Features”, In Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Advances in Communication, Network, and Computing (CNC 2010),Published by ACM, pp. 222-224, October 2010. 
  • M. Kar, Dr. Kavita Thakur, Dr. A. S. Zadgaonkar and Bikesh Kumar Singh, “Appropriate Windowing in Speech Parameter Extraction” Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Advances in Recent Technologies in Communication and Computing(ARTCOM 2010), Kottayam, India,pp. 411-413, October 2010.
  • Bikesh Kumar Singh, G. R Sinha, Bidyut Mazumdar and Md. Imroze Khan, “Content Based Retrieval of X- ray Images Using Fusion of Spectral Texture and Shape Descriptors”Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Advances in Recent Technologies in Communication and Computing(ARTCOM 2010), Kottayam, India,pp. 411-413, October 2010.
  • Bikesh Kumar Singh, G. R. Sinha and Imroze Khan, “Comparison of Histogram and Spatiograms for Content Based Retrieval of Remote Sensing Images”, Proceedings pfInternational Conference on Business Administration &Information Processing,Published by Springer in Communications in Computer and Information Science, Volume 70, pp. 152-156,March 2010.
  • Bikesh Kumar Singh, G.R Sinha, A. Wany&BidyutMazumdar, “ Content Based Retrieval from Biomedical Images Using Color Histograms”, Proceedings of International Conference on Nanotechnology & Biosensors, organized by R.E.C Visakhapatnam (A.P) in collaboration with International Accreditation Council of Quality Education & Research, pp. 51 (Abstract), Jan 2010.
  •  A. Wany, A.S. Prasad, Bikesh Kumar Singh and BidyutMazumdar, “ Nanofabrication in Nanomedicine and  Nanobiotechnology for Designing Future Molecular Scale Devices”,Proceedings of International Conference on Nanotechnology & Biosensors, organized by R.E.C Visakhapatnam (A.P) in collaboration with International Accreditation Council of Quality Education & Research, pp. 51 (Abstract), Jan 2010.
  • Bikesh Kumar Singh and BidyutMazumdar, “Fusing Speech with Fingerprint and Palmprint for Person Identification”, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Frontiers of Research in Speech & Music organized jointly by ITC Sangeet Research Academy Kolkata, ABV IIITM Gwalior, Sir C V Raman Centre for Physics & Music Jadhavpur University Kolkata & B.I.T Mesra at ABV IIITM Gwalior, pp. 9-13, Dec 2009.
  • Bikesh Kumar Singh, SusmitaGhosh&Kavita Thakur, “A New Technique for Cardiac Assessment Using Power Spectral Density Analysis of Speech Signals”, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Frontiers of Research in Speech & Music, organized jointly by ITC Sangeet Research Academy Kolkata, CDAC Kolkata, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics Kolkata, Sir C V Raman Centre for Physics & Music Jadhavpur University Kolkata,  at Sir C V Raman Centre for Physics & Music Jadhavpur University Kolkata, pp. 333 -335, Feb 2008.
  • Bikesh Kumar Singh, “ Information Retrieval of Mammographic Images for Background Tissue Classification & Early Detection of Breast Cancer” Proceedings of 8th Chhattisgarh Young Scientist Congress organized by Pt. Ravishankar University, Raipur and Sponsored by Chhattisgarh Council of Science & Technology, pp. 100 (Abstract), April 2010. 
  • Bikesh Kumar Singh and AakankshaWany, “Retrieval of M.R.I Images using Color & Spectral Features”, Proceedings of National Conference Technologia 2010, organized by MPCCET Bhilai, Feb 2010. 
  • AakankshaWany and Bikesh Kumar Singh, “Smart Nanostructured Nanomaterials in the future clinical Diagnosis & Medical Therapeutics”, Proceedings of National Conference Technologia 2010, organized by MPCCET Bhilai, Feb 2010. 
  • Bikesh Kumar Singh and PoonamShrivastava, “Matlab Based diagnostic Evaluation ofECG signals”, Proceedings of National conference on Innovation in Science and Technology towards Industrial development, Organized by RCET Bhilai, pp. 141-144, Jan 2008.        
  • Bikesh Kumar Singh and Kavita Thakur, “Acoustical Speech Method for Cardiac Assessment”, Proceedings of National Symposium on Acoustics, organized by Acoustical Society of India at K.S.R College of Technology, Tamil Nadu, India, pp. 221-224,  Dec 2007.
  • Bikesh Kumar Singh, “ECG Signal Processing: Detection of Bradycardia and Tachycardia”, Proceedings of National Conference on Recent Trends in Embedded System and Design, organized by RCET Bhilai, March 2007. 


Other Info.

Awards & Honors

  • IETE Gowri Memorial Award, 2016 from IETE India.
  • IEI Young Engineer Award 2012 from Institution of Engineers, India (IEI).
  • Chhattisgarh Young Scientist Award-2010 at Chhattisgarh Young Scientist Congress organized by Pt. Ravishankar University, Raipur and Sponsored by Chhattisgarh Council of Science & Technology.
  • Gold Medalist in B.E for 1st Merit Rank in University.
  • Best Paper Award in International Conference on Nanotechnology & Biosensor at R.E.C Visakhapatnam.
  • Chaired a session as Expert in International Conference on Business Administration & Information Processing, sponsored by Springer and organized by ACEEE at Trivandrum, Kerala, Jan 2010.
  • Member of Reviewer Committee in  International Conference on Communication, Computing & Security (ICCCS2011), organised by Department of Computer Science and Engineering at NIT Rourkela, India in Feb-2011,  Proceedings published by ACM  with ISBN-978-1-4503-0464-1.  
  • Best Citizens of India Award by International Publishing House, New Delhi in 2011.
  • Biodata selected for Rajiv Gandhi Excellence award by International Friendship society, New Delhi in 2011.

Sponsered Projects 

S. No



Sponsering agency



Computer aided technique for diseases diagnosis: A non invaisve approach of disease detection using IRIS image

2.87 Lakhs




Computer aided analysis and interpretation of mammographic images for early diagnosis of breast cancer in Chhattisgarh

3.60 Lakhs




Development of a risk stratification system for clinical management of sickle cell disease using predictive machine learning approaches

16.06930 Lakhs

SERB, Govt. of India


Ph. D Guidance

S. No.

Name of student

Broad area of research




Ms. Lipismita Panigrahi

Breast ultrasound image analysis

Ongoing (3rd year)

As joint supervisor


Ms. Kushangi Atrey

Multimodal image analysis for breast cancer clasification

Ongoing (2nd year)



Mr. Muzzafar Khan

Biomedical signal processing

Ongoing (3rd year)



Mr. Yogesh Sharma

Biomedical signal processing

Ongoing (2nd year)



Ms. Nishi S Haider

Lung sound analysis

Ongoing (4th year)



Mr. Guhan Seshadri

EEG signal processing

Ongoing (2nd year)



Ms. Divya Singh

Biomedical signal processing

Ongoing (1st year)


U. G. courses Taught

Medical image processing, biomedical signal processing, analog electronics, network analysis, microprocessors, biomedical instrumentation, artificial intellegence and neural network, communication systems, signals and systems.


Guest Lectures/Expert Talk/Resourse Person

1.       Member, Biomedical Engineering Academic Advisory Council, National Resource Centre (MNNIT, Allahabad).

2.       Medical image processing and analysis, One week short term training program on medical signal and image processing-III, organized by Department of Electrical Engineering and computer Applications at N. I. T. Raipur during 25/6/2018-30/6/2018.

3.       Breast ultrasound image analysis, One week short term training program on medical signal and image processing organized by Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Applications at N. I. T. Raipur during 22/5/2017-27/5/2017.

4.       Application of nature inspired computing in image processing, One week short term training program on nature inspired computing and its applications organized by Department of Information Technology at N. I. T. Raipur during 23/10/2017-27/10/2017.

5.       Application of C in image processing, One week short term training program on programming fundamentals and its applications with C organized by Department of Information Technology at N. I. T. Raipur during 15/11/2017-19/11/2017.

6.       Ultrasound image classification, One week short term training program on soft computing techniques organized by Department of Electrical Engineering at N. I. T. Raipur during 20/6/2016-24/6/2016.

7.       Medical image processing, One week short term training program on medical signal and image processing organized by Department of Electrical Engineering and computer Applications at N. I. T. Raipur during 22/8/2016-27/8/2016.

8.       Image processing, One week short term training program on soft computing and intelligent techniques in science and engineering organized by Department of Computer Science at N. I. T. Raipur during 30/9/2016-4/10/2016.

9.       Image processing and its applications, Guest lecture at CSIT Durg on 8/8/2016.

10.    Image processing and its applications, Guest lecture at GDR-RCET, Bhilai on 7/10/2016.

11.    Expert member/Resourse person of syllabus committee/Review of syllabus for M. Tech in Bioinformatics and Biomedical engg., CSVTU Bhilai, Jan 2014 & March 2017.



Winter/Summer Schools/Short-term Courses/Workshops Conducted/Organized   

1.       Organized and conducted a one week short term training program on Big data analytics and related technologies from 8/01/2018 to 12/01/2018 at NIT Raipur as Convener.

2.       Organized and conducted a one week short term course on Campus to Corporate from 09/10/2017 to 13/10/2017 at NIT Raipur as COORDINATOR.

 3.       Organized and conducted a one week short term course on Enhancing Employability Skills : Connecting Campus with Corporate from 09/12/2017 to 13/12/2017 at NIT Raipur as COORDINATOR.

 4.       Organized and conducted a one week short term course on MATLAB Programming and its    Engineering Applications mpea-2013) from 26-30 December 2013 under CEC NIT Raipur, at NIT Raipur as COORDINATOR.

 5. Organized 3 days National Workshop onRecent Advances in Biomedical   Signal Processing: Application to rehabilitation and therapeutic solution (BSP : RTS 16) from 20th to 24th August 2016 as COORDINATOR

Membershipof Professional Bodies


Name of Professional Body/Society

Category of Membership



Institution of Engineers(IE)

Associate Member (AM098513-1)



Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE)

Life Member


Computer Society of India (CSI)

Life Member


The International Association of Engineers (IAENG)

Life Member


International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology      (IACSIT)


Life Member


The Indian Science Congress Association

Life Member

M.Tech Thesis Guided

1. Name of Scholar: Shailaja Singh; Title of Thesis: ANN Based Computer Aided Diagnosis System for Enhancement, Retrieval and Classification of Mammographic Images; Supervisors: Dr. Anamika Yadav and Bikesh Kumar Singh

 2. Name of scholar:  Ankita Chandrakar; Title of Thesis: Image Information Retrieval from Incomplete Queries using Color, Texture and Shape features.Supervisors: Dr. A.S Thoke and Bikesh Kumar Singh

3. Name of scholar:  Neelam Marshkole; Title of Thesis: Development of computer aided diagnosis system for retrieval and classification of brain tumours using ANN. Supervisors: Dr. A.S Thoke and Bikesh Kumar Singh

4. Name of scholor: Sudeshna Sikdar; Title of Thesis: Comparative Study of various Filtering Techniques for Speckle Removal in Breast Ultrasound Images. Supervisors: Bikesh Kumar Singh.

5. Name of scholar:  Priyanka Batra Title of Thesis: Speckle noise reduction in ultrasound images using fuzzy shrinking technique. Supervisors: Dr. A.S Thoke and Bikesh Kumar Singh

6. Name of scholar:  Sheetal Maheshwari; Title of Thesis: Study of feature extraction techniques for classification of breast masses. Supervisors: Dr. A.S Thoke and Bikesh Kumar Singh.

Employment Record(Teaching and Research): More than 9 years

As Lecturer for 2 years at RCET Bhilai.

As Assistant Professor (GP: 6000) at Biomedical Engg. Department since 1/8/2008.

As Assistant Professor (GP: 7000) at Biomedical Engg. Department since 10/4/2013.

Participation in Winter/Summer Schools/Short-term Courses/Workshops

S. No. 

Title / Name of course 


Name of Sponsorer 






Soft Computing Techniques for Optimization



DST, India

IIITM Gwalior


Support Vector Machine in Pattern Recognition and its Applications in Biological Sciences



SUB DIC Bioinformatics NIT Raipur

NIT Raipur



MATLAB Based design and implementation of advanced control, signal and image processing algorithms



CEC & Electrical Dept. N.I.T Raipur

N.I.T Raipur


E-Books in Libraries



N.I.T Raipur

N.I.T Raipur


Fundamentals of Lab View



N.I.T Raipur

N.I.T Raipur


Soft Computing tools and practice on signal and image processing application 



N.I.T Rourkela

N.I.T Rourkela


Matlab and Simulink for Engineering Education



Mathworks India



Mathematical Modeling, Chemo informatics and Quantum Chemistry 



E & T.C Department

N.I.T Raipur

N.I.T Raipur


Deployment and Collaboration of Analytical Reports and Models



N.I.T Raipur

N.I.T Raipur


Winter school on Digital Image Processing



CEP (N.I.T Rourkela)

N.I.T Rourkela


International Workshop on Medical Imaging




I.I.T Kharagpur


Summer Faculty Research Fellow Programme-2010 






 (I.I.T Delhi)


I.I.T Delhi


Workshop on Digital Image Processing 




M.P.C.C.E.T Bhilai(C.G) 

M.P.C.C.E.T Bhilai(C.G)


Soft skills workshop



Infosys and N.I.T Raipur

N.I.T Raipur


Management of Hazardous Waste



MOEF, Govt. of India

N.I.T Raipur


Staff Development Program



NITTTR, Bhopal

N.I.T Raipur


Short term course in Advanced

Signal processing and Communication technology 





N.I.T Rourkela


N.I.T Rourkela



Faculty Development Program



Dept. of Science and Technology, Govt. of India

Durg (C.G)


National Level Workshop



R.I.T Raipur

R.I.T Raipur


Short Term Course on Teaching Learning Process



R.C.E.T Bhilai

R.C.E.T Bhilai

List of Seminars/ Conferences Attended

S. No.

Title / Name


National /


Organized by




International conference on information and communication technologies







Fifth international conference on Advances in Recent technologies in Communication and Computing( ARTCom 2013)




ACEEE & Elsevier


2nd IEEE, International Conference on Computer and Communication Technology (ICCCT-2011)




MNNIT, Allahabad


International Conference on Communication, Computing & Security (ICCCS2011) (ACM)




N.I.T Rourkela


International Conference on Business Administration & Information Processing





ACEEE & Springer

(At Trivandrum Kerela)



International Conference on Nanotechnology & Biosensors







R.E.C Visakhapatnam (A.P) in collaboration with IACQER



National Conference Technologia 2010




M.P.C.C.E.T Bhilai


Management of Hazardous Waste








N.I.T Raipur


National conference on Innovation in Science and Technology towards Industrial development




R.C.E.T Bhilai


National Symposium on Acoustics




Acoustical Society of India


National Conference on Recent Trends in Embedded System and Design




R.C.E.T Bhilai


Technology Management for innovation & Entrepreneurship




R.C.E.T Bhilai