
The Department aims for global recognition in teaching, research and community services and raising the standard of Chemical Engineering education in the latest art of the technology, constantly improving the quality and skills at undergraduate and post graduate levels, emphasizing on novel research and development that leads to a socioeconomically feasible technology.


To impart quality education in the field of Chemical Engineering to produce professionally competent engineers for the benefit of the society at large.

  Department of Chemical Engineering, NIT Raipur

Process Dynamics and Control Lab
[VI Semester, Third Year]
Course Description
Offered by Department     Credits     Status         Code
Chemical Engineering      0-0-2     Laboratory      CH106401CH
[Pre-requisites: None]
Course Objectives
1. To determine the time constant & dynamics of I and II order system
2. To determine the control valve coefficient of control valve
3. To identify the suitable parameters needed for PID controllers
Course Content

List of experiments:

1. Study of Control Valve – Valve Coefficient, Hysteresis, Inherent Characteristics, Installed Characteristics, Rangeability
2. Time Constant of First Order System – Temperature Measurement Devices – Glass Thermometer, Bimetallic Thermometer, RTD, Thermistor, Thermocouple
3. Dynamic Response of U-Tube Manometer – Mercury, Water
4. Dynamic Response of Interacting and Non-Interacting System
5. Study of Controller – P, PI, PD, PID
6. Study of Cascade Control Trainer (SCADA)
7. Study of DCS Trainer
8. Study of Flapper Nozzle System
9. Study of Non-linear Level Control
10. Study of I/P and P/I Converter

Course Materials

Required Text: TextBooks

1. D.R. Coughanowr and S.E. Leblanc, Process Systems Analysis and Control, McGraw Hill Education, 3rd Edition, 2017.
2. G. Stephanopoulos, Chemical Process Control, Pearson Education India,1stEdition, 2015.
Name of the equipment Photograph
Universal Process Control trainer
I/P and P/I Converter
Flapper nozzle system
U- Tube manometer
Temperature measurement device
Interacting and Non-Interacting system
Control valve
Non-linear level control trainer
Cascade flow level control trainer