International Journals:
1. Research Paper Publication entitled:
"Summer Passive Cooling Potential of An Extensive Green Roof in Indian Composite Climate: A Simulation Study", in International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology (IJESRT), Volume 7, Issue 6, June 2018, pp 360-370, ISSN: 2277-9655,, Himanshu Poptani co-authored with Dr. Abir Bandyopadhyay
2. Research Paper Publication entitled:
"A Study on Green Roofs: Benefits, Challenges and Possibilities", International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Research (IJSER), Volume 7, Issue 6, June 2019, pp 15-19, ISSN: 2347-3878 (online), Himanshu Poptani co-authored with Dr. Abir Bandyopadhyay
3. Research Paper Publication entitled:
"Analysis of Daylighting in Educational Building of Composite Climate", International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Research (IJSER), Volume 10, Issue 4, April 2022, pp 15-19, ISSN: 2347-3878 (online), Himanshu Poptani co-authored with Ms. Rifat Parveen
International Conferences:
1. Presented a research paper entitled:
“Improper Solid Waste Management Increasing Material Consumption in Buildings: A Case of any Indian Society “at Young Researchers in Sustainable Building (YRSB) forum, held on 25th June 2013 at Czech Technical University (CTU) in Prague, Czech Republic. ISBN 978-80-247-5016-3 (Printed edition) ISBN 978-80-247-5019-4 (Electronic edition)
2. Presented a research paper entitled:
"Extensive Green Roofs: Potential for Thermal and Energy benefits in buildings in central India" in 30th International PLEA Conference (Passive and Low Energy Architecture) 2014, 16-18 December 2014, CEPT University, Ahmedabad. ISBN: 978-93-83184-02-6, ISBN (E-Book, Proceedings): 978-93-83184-03-3, Himanshu Poptani co-authored with Dr. Abir Bandyopadhyay
3. Presented a research paper entitled:
“Opportunities towards a sustainable future: The case of an Indian City” in the International Conference “Constructing an Urban Future: the sustainability and resilience of cities-Infrastructures, communities and architectures”, March 18-19, 2018 – Abu Dhabi University, Abu Dhabi, UAE, organized by Abu Dhabi University and AMPS