Industry Institute Conclave-2023
The 4th edition of two days National Conclave on Industry-Institute Interaction 2023, was commenced
at the National Institute of Technology, Raipur. The event, began on November 1, 2023, unfold with an
inspiring national song and the ceremonial lighting of the lamp, setting a tone of unity and collaboration
between industry and academia. This program serves as a pivotal platform dedicated to nurturing
collaboration and synergy between the realms of academia and industry, both driven by a common
mission of mutual growth and progress leading to the progress of the national in total.
The inaugural session featured prominent figures from the academic and industrial spheres, with Dr.
Shobha Lata Sinha, the chairperson of industry institute collaboration cell of NIT Raipur, extending a
warm welcome to the assembled participants. Dr. N V Ramana Rao, the Honorable Director of the
institute, delivered an impassioned address, highlighting the indispensable role of academia in the
industrial landscape. Dr. Rao underscored the need to promote an entrepreneurial culture among
faculty members, encouraging them to play the role of investors for the industries featuring the new
ideas. Mr. Pawan Kumar (Chief guest), Managing Director Bhilai Steel Plant Bhilai, added his perspective
to the conversation, advocating for a paradigm shift among academic researchers. He urged researchers
to transition from seeking grants or research funding to actively seeking investments in their projects,
emphasizing the power of collaboration between academia and industry.
The Honorable Chairman of the Board of Governors of NIT Raipur, Dr. Suresh Haware, offered a
visionary perspective on the evolution of power dynamics. Further enriching the discourse, Mr. Umesh
Chitlangia, President of GEC-NIT Alumni Association, illuminated about the invaluable support that
students can glean from alumni who have found success across diverse industries, the service sector,
and executive roles.
The conclave’s initial highlight was a thought-provoking panel discussion, engaging luminaries in the
fields of education and industry. The panel, skillfully moderated by Dr. Prabhat Kumar Diwan, Dean
Research and Consultancy, revolved around the vital theme of “Collaboration between Industry and
Academia”; The panelists provided profound insights, with Prof Rajiv Prakash, Director IIT Bhilai,
emphasizing the imperative need for both fundamental and applied research. Prof. Ram Kumar Kakani,
Director, IIM Raipur, emphasized on proper intelligence and sensitivity of industrial needs. Prof. Prakash.
Mr. S. S. Bajaj, Chairman of CCOST, pointed out the government is the biggest industry for grooming of
manpower and proper identification of problem in various sectors can be bridge for collaboration. Mr.
Siddharth Agrawal, Chairman, CIII, pointed out for change in student mindset for their adaption in
industry. Mr. Pankaj Sarda, Jt. Managing Director, SARDA Energy & Minerals, Raipur, emphasized on
amazing practical knowledge, proper job description and proper training. Mr. Meghal Agrawal, Founder
& CEO, CodeNicely focused on startup and productivity and passion of the student for the
In a second panel discussion, entitled “Resource Generation for Collaborative Research”, distinguished
panelists explored avenues for resource mobilization and collaborative research. Mr. Umesh Chitlangia
the President of Alumni Association GEC-NIT Raipur, highlighted the problem of pollution and
emphasized on utilization of waste. Mr. Sachin Saxena, Executive Director of TMC Mineral Resources
Pvt. Ltd., pointed out about lack of trust between the two and insisted on continuous interaction for
sustainable research. Mrs. Nandani Bhattacharya, GM (Finance) of CGSPG, Raipur, elaborated problems
related to power generation and its transmission. Mr. Manoj Kumar, Additional General Manager of
NSPCL, Bhilai highlighted the problems of thermal power plant. Dr. Samir Bajpai and Dr. Subhasish
Sanyal concluded with a call for a policy framework and mechanism to establish stronger coordination
between industry and educational institutions. Last session involved showing of documentaries related
to the working and production of all industries who has supported this event as sponsors as Ramesh
Aerospace Products Services (RAPS) Hyderabad, Institute of aeronautical research and engineering
(IARE) Hyderabad, Chhattisgarh council of Science and Technology (CGCOST), Council of Scientific and
Industrial Research, Techno blast Mining Corporation (TMC) Mineral Resources Pvt. Limited, Hira
Group(Godawari Power and Ispat Ltd), aaditya environet (AE) and Central Institute of Mining and Fuel
Research. The concluding remark for the first day delivered by Dr. Shobha Lata Sinha mentioning the key
points given by each speakers. The second day on .e., 2 nd November 2023 started with an illuminating
talk on “Innovation and Entrepreneurship”; by Dr. Saurabh Gupta. Dr.Gupta discussed on the vital role
of innovation and entrepreneurship in today’s dynamic work in fostering growth and development.
The second speaker in this line Dr. Subhojit Ghosh, Chairman, Continuing Education Cell, presented the
role of NIT Raipur in providing customized tailor-made training programme on various subjects by
experts required by the industries for its manpower development. This then followed by a panel
discussion, titled “Building the Institute Research and Entrepreneurial Cultures”, Mr. Amit Singh, Senior
Program Manager, Wadhwani Foundation; emphasized to develop culture for entrepreneurship and the
biggest challenges is the change of mindset. Dr.Srinivasa K Gopal Iyengar, of IIIT Naya Raipur, highlighted
the need of teaching less number of subject but including the research and entrepreneurship as part of
curriculum. He stressedthat instead of covering the subjects in theory period the faculty should uncover
the hidden potential in practical. Mr. Gangaram Verma, Vice President of Godawari Power &
Ispat Ltd, Raipur, highlighted the importance of converting the ideas into action involves research and
developing algorithm. He motivated the young brain that unleash your potential and come out with
good solutions of industrial problems becoming a good job provider rather than job seeker. Dr. Soumya
Gangopadhyay, IIT Bhilai highlighted the need for alignment of young graduates with present
opportunities and threats of industry. He said the whole approach of teaching learning had changed and
this an era of multi-disciplinary collaboration. Dr. Arvind Marathey, director, Geoxis Works OPC Pvt. Ltd.
emphasized on preparation for tomorrow needs and challenges associated with the industries with the
opinion that the institute should believe in industrial challenges. Dr. Samir Bajpai expertly moderated
and concluded the discussionwithin need for developing mechanism Building Research and
Entrepreneurial Cultures.Dr. Anuj Kr. Shukla discussed the facilities extended by incubation cell and
ideas for how to retain Indian talent by preventing outflow of Indian workforce and its necessity in today
world.Dr. Amit kumar Dubey, CCOST Raipur signifies Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) for MSME and also
discussed the guidance extended by CCOST for establishment of MSMEs.
The valedictory session was overwhelmed with the gracious and energetic presence of Hounrable
Director Dr. N.V. Ramana Rao, Mr. Anirban Dasgupta, Chairman and Managing Director, Bhilai Steel
Plant, and Mr. Prem Sagar Mishra, Chairman and Managing Director, South Eastern Coalfields Limited
(SECL), Bilaspur and Dr. Shobha Lata Sinha. Dr. N.V.Swamy Naidu presented a consolidated report
summarizing the key takeaways and outcomes of the event. Next Dr. N.V. Ramana Rao, addressed the
gathering, acknowledging the significance of the conclave in strengthening industry-academia ties and
fostering collaboration. He said short duration courses can be arranged as per the industry requirement
and they can have access to the latest technology along with the expertise at our institute. In this way
work force can be skilled and trained with sophisticated equipment to cater the industry needs. Mr.
Anirban Dasgupta, graced the event as the guest of honor, sharing his valuable insights and welcomed
the young minds to visit BSP and carry out research work in all the aspects which the plant covers
developing industrial problem-solving mindset. Dr. Prem Sagar Mishra delivered the strategy to solve
the global challenge to overcome the problem regarding environmental issues in mining industry leading
to sustainable development. He also encourages the students to continuously upgrade their skill and
knowledge while working in industry so that their knowledge does not become obsolete.
The event concluded with a vote of thanks by Dr. Shobha Lata Sinha, expressing gratitude to Chairman
Sir, Director Sir, and all participants from institute and industries, media persons both print and
electronic, all the deans, faculty members, staff members, for their contributions to the conclave. The
national anthem marked the end of the event, leaving attendees with a sense of unity and purpose as
they departed, with shared ambitions to further strengthen the ties between academia and industry.
This event finally ended with signing of seven MoUs between NIT Raipur and various industries.
Organization of Industry Institute Conclave-2021
A two-day Industrial Institute Conclave was organized by National and Industrial Collaboration
Cell (NICC) of the Institute at National Institute of Technology Raipur on October 22-23, 2021,
in an online mode under the chairmanship of Dr Shobha Lata Sinha (Professor) and guidance of
Dr A M Rawani (Director). The Chief Guests of this function were Dr Sandeep Sancheti,
Director NIT Delhi & NITK Surathkal Vice Chancellor (Provost) Marwadi University, Rajkot
(for inaugural session) and Prof. M. P. Gupta, Modi Foundation Chair Professor, Department of
Management Studies, IIT Delhi (for valedictory session). The function was presided over by
Honorable Director Dr. A.M Rawani NIT Raipur. The experts were invited from various
countries for effective industry institute interactions.
A two-day virtual industrial institute conclave was organized by National and Industrial Collaboration Cell (NICC) of the Institute at National Institute of Technology on October 31 and November 1, 2020. The main aim of this conclave is to bridge the gap between academic institutions and industry, so that the institute can prepare engineers for the industry.
Our institute has signed MoU with National Highway Authority of India (NHAI) & Taylormade Renewables Limited (TRL) during valedictory program. The objective of the MoU was to promote R & D activities and to bridge the gap with industry and institute.
National and Industrial Cell (NICC) of National Institute of Technology Raipur has conducted “Industry Institute Conclave -2019” on Nov 8-9, 2019. Dr ShobhaLata Sinha (Chairperson, NICC), Dr N V Swami Naidu (Member) and Mr. HarendraBikrol (Associate Professor) have organized the program successfully under the guidance of Dr. A M Rawani, Director, NIT Raipur, CG. In the program eminent speakers from various institute and industries had been invited. The aim and objectives of this CONCLAVE is to make close interactions of various Engineering Disciplines and Industries and help the institute in making Industry / Corporate ready Engineer through modified syllabus, incorporating new/emerging technologies, upgrading and uplifting lab facilities in the Institute.
A special interaction session during Global-Alumni meet at NIT Raipur, was organized on 24th Dec., 2017.
During this session Dr. A. M. Rawani, Director NIT Raipur interacted with alumni, running their own or holding senior positions in industry to explore the synergistic partnership opportunities.
The strength of various departments were highlighted and proposal from mutual interactions were invited. The Industry-Institute Interaction Cell of the Institute released an information brochure ‘Collaboration’ to facilitate it.
Industry Institute Interaction Cell (IIIC) of NIT Raipur have conducted one day interaction conclave on 16th September 2016 at Hotel Babylon Inn. Fourteen different companies have participated in same., NIT Raipur have signed the MOU with Cold Forge, Faridabad, Haryana, a Brassoforge® group of company, and another with Jaiswal NECO Industries Ltd. Siltara